Brooklyn South
Brooklyn South
| 22 September 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    tusseymic The fact that this series ran only one season is a travesty. It's true it was competing with football etc...however, Steven Boccho and David Milch actually focused on the street officer in uniform. A tremendous cast of Gary Basaraba who made the show go..but outstanding performances by actors like James Sitking ( Hill Street Blues, Dylan Walsh, Michael Deluise (from NYPD Blue )Titus Welliver,Jon Tenny and Richard Jones. Klea Scott and Yancy Butler portrayed women police officers who interacted very well with their counterparts week after week and did their jobs very well. The series targeted the very essence of police work and that is, working the streets. It focused on the officer's duty,their personal lives, traumas and stress as they put their lives on the line every time they walked out the door of the 74th precinct. It is true there has been police series on TV, dating back to Dragnet (featuring detectives) Adam 12 ( almost robotic in nature ), William Shatner as TJ Hooker in 1982. Even Hill Street Blues featured the street officer in uniform, but was almost comedic when you consider the reflection of this mythical police department, where the officers didn't conform to the departmental regulation of the uniform..officers were allowed to wear corporate baseball caps, cowboy boots etc..with no fear of reprisal. James Sitking played a mercenary predator who was the commander of the SWAT team who wanted to utilize his latest weapons no matter what circumstances demanded. This is not to mention Renko (a loose cannon ) who in most departments would have been sent to see the department psycologist. But, none the less, it was a great show which lasted for years. The weekly scripts were outstanding addressing the controversial issues of the day while still reflecting the professionalism of the Police Officer in a positive way. This series may be history now, but it is available on DVD. I highly recommend it. Given what the choices are today, 10 years should be welcomed back..regardless of critic opinion and "ratings". We lost a good series here.
    preppy-3 A pretty good cop show by Steven Bochco. It got a lot of controversy at the time because the pilot show had (for TV) a pretty graphic scene where a man gets shot in the head.It started out with fairly good ratings but slowly sank till it was canceled. It was was no masterpiece but people kept comparing it to "NYPD Blue" which was a better show--there was no way they could compete. Still it was well-acted and written--I especially liked Jon Tenney as one of the main characters. Towards the end (in a desperate attempt to get higher ratings) they had an episode where Tenney showed his butt and publicized it a LOT. Unfortunately it didn't save the show.So, a pretty good show that deserved a better chance.
    movieman_kev A Steven Boncho production that lasted only one season. Partly because of airing opposite of the target audience's Monday Night Football, partly because of not one of the characters connecting to the little audience this show managed to keep after maybe a handful of episodes. I watched perhaps 4 episodes before I gave up on it during it's network TV run. Later, when it was released on DVD, I decided to give it another chance primarily on the strength of the superb first episode alone. Again I found that as the episodes wore on, my interest began to wane again. This show may be realistic, it may be well acted, but it doesn't have the spark that either "Hill Street Blues", "NYPD Blue", or to a less extant "S.W.A.T" did. The show committed the sin of not having anyone in the cast that stands out and is relatable for me. It just seemed a retread of story lines from other better productions.My overall grade: C Complete Series DVD Extras: Commentary by Co-creator David Milch on the Pilot; a 14 minute interview with Steven Boncho; Cast & Crew bios; and a list of police response codes
    George Parker "Brooklyn South", from the minds who brought us "NYPD Blue", is a one-season-wonder TV drama series about the street cops at the 74th precinct in Brooklyn, NY. Where sibling series "NYPD Blue" focused on the detectives, "Brooklyn South" takes us into the lives of uniformed patrol cops spreading its complex, fast moving stories over about ten no nonsense characters weaving its plot lines into short, mid, and long term story threads while spending most of the 45 minute episode time on cops and cop issues with action, "perps", and other characters used only as necessary. Series' stories are a pleasing mix of humor and drama, pathos and poignancy, gritty reality and entertaining contrivances which show the Brooklyn cops to be as vulnerable and human as they are tough and determined. Worth a look by cop show junkies or anyone who enjoyed "NYPD Blue", this entertaining DVD watch will take a little time to "get into" because of the number of characters and the intricacies of the stories. (B+)