Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
| 08 September 1990 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Platypuschow I really liked the Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes movie franchise, it managed four films ranging from the 1970's to the 1990's and a certain amount of it's essence was captured in this Saturday morning cartoon.With the same characters, couple of the same voices and much of the same humour it showed real promise until you realised how watered down it was for the kids.Plenty of the humour will have gone over children's heads but not enough of it. And for that reason it wasn't overly appealing to either kids or adult fans of the movies thus it only lasted 2 seasons.Sadly the show nose dived further with the second season which was made by different people. The animation quality dipped, the writing was full on kids show and lost the original feel and the continuity died a death as if the writers had never watched the first season.Due to this the viewing figures dropped and the show was swiftly cancelled. Though it never met its potential this was a shame as if the show had continued the way season 1 had it may well have reached cult status.For fans of the franchise I'd give this a lesser recommendation but for anyone else it's a hard pass.The Good: First series does continue the movies theme John Astin is great The Bad: Every episode is a mixed bag of conflicting demographicsSecond season is rather weak Things I Learnt From This Show: The Professor isn't mad, he's angry The Season 2 writers need to retire from the industry If a tomato eats and spits out a human they become a tomato but if a tomato eats and spits out a tomato they become human. Wait, what!?
    Broudie69 This was one of the greatest cartoons of my childhood, I wish it'd run for a bit longer because it was funny and very well written. Based loosely on the second film "Return of the killer tomatoes" it only ran for 2-3 series, and I'm pretty sure the second series was also called "Return of the killer tomatoes" Had the very catchy theme tune from the film but only John Astin returned to voice it. It would be great to see it again but I imagine it's nearly impossible to track it down now. Like the other great cartoon series based on a low budget film, "Toxic crusaders", it added to the original film/s
    Dr Wily Maybe, someday, this series can get some more exposure and it will be recognized for so many of the things that it did. The premise is simple, even if silly: building off the movie of the same name, man versus vegetable once again as Dr. Gangreen tries to take over the world with genetically altered love apples. (I guess hate apples in this case.) Technically, the series is more closely related to "Return Of The Killer Tomatoes" and the following 2 sequels. (In fact, some of the cartoon's supporting characters weren't even introduced in the movies yet until several years later.) It pulls most of its characters the sequel. The series itself even had a dual life: the first season was a collection of movie, TV, and novel parodies, with very little continuity between them. The second, and superior, season was episodic, telling a correlated story, up to a point. SPOILERThe second season is where the show really shines because the writers had the guts to not only make the show a more cohesive and better series from the first season, but, they actually had evil win! The killer tomatoes took over the world, and, the rest of the season was a battle to restore a stalemate situation when man tried to drive the tomatoes back again. "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes" also has a very unique distinction. While it was more evident in the second season, this series was the very first computer generated weekly cartoon series, even before "Reboot." While the results were mostly traditional cel animation in looks, it was computer generated. Sadly, this also killed the show. Despite solidly good ratings, the show had to be cancelled after season 2 due to the expense of such a revolutionary idea for the time. The last time this series surfaced was in 1998 on Fox Family, so you may have a difficult time finding it. But, if it ever does air, or you can find someone with the tapes, by all means, give this series a try, especially the second season.
    mainman-2 One of the great eightes movies of yester year, well tv series.It was a very good tv series but could never stand up against the much better sequel to the original film which was kinda lame.Over all, a series worth watching if you can manage to find any episodes.