Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
TV-G | 15 September 1990 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    benschmidt-48911 The show had good elements. The pollution and caring about our planet (being environmentally friendly).But there were elements, that were much to much of political doctrin.Spoiler alert!Overpopulation. I don't know if captain planet and the planeteers ever was released in countries like India, China (althought they are reglemented by the one child policie some years ago, now its limited to two) and even Africa.But the funny thing is: Europe and Northamerica, even Russia don't really have problem like overpopulation. But other parts of the world do have.So what I disliked was this topic and all the other hidden political agenda (as a kid you may not notice its about social policy). Its a children series not a teen - series. So much to early to put topics like overpopulation (that requires Sex or in vitro fertilisation) in an animated TV series.
    TheBlueHairedLawyer Captain Planet, I used to like it when I was a little kid, and I thought that saving the earth and going green and all that other garbage was so important. But I was seven, I also loved the color pink and wanted to be a pony when I grew up. My opinions back then on environmentalism were largely influenced by adults, by the school's forced recycling program, by movies like Ferngully and The Toxic Crusaders and that sort of thing.Looking back on it now, I've only just realized how much environmentalism is forced on kids. Kids these days are told early-on that "polluters are monsters, hippies are wonderful" and that they need to recycle, drive hybrid cars when they grow up, buy only biodegradable organic items and hate pollution. I used to believe all those things, but since then I've realized that all of that "go green" extremism garbage is all just a waste of time.Captain Planet is pretty dorky, just saying. The main characters are a bunch of hippie teenagers and this adult man who looks like he took a few too many steroids, flying around and attacking anything or anyone that causes pollution. His enemy looks like a walking, talking cheese slice wearing a red leotard, Captain Pollution. Captain Pollution's cohorts are all pollution-loving teenagers (I'm on Captain Pollution's side). In all honesty Captain Pollution and his group were the only ones on this show who weren't pathetic cardboard cutouts of ideal environmentalists. The soundtrack to the whole show is really lame and I'm surprised I never noticed this when I was a little kid. This show isn't worth anyone's time, it's a waste of animation and money that could've been used to make something much better.
    reddragonhero17 I was a young kid back in the early 90's searching for something action-packed. When I found this show, I found a win-win solution: gives you the battle action I sought out and provided good messages about the world at the same time. For those who say this is preachy and/or cheesy, leave your pride at the back door and take the message as is. It is good the way it is. Edward Asner (Hoggish Greedly) said, "We're a nation of waste, and others are following. We need to set a good example". Good point. Ever since I first laid eyes on this show, I have become a dedicated environmentalist. The voice cast is all terrific and among my favorites are LeVar Burton (Kwame my favorite planeteer) and Whoopi Goldberg (Gaia). Even after so many years it is still fun to watch. The messages are still relevant to today, particularly the one quote that tells you that no matter who you are and what your abilities are you can make a difference, "The Power is Yours!" -Captain Planet
    Salazar "Captain Planet" is a kids show that's all environmentally friendly and is about saving endangered species and combating global warming. The Planeteers with the help of the dude himself, CAPTAIN PLANET, fight the bad guys (sorry, I don't remember their names. It's been ages and ages since I watched "CP"), who cause all of the problems. The episode then ends with some tips about being environmentally friendly.If only "Captain Planet" was still going nowadays; what with global warming and endangered species dying and all, then probably we would take more responsibility and all combat global warming and save the whales and the tigers, etc...Anyways, my conclusion is that "Captain Planet" was a very educational (and pretty dark and scary) show that we can all learn a lesson from. The only problem is that we can't summon Captain Planet (and the ONLY person that's the closet to him is Al Gore- but he's not a super hero!) to save the world, so we all gotta be the Planeteers and save it ourselves.Watch this show and feel guilty.That is all from my useless babbling. Thank you for reading.