Aliens in the Family
Aliens in the Family
| 15 March 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    bcgrote The premise of this show wasn't bad, but it's timing and time slot may have done it in.Alien Brady Bunch? Perhaps. The baby had funny lines that became catchphrases around my house. Alien kids from Henson's Muppet Shop, so they were quality. I would have liked to see more, and see the episodes I missed which may have given exposition on the looks of the kids...Well written, to my mind. Easy to watch, laughs abound in each episode. Is that so bad? It was supposed to be a comedy. However, most well written comedies don't survive anywhere on TV, much less basic cable. Such a shame.Nice lighthearted fare, safe for the whole family.
    rickjacobs1 I used to work for the Jim Henson Company, who produced this show for ABC.Eight episodes were made in total but ABC only broadcast 2 in prime time, then when they put it on Saturday mornings I think it only lasted a week or two...It wasn't a bad show, it was kind of a case of Henson management trying to do something original but they communication was so poor in the company that what came out was probably not as good as intended. We sold this show along with the new Muppet Show (MUPPETS TONIGHT) with a lot of fanfare, and my job was to pick up the pieces from all the networks who bought AITF at top dollar and scheduled it in prime time, only to hear that it was canceled right away and there will be no more episodes... shame it's not on DVD as it would probably do well as a cult show.
    Greg Bulmash At 35, this is the worst sitcom I can remember seeing in my entire life. Considering some of the stinkers to hit TV, that's a heck of a distinction. The mixed puppet/human cast (some sort of bad Alf rip-off) didn't work. The characters were awful and the jokes were pitifully hackneyed. If they showed this on a TV in a prison, the convicts could sue for cruel and unusual punishment. It was that BAD.Anyone who fondly remembers this was probably 4 years old when they saw it, because anyone over that age (or over that *mental* age) would be hard pressed to stomach one episode of this.
    absurdity101 Aliens in the Family is really the Meccah of the absurd. The show makes no sense, it doesn't pretend that it makes sense, and it proudly wears it's complete and utter disregard for quality. I guess the show has a "plot" of some sort, but that really doesn't matter. There is absolutely no reason to watch this show, unless your looking for the cheesiest, campiest, most poorly written, most poorly acted, most blatantly horrible show ever made. Watching this show is much like commiting suicide. You know it's probably not the best thing to do, but that doesn't mean you've never contemplated it. Normal writing can't describe this, so I've written a Haiku. "A Frightening Dream, This Show was on the T.V.