Below the Surface
Below the Surface
| 02 April 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
    Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
    Monkeywess This is an astonishing documentary that will wring your heart while it bends your mind
    Walter Sloane Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
    Myriam Nys Well-acted Danish crime series about a chilling theme which, tragically enough, has become quite plausible. There's a lot of suspense, thanks to a few truly ingenious surprise twists. All of this sounds nice enough, but sadly the plot is as holed as a pair of old shoes. To quote but one example : the hostage takers speak English, consistently. It is pretty clear, from the beginning, that it might be a good idea to make an educated guess about the geographical origins of the hostage takers, in order to study their motives and belief systems. As a result it might be a good idea to examine the said English - is it the English of people raised in Nigeria, France, Saudi Arabia, China ? Or is the answer to be found much closer to home ? Strangely enough, no one tries his hand at this kind of exercice - and it's not as if Denmark, one of the best educated countries on Earth, lacks linguists, university professors, English teachers, interpreters, speech therapists, ambassadors, cosmopolitan travellers, and so on. While we're at it, Denmark is not exactly short of refugees and immigrants either.Finally I was bemused by the underlying message. Am I right in saying, that the series is actually pleading in favour of the payment of ransom in exchange for soldiers captured by an enemy ? In wartime ? In this case I can only say that this is a very very very very stupid idea. The makers of the series deserve to be put in front of a blackboard. Here, for punishment, write us a hundred lines of "Pecunia nervus belli". Or, if one likes to remain within Latin proverbs 101 : "Experientia magistra stultorum" would do as well. ("The wise are able to predict negative effects, while the stupid only learn when the problem bites them in the ass".)
    drnotout Well, what a waste of time that series was. Absolutely incredible plot lines and totally unbelievable characterisations. I tried to hang onto the plot, but it just didn't work. For example, a small group of terrorists (a noun that the BBC would never allowed to be used) get holed up in an underground space that has a lift shaft providing direct access. Yet none of bumbling police ever consider using gas to subdue the protagonists and thus facilitate a rescue - oh no, that would never do. The ending was the true low point of this disappointing drama with the only winners being the other distant terrorists. BBC4 has subjected us to some real stinkers in the Saturday evening drama slot recently and I'm not sure there is any light at the end of this particular tunnel. By complete contrast, I confidently predict that the upcoming fourth series of Michael Connelly's Bosch on Amazon will make up these Scandinavian deficiencies.
    galah2 Some of the plot architecture from The Killing is in place. The title is the way in. What is hidden. Defence Chiefs with "whatever it takes" mindsets will sacrifice their men. Below the surface of each of the hostages lives was a secret prised out by the drama and very original too: a devoted nurse who went blank, a hippy grandmother who cost her grandson his life; a diabetic, a karate teacher on the brutal edges of Danish society.We are not looking after our vets, who haunt the streets with PTSD. Nothing is simple. how many of us were ready to believe the hostage takers were radical Muslims.Good show if you stick with it. and what a pleasure is the cinematography
    Peter-1480 Contrary to another review here I did not find the story line to be long or boring - There are some many factors running at the same time so I literally could not stop watching it and ended up watching the entire series in one session (long session). Thanks to a, in my opinion, good plot, and with an ever changing aspect of who and what which keeps you guessing until almost the end. I think the signal or message the series is trying to send is a fair bit different to the one the other reviewer has gotten and I think it again takes up the baton in bringing the ugly face of PTSD up again, something which is very much needed and cannot be done enough. I will not say too much here as I think people should watch the series themselves - but I thought it was rather great.
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