| 26 September 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Rerednaw A unique take on a contemporary romantic comedy. Written very well, with life throwing both ups and down at the characters. Just the right touch of the charming twist of an ending to each show. Excellent acting, great scripts. To the point of saying, "hey...that happened to me!" Sadly like many great shows, this one was mismanaged into oblivion by the network, ABC. Changing time slots, preempting a new episode for a rerun of a crummy movie instead. It's like they wanted the show to fail. Years later, I still miss this show. I mean this show even has Human (the Pretenders) as a theme cool is that?
    ReinaMissy I've been somewhat surprised by the cult-like following of this show by fans; the premise sounded flimsy and silly. A guy thinks he's the god of love in modern-day Chicago and his mission is to bring couples together? Perhaps I'm too cynical, but the synopsis sounded way too far-fetched to be quality television, comedic or otherwise.Having just had the privilege of viewing the first three episodes, I have to wonder what fool at ABC cancelled this excellent show far too soon. The trio of Jeremy Piven, Paula Marshall and Jeffrey Sams shines in this more-than-lighthearted look at life and relationships, and how our very modern cynicism can color and distort our views of them.At least HBO has execs with intelligence! I'd love to see this fine, fine show released on DVD.
    Darguz Which is, unfortunately, mostly what succeeds on TV these days. Shows such as Cupid are just too intelligent, and go over the head of Average Joe TV Viewer (or Average Joe TV Executive). With all the proliferation and specialization of TV channels these days, maybe some day we can have an "Intelligent TV Channel" where shows like these can flourish and those too dim to "get it" can just remove it from their channel rotation.Any TV producers out there reading this -- there's an idea for you. Create an "Intelligent TV Channel", and give us shows like this, or Max Headroom, Brimstone, Key West, etc. You could even call it that, as a dig at the mindless drivel that pours off the screen most of the time.
    flute_ian In my city, this show was poorly promoted. I stumbled across Episode #5 or so, and was able to catch it only a half dozen times before it was stupidly cancelled by ABC. This made me so angry I realized what a waste of time it is to watch TV at all. Seldom do I bother with it anymore. I certainly avoid ABC like the plague. I think someone should purchase the rights and finish off the intended 84 more episodes. This show will have its own university class years from now. A couple of the episodes are totally priceless: the "Jazz guitarist Dad" and "Don Jaun-Sancho" etc. As well, there were some orchestrated songs, on the Christmas show, for example, that were the best in the biz.