Bridget & Eamon
Bridget & Eamon
| 01 February 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    aimee095 Truly good comedy, excellent writing, for anyone who appreciates comedy as art
    chriskoczka-64473 As a Yank that lived in Ireland for half a year in the the 70's and visited in the 80's and in 2010, I find "Bridget & Eamon" to be a right proper comedy. From gregarious to the subtle, humor abounds, minute to minute, in this old-world-Irish send-off. Rarely can so many clichés be acceptably jammed packed into 24 minutes with such great results. I highly recommend this 5 star comedy. It's well written and nicely performed.
    rjwright100 I must also respectfully disagree with the one star review. This show is funny and clever, and completely over the top (in the best possible way). I watched the first episode with little hope, but then found myself binge watching the entire season in one day.In my opinion, Bridget & Eamon is one of the funniest shows to ever come out of Ireland -- give it a try.
    mrtomblake I managed to catch the second episode of Bridget & Eamon. Admittedly it takes time for comedies to develop. Unfortunately I can see no foundation on which to build a series. It will take time for the "talent" to fix the many problems in the show, which will be difficult because they don't appear to have any talent. They need the live audience from The Big Bang Theory, experts at laughing at nothing. The closest we get to comedy is characters shouting loudly, a badly choreographed fight scene and the F bomb being dropped for no reason. The writers may have attempted to write jokes, but have seemingly only succeeded in making themselves laugh, and no one else. Sure, Jerry Seinfeld only wanted Larry David to laugh,and vice versa, but they were intelligent and articulate. They're witty observations tapped into a collective conscience. There's nothing in Bridget & Eamon that anyone can relate to. It's set in the 80's, broadcast in 2016 but has nothing to say about either time period. It takes place in an alternate universe, a live action series which inexplicably contains cartoon characters. And there's the biggest problem, characters. Eamon is a big, loud fool. He gets drunk, threatens to fight himself and falls over. I've seen that character far too often in television and movies, enough. Bridget is a one dimensional Hyacinth Bucket knock off, who tortures dogs with her high pitched whining. Episode two is awful. There's no evidence in that episode that the series could improve. Even if it does, I'll never watch it again. Bridget & Eamon episode two is the worst thing I've ever seen on television.