Armed & Famous
Armed & Famous
| 10 January 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Sam Armed and Famous is a version of COPS with reserve officers who are celebrities instead of sworn officers. It takes place in Muncie, Indiana (a former hometown of mine) and involves real situations.They are under the supervision of full-time sworn officers and have been through the required training to be reserve officers for the Muncie Police Department. In fact, they do have legal arresting powers as any other officer of the law.There are some "personal dramas" that occurred during the show that could have been better off on the cutting room floor, but all in all, it is the same show as COPS.
    Scott Just watched airport 75 the move and saw little Ponch. He's all grown up now but still looks good despite his age. This is a great show and I'm glad they included him in it. I wish he would do more acting then these silly infomercials I always see him on.This show is quite different then the typical "cops" show. There is some good talent on this cast as well. I hope it catches on!!! Tell your friends that Ponch is back. Strange how John never was remembered like good ol' Ponch. I have my DVD Recorder to always record upcoming shows so I don't miss them. Keep up the good work!Thanks for the Entertainment. Scott
    bryanjerelcollins Not an altogether bad start for the program -- but what a slap in the face to real law enforcement. The worst part of the series is that it attempts to bill itself as reality fare -- and is anything but. Men and women that dedicate their lives to the enforcement of laws deserve better than this. What is next, medical school in a minute? Charo performing lipo? Charles Grodin assisting on a hip replacement? C' a little respect. Even the citizens of Muncie are outing the program as staged. Police Academy = High School Gym? Poor editing (how many times can they use the car-to-car shot of the Taco Bell in the background?), cheesy siren effects (the same loop added ad nauseum to every 'call' whether rolling code or not), and last, but not least -- more officer safety issues than you could shake a stick at.If I want to see manufactured police work and wise-ass fake cops, I would watch RENO 911.
    mallorysauntcher A lot of people were giving this show some really big flack from the get go. Without even seeing it. The critics were so ready to give the show grief before it even went out. I watched tonight's episode and I have to admit that I am addicted to it already. The show is just really good. Each of the characters on the show presented themselves as really hard working and very interested in the job that they were asked to do. I was especially impressed with Osbourne, Stratus and Acuna performances. Everyone on the show has made me hooked. Armed and Famous is the new reality show to watch. I will be looking for more Armed and Famous action in the weeks to come. Thanks CBS for working on a great show.