| 25 December 1980 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Armand magic, escape, chain of two worlds, memorable Rumburak and his ring, fragile princess Arabela, extraordinary metamorphosis and Peter as bridge between myth and reality. a series out of age and full of good memories. a tale in perfect sense. and universe of Narnia, Neverending Tale in basic measure, without complicated recipes or strange parables. the reality of Czekoslovakia was present in each part of Communist puzzle. so, it was not only movie for children but , in same measure, image of a society for who many windows was just walls. not political satire; only suggestions. innocent, nice, soft. and the circle is OK. nothing fake, far from special effects or 3D, only marmalade for Sunday. a freedom exercise. nothing else. naive, childish, picture book. and, yesterday was enough. maybe, today too.
    Stefano Detoni I think this is one of the best TV series ever. Unfortunately - as far as I know - it was seen only in its country (Czecoslovakia) and Germany. It was also dubbed in German, thank God, a language I know. Anyway, it is very entertaining both for adults and children, where none of the two has less fun than the other. In its plot the real world and the fairy tales world meet, and produce a third world which is full of incredible and unforeseeable situations. Fantasy and humor play the main role, and we are constantly surprised and amused by always new events and inventions. The director Vaclav Vorlicek gives a further proof of his talent with fairy tales full of humor and original ideas. What maybe is most entertaining are the many spells and transformations of people, animals and objects. Special effects are simple and yet surprising, and made me regret the time when digital techniques where not in use: one had to think out something really interesting and find out good ideas. I would also like to lay stress on the fact that, although the film was shot in the communist period in CZ, there is no trace of political propaganda, which would have spoiled the whole fun. Somebody wrote that one of the reasons why the Czechs were so good in the fairy tales genre, was just the fact that it was a way of escaping from a depressing political situation. Neither are there negative messages which could harm the innocence of children, because characters and situations have the good and the evil in the right place, with no confusion between the two. On top of this, male spectators could fall in love with the fairy bride, the very pretty Jana Nagyová. Take the opportunity of buying the DVD, and enjoy the thirteen episodes of this marvelous TV series, you and your children. It is almost impossible to be disappointed.
    kertschy This is such a warm, wonderful and lovely series. The screenplay, actors and the location are just perfect. This serial connects the "real world" with the world of the well-known fairy tales. A land ruled by a fairy king who rules over Little Red Riding Head, Cinderella, the Sleeping Beauty and many more. The king who has two daughters, vain Xenia and sweet Arabela. Everything is perfect until one day an actor (Mr. Mejer) is asked to read fairy tales on TV. He finds a secret bell and by ringing it, he orders Rumburak, a 2nd grade sorcerer. At first Mr Mejer refuses any wish - in the end he wants to learn how to shoot, as he always makes an idiot of himself at the fairgrounds. So Rumburak takes him to the fairy world (with the help of a big coat) and there, the unfortunate Mr Mejer accidentally shoots the Little Red Riding Head's talking wolf. Of course the king is very enraged about this, as it disturbs the fairy tales. From then on, everything starts. Different persons are beamed into the "other world" by the help of a magic ring. So when some of the fairy characters end up in the real world, they have a real Crocodile Dundee feeling. Marvelling at watches, collecting plastic bags, etc. A wonderful series.
    mirceaar This series, together with the "Expedition Adam '84" ("Die Besucher"/ "Návstevníci"), made by the same crew, are the most entertaining, funny, witty, intelligent, you name it. Unfortunately, I haven't seen since anything that would equal these, not to say top them. Now, that I have access to all kinds of TV stations, all I can see are some absolutely dumb, rubbish (mainly) american series. Stuff that I wouldn't let my kids watch for anything in the world. Maybe there are some worth watching, but I haven't seen or heard of them yet.
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