Century City
Century City
| 16 March 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    einat b This show presented the cheesiest form when saying "futuristic" (made in early 2000's & meant to imitate 30-40 years forwards). I think the creators did it on purpose- so if you put that "out of the way" you can focus on the stories. Each episode have 1-2-3 stories with a moral wacky problem.I doubt TV today will dare to make something like this, show was probably taken down after religious outcry, or people just didn't get it .
    yeojennifer I really found the ideas behind the show interesting. It may not have been for everyone's taste, but they certainly didn't hide from the big issues, such as cloning and plastic surgery. I only caught 3 episodes but I thought they were very aware of the issues that are being addressed in courtrooms and laboratories around the world. Some of them scenes did disturb me but so does CSI and that show is thankfully not going anywhere soon. Iam a big Ioan Gruffudd fan and thought his first foray into American television was very brave and as always, I applaud his choice to stay away from the mainstream.I may also mention that having my sentence structure changed because the 'system' doesn't think I have enough lines is annoying.
    PaulMemoli The show was long gone before I ever heard of it, but thanks to the "world wide web" I have been able to see a few episodes. The people who truly enjoyed and understood this show probably voted for John Kerry... the ones who ignored it or actively disliked it are playing in the Bushes... (sorry, couldn't resist!)I think of myself as a Transhuman - that is, I embrace the future and all that science can offer while trying to be aware of the accompanying risks.Consider - for example a real life issue - Monsanto's "Round Up" It is a pesticide and herbicide. If you grow Monsanto gene-engineered corn and soy you can use Round Up to kill all the weeds. The plants have a gene that makes them impervious to the chemical. Unfortunately the "brains" behind "Round-Up) did not think it thru... Round-up also penetrated the ground and killed all the worms and stuff that lived under the ground, the bugs that keep a farm land viable. After a couple of years in one Mexican area, entire farms were turned to desert.Monsanto screwed up royally.. but this story was practically buried in the back pages of major newspapers. Meanwhile, people in America wonder why Europe does not want anything to do with our "Frankenfoods"... perhaps if they were better informed, and included shows like Century City in their TV routines, we would all be better off.
    deanbear I saw the previews for this series on CBS, and I thought "cool, a cross-genre program."Guess what? This isn't cool.Granted, the creators of "Century City" were trying something new with this combination of legal drama and near-future sci-fi, but they didn't think this all the way through. With a viewing public that is used to exemplary legal dramas such as "L.A. Law," "The Practice," and the "Law & Order" franchise, you have to make the stories compelling enough to catch the viewers attention and make them want to watch. This show fails to do so. Granted, the show *looks* great, with state of the art visual effects, and the cast is well chosen (with the exception of Nestor Carbonell, who is more suited to comedy,) and I will watch anything with Hector Elizondo mainly because he is one of the finest character actors we have today.But strong acting and great visuals can't make a show great. Plotline has been and always will be a cornerstone of a great legal drama, and this show just doesn't have it (yet.) I'm willing to give the writers a bit of time to hash out the storylines (and I hope that they will,) because the concept shows promise.