American Dreams
American Dreams
TV-PG | 29 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    chaos_bleeds89 I loved this show when it first premiered. It had a great cast, enjoyable characters that were built on a strong foundation, and great story lines. I also loved the music incorporated into the show; it added more spark and was fun to sing along with the characters. I really do not know why they canceled it but I know they made a huge mistake. I liked learning about the 1960s and the family and what they did back then. I was 13 when it first premiered and it was cool to see kids around my age in the show. I would loved if the show went more into the 60's but sadly, we would never get to see it. I recommend this show to anyone who likes the 60's or remembers their childhood.
    Virginie Mikaelian No show has made me cry more over little things… the death of Kennedy, all the times Meg says that "she's doing it for JJ", the many scenes with the whole Pryor family worrying about JJ even though you know he's okay… even a hug between father and daughter, or two friends reuniting after being in a fight have made me cry… why? Because the characters don't just overcome things, they push the boundaries and make the world a better place one day at a time. They set the path for what would be the world I live in today: and as a child of the 2000 era (I was born in 1983), it shows me that this world – our world - is a better place because of the fight that was led on by the courageous minds of the 60's and 70's. Honestly, I could watch this show over and over again, because it gives me hope that what we do makes a difference… maybe not on the short run but on the long run, absolutely. It keeps me from becoming jaded. I too want to keep pushing the boundaries, so that 40 years from now, our children can look back and see the work we've done… and the work that's left to do.
    starryone12000 Can someone let me know if the ending of American dreams was shown? If not any idea when....they put on stupid shows and take the best ones off and NBC wonders why they aren't number 1 anymore? Seems t o me that NBC doesn't much listen to its viewers....everyone i know would be right in front of the TV Sunday nights, reminiscent of the days of my youth when every Sunday night the family watched Ed Sullivan and shows like that. It was a great show and brought me right back to when i was a teenager.. the music was great, the storyline was great, the actors were wonderful, why did they take it off? What good are Nielsen ratings if they don't tell what the American fans are really watching and how greedy is NBC....
    kurtmatthew Of course, it's all about ratings and dollars. For 3 years, every Sunday night I watched "American Dreams" -- it was by far the best show on TV. I am afraid quality like this doesn't come around very often. I wish NBC had stuck with this show. Instead we get more banal sitcoms with stereotypes and insipid reality shows. Like "The Wonder Years", "American Dreams" focused on an American family during a very turbulent time in this nation's history. As Americans go through another war, (Iraq) -- one would think that this would have hit a chord with the American public. Apparently, it did not. "American Dreams" had quality acting, writing and production values. It was a show that the entire family could sit down and enjoy. Sunday nights are definitely not the same. When the show's cancellation was announced last Spring -- I was hoping another network would pick it up. But, unfortunately no.