| 28 October 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    pperkins-15552 I don't usually write reviews but I became so cross when I heard that 'Cuffs' was axed. I just could not understand this decision and wrote straight away to Ben Stevenson who chooses drama at the BBC. Cuffs is a brilliant programme, wonderful acting, clever story lines ... a programme which entertains as well as educating. I am 72 so you can imagine the load of rubbish I have seen throughout the years and suddenly this gem of a series crops up. I nearly missed it as I don't usually start watching anything until 9 pm. I have two grandchildren of 16 and 18 and this is the kind of programme they enjoy...much better than the rubbish and unbelievable story lines of programmes like Eastenders which I never watch. What is the BBC doing about this mistake? Please use some sense and bring this series back. Polly Perkins
    Barry Stevens For me this was the best show of 2015 with all the story lines that was going on and some great acting.Deeply impressed with Jacob Ifan, Peter Sullivan, Eleanor and Alex just to mention some of the talent on display in this short series I honestly believe that the BBC has made a grave error of judgement in cancelling the show. The police shows have gone out of fashion in the last decade if it is not about constant murders the varied stories for me made the show stand out against the other shows in the genre. Tiger Aspect created a great universe with great character arks.
    Martin Adams Others have mentioned the show seems like an attempt at finding a show to replace The Bill. Sadly this is not it, The Bill was essential viewing for many of us, a memorable tune, memorable characters, interesting real life stories. Cuffs is trying so hard to be politically correct that its managing to be irritating, as opposed to providing entertainment. There are more clichés then you could shake a stick at. Its aim was clearly to show the daily life of a Police team, and what they've produced is a soap opera which happen to contain Police Officers. Doctors would make more suitable evening viewing. Having lived in Brighton I applaud it for using it to film.
    rodders81 I was looking forward to this series; yet only the BBC would focus more time and energy on diversity than a good drama.I am still not sure if this is a comedy or a drama? The characters are fluffy stereotypes with no depth as if plucked from the TRUEMAN show. There is an old adage that says "it's the imperfections that makes something perfect". Here so much effort had been made in preening the actors, hair and make up perfect that you just can't imagine them completing a 14 hour shift or relating to actual people on the streets.To many rushed plots forced into a short space of time. (Less can be more, devil is in the detail) Conversation between characters are one liners, wooden and forced. The new probationer is too cocky, weak and annoying. If only there was more edgy banter, something that relates to real life and not from a teenage novel. However the settings in Brighton are awesome and great to see.