TV-14 | 19 February 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Kasper Hviid This is a TV-series called CULT which is about a mysterious TV-series which is also called CULT. A recursive TV-series, how clever is that? Actually, the series a bit too clever for its own good. It is cleverness without a cause. The writer just want to flash his cleverness in the viewers face.At first, the series self-reference is just awesome, and sends your mind spinning. Even if the blatant exposure of cleverness is ever so pretentious, I have to admit that the cleverness is indeed very, very clever, hence my rating. But the gimmick eventually wears of, leaving behind a very bland show.I love X-FILES, KOLCHAK, TWIN PEAKS and DOCTOR WHO. These series delivers characters that I wants to spend my time with. But CULT, like the series LOST, don't have anyone that I care about. The entire cast could die, it wouldn't bother me; the reason I watch those shows is not because they are entertaining, but that they keep my curiosity alive: The promise of this awesome, sparkling revelation.In other words, CULT and LOST is all about the destination, not the ride itself. It is a bit like religion, which also promises that you'll get you reward when it is all over.I just did a Google search to find out how LOST ends; if the ride itself is bland, why not take a shortcut?
    bulldoza The lengths to which one should go to avoid this show should not be underestimated. I would rather be buried alive upside down than be subjected to the unending sub-par story line and acting.Wonder if someone is a bad guy, oh you'll know. They look at you with an evil grimace and immediately kidnap someone to prove it. Every 'clue' is found with unbelievable ease, while flipping through pages of nonsense and the scribbles of a mad man the protagonist, Jeff, stumbles upon every consecutive clue in order in the search for his missing brother.Everything technical or technology based is unrealistic and leads to such bizarre and preposterous conclusions in the pot-hole filled story line with fragmented dialogue and appalling one liners.Do not waste your time and watch this drivel. Having said that, I am now watching the second episode, it is so bad it has become a form of entertainment.
    uzm2000 Knowing T-bag is in the cast, I had high expectation but that didn't help as i found the story quite unrealistic and overall acting sub-par.Sound effect to make it more dramatic was quite cheap... anyways, the episode wasn't simply engaging at all. Given it's the first episode, it was way below my expectation.. The main female lead is quite charming and that help but the lack of effort on an overall acting, cheesy use of sound effect, unrealistic theme of the story all made it difficult to watch thru the whole episode.I expected something like Se7en but unfortunately this new drama struck me more as a teenager drama, unfortunately.
    johnboyblues This show has a good cast. All of them know what they are doing,even, if at times, we (the audience) may not.As the lead-in synopsis suggest, this is a show within a show. You are watching a show about a cult that has a strange influence or following on viewers who watch the TV show "Cult", which is the show within the show.Confused? I was at times watching the first episode but gradually I became acclimated to what was happening. It has me intrigued enough that I will undoubtedly watch another episode to determine if I can get any real enjoyment out of it. If you are into the hoodoo voodoo style of "666 Park Avenue" or the 'what's going to happen next' genre of "Lost", then this might be for you.The plot is totally unbelievable but the storyline is good and creative so the series will probably be on a long list of future viewings of mine unless it meets an untimely demise as did "666 Park Avenue" which I also enjoyed (and critiqued).