TV-MA | 08 October 2005 (USA)

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    Clevercell Very disappointing...
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    threenorns-1 it wasn't bad enough for me to shut off, but it wasn't good enough for me to actually watch it. i had it on the monitor next to me and honestly, i think i actually watched about 5min out of every 2 or 3 episodes, yet was able to follow the story perfectly.what is right: cool concept. kai has a pleasant voice. haji is hot.what is not: where to start!??first off, have they never heard of background music? the music in here is minimal, used strictly in the same way as a laugh track - to let you know that this scene is actually pretty dramatic so you can stop laughing now.the art: two-dimensional and pretty rudimentary, really. artists need to learn how to draw noses - Saya and others were often drawn with noses cut so short they looked like skull-faces.credibility: are there seriously - SERIOUSLY - no people with epicanthic folds in all of japan and Vietnam? why do they all have Japanese names if they're all white, blonde, blue-eyed, etc?the voices: dreadful. i was on the 8th episode before i discovered that the reason the German accent was so awful was because the character was, in fact, french. a million foreign accents tossed into a polyglot salad and not a one of them done right. the Jamaican accent was particularly painful - it takes more than using a Swedish Chef accent and throwing in the word "mon" at the end of every sentence to make a Jamaican accent.the storyline: okay, i'm sorry, but that bit with riku? that was just pervy. lay off the perv, guys - i don't care if you're Japanese, different culture, blah blah, you're marketing over here, now.the blue roses: .... i have no idea what that was all about.haji: halfway through the series, i was actually speaking to him saying "omg, dude! grow a pair!". it got very tedious listening to him pledge his undying love again and again and again with those mopey, soulful gazes that she'd return with eyes brimming with all the love and affection of a dead salmon.saya: whiny, whimpering little sot.i changed my mind - from a 4, i'm making this a 2. not bad enough to be actually awful, but not good enough to watch, definitely not for a second time.
    LordBish34 Its interesting how some people can go from its awful to this is a must see anime. I will tell you how it is from a guy who liked it, but does not place it above its place in anime.First off I do recommend this show, however with a warning. If you liked the original anime, you are going to be getting a slightly less adult version in this one, its very close to a teen drama in anime form. It also starts off very slow, to the point some of the episodes leave you feeling you didn't really have to see them to understand or enjoy the show. This is especially true of the first 24 eps.But if you can get through them, you will be rewarded in the end, as far as I know this series had about 50 eps. At about eps 33 this show takes off in a slightly more mature direction, the characters seem to almost improve overnight from eps 32 to 33. It gives the feeling like they decided to change direction for the series, poss do to some criticism of the previous eps.The show ends very well, and by this time, due in large part to the second half of the series, you are very invested in key characters like Saya and Haji and to a lesser extent Diva and Kai so the ending has a high emotional impact.Now is this an anime to go down in history? a must have? no its not. While its story is solid, it is definitely dragged out far longer than needed, as I said earlier you can skip episodes with little loss of story or character development, While there are good moments, you definitely get the feeling they padded the story. In all honesty the story could have been told well in 1/3 the episodes.Saya's character I think for some will be a let down, and can be downright annoying to watch early on in the series. Her growth is also exceedingly slow, in the end the characterization still doesn't end up being quite right, not to say it isn't good, just not right. This may be in part to the teen drama feel of the show, even though they changed that half way through she herself doesn't quite get over the hump entirely.These two elements by themselves keep this series out of the great anime category.I do believe the series is worth a look, I enjoyed the second half immensely, so don't get discouraged in the beginning because it does get better and as I said earlier it does pay off when you get to the end.
    adilson-2 Wat can I say about blood+ well I'll go straight to it "It rocks", the story line is intriguing,every episode will make you watch the next one since questions are always bought forward but never answered i.e. Saiku was she made, why does her blood destroy the monsters, what is diva and if you have watched up to episode 13 "Is diva a creature cause thats what they hint. The anime series start slow with Saiku practising at school but in a rapid way her world gets twisted and she finds out more the she can handle, i love how her friend awakes her by giving her blood on the beginning episodes (I forgot his name cant be bothered to watch d episode to find the name). The best thing about blood its not just mad killing it has a plot and it gives hints about Siuku & what she is, however it doesn't answer the questions. This anime is more for a mature audience who enjoy action, great story line & cool graphics. The sad thing bout blood+ its d time its Tooo short, every time the best parts come i.e. when she looses control, it ends and i must wait for the next episode. Then we get the baddies (excuse the wording) they play an important row as they seem to know more about Saiku then we do ,however its hard to tel if they actually fear her or not. The anime has a lot of twists, i admit it may start slow but it is worth watching. "If anyone knows where i can find episodes 14 above please post it here so i can review it" Your host A.D.
    ph8te Saya is a mysterious girl that doesn't know her past . As she regains her memory, Saya discovers most of her "life", not true. Can't wait to see episode 3! New to anime? I recommend the 2001 release, "Blood: The Last Vampire". Its shows what the best of anime is all about, and you meet Saya (vampire anti heroine) for the first time. She's a warrior like Kill Bill , ala "Bladette". It's still not clear what the relationship is between Saya, and the U.S. Miltarys' Black Ops Squad. I want to see the origins of this character , that seems to be where they're going. So far so good. The biggest surprise of all was the music production. Academy Award Winner, Hans Zimmer (Gladiator)! There are brilliant performances by a cellist that provides amazing musical depth to one of the main characters in this series. This one is a winner!
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