Combat Hospital
Combat Hospital
TV-14 | 21 June 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    jbell7 I also did a tour in Kandahar and I have to say the other solider who posted on here is a little dramatic. A little too Army I say. It's a TV show and they're doing they're best to tell life like stories of what goes on at Role 3. I was in KAF and Forward Op bases and all over the province of Kandahar. and spent some time in Role 3, they do a pretty darn good job of showing what it's really like there. I think the acting is good, stories are good and I really quite enjoy watching the show and hope they come back for a second season. And to my soldier friend below relax and don't watch it. Overall great show, keep it going.
    dilarasdad Are viewers ready for another 'doctor show'? Are they ready for a show that deals with a situation that dominates the nightly news? Regardless of recent activities abroad, it's obvious that the producers are only interested in recouping their investment.While some may 'try' to compare the show to a past military themed comedy, the show smacks of a road map to 'China Beach'. It's hardly a comedy and it doesn't take a writing wizard to figure out that the most successful shows that have a theme that encompasses a particular military conflict are usually written and produced several years after the fact so as not to inflame relatively fresh wounds. Completely bad timing! But who can expect writers and producers to figure that out? I do – if they're Canadian. Only US producers make mistakes like this.Anyone that's been to Afghanistan, (three years here), knows that the show is quite unrealistic in many respects. No need to go into details, because there are so many.
    Will Merrett I watched the first 4 episodes of Combat Hospital and was underwhelmed with this new show. There appears to be very little character development done and only one storyline per episode. The writing is poor at best. Thanks to Canadian content laws we will see lots of this show as there does not appear to be other Canadian made shows to replace it....yet. There are some interesting characters in the show but the lead actress Michelle Borth is not lead material. She does not have what it takes to carry this show. Elias Koteas is a fine actor and does a great job of portraying Col Xavier Marks. Writer Gub Neal has done some fine writing in the past but the episodes he wrote for this show are lacking.I would have a hard time recommending this show to anyone.
    odinsjoke Well....I am up for new shows and thought this was worth watching. Sad to say, it is just too hard to get through. The acting is fine and all.....but for some one who has been to Afghanistan multiple times, I was hoping for something more realistic. The story lines have no depth and the scenes are unrealistic. Example....episode 2 starts with a tarantula walking across the shower wall and the Canadian Doctor shoots it. Later it is referred to as a camel spider. Anyone who has seen a camel spider knows what they look like and they are very aggressive. That was no camel spider. The show is not gritty and not powerful enough to get veterans to watch it and be impressed. Maybe that isn't the focus group intended....but that is the group really passing judgment. Suggestion for the producers/writers and directors.....go for something along the line of The Unit if you can't muster up HBO quality (The Wire/Rome for example). The Unit was exciting to watch, good story line and fine acting....even close to something that is realistic. Too bad it got cut as the story line was just developing. Just hope this show gets better....still watching and jury is still out.
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