Against the Wall
Against the Wall
| 31 July 2011 (USA)

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    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    rhiog I loved this show and have been waiting to see the continuation of it. I hope it will be on again as my husband and I DVR'ed it and watched it religiously. The combination of a family story and police show and all the stories that go on around the lives of each makes it interesting and compelling. This is one of those rare shows that you don't want to fade away. Everyone in the show is well cast and I want to know which guy the daughter will pick. The main character has left the family route of police work and chosen Internal Affairs to the chagrin of her father and brothers. There is a great deal of tension between her and the rest of the family in her attempt to be herself, make her own choices and still belong to the family. Her father and brothers have turned their back on her for her choice but she stands her ground. I sure hope there is more to come because I would be sorely disappointed if it isn't slated for a new season.
    ms_sp Another reviewer has panned this show purely because the backgrounds aren't Chicago. Whilst any person proud of their city may be remotely isn't a valid reason to pan the show. Also the premise of a heavily pregnant woman on the streets wielding her weapon is probably a little hard to the same time it was probably done as an experiment to do something different and create interest.The pilot was a bit rocky and occasionally so was the scripting here and there. But that is usually true for the first seasons of most shows and the characters and acting really stands out in this show. Racheal Carpani does really well to charm the viewers and as a young almost newcomer she holds the show together really well with the help of a very charming and talented ensemble cast. The choice of Kathy Baker and Treat Williams for her parents was a good one to back the show up so to speak with some star value....but I agree with other reviewers that Papadol could be either strengthened or lost completely.So far I am entirely charmed and think this show is certainly worth seeing how season 2 fairs. It is a step apart from the regular action packed hard-ass cop dramas which is why it has a freshness to it. Racheal Carpani is absolutely one to watch which being a fan of hers from McLeod's Daughters is the only reason I set out to watch this show in the first place.
    togoodyou2008 When I first saw the previews for this show, I thought it was going to be another cheesy cop drama. Boy was I wrong! It's not like another cop drama with cheesy one liners or music that doesn't fit just to add suspense. It's about Abby Kowalski, the youngest of four cops and the only daughter of the chief of police. She wants so badly to become a detective but the only opening is in IA (Internal Affairs). When she tells her family her job choice, they are upset and her mother is the only one that will talk to her but wants nothing to do with argument. Her dad and her brother Donnie think that she is betraying the family because they believe IA is just out to get cops in trouble. Her brothers, Richie and Steve, are a little mad but are more worried about Abby and don't want her to get hurt. Because she has been surrounded by the police force all her life, a lot of her investigations involve people she has known her whole life and it makes it harder for her to keep emotions out of the investigations. Her pregnant IA partner keeps her grounded and her mind on the cases. On top of everything else, she is caught in a love triangle between Richie's partner, Brody, and a District Attorney named Danny. She has told them both that she doesn't want a relationship, because of her own insecurities, but continually runs into both of them. I find myself rooting for her because she's a woman in a man's world and it's entertaining because she puts doubters in there place. And even with all her relationship insecurities and the fact she's claustrophobic and refuses to take elevators, she very empowering and is a change from the man-dominating cop dramas.
    robmirley I'm completely fed up with Cop drama's and hospital stuff. But this caught my eye. Being a different slant to a cop program.The first one came across OK just OK. But the second! not researched, Improbable, weak rubbish!!! My sink could write better scripts. Which is where this program is going.The over acting is, cringe worthy. But I will for the most part, put that down to Very bad screen play.Coupled with even worse directing.The pregnant partner. I think I know where that's going, Gush Gush.. The guy who plays the captain. Couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. "Great work detectives" Something I think the captain, will say in every episode. Like its a real surprise that women can do that job. all that's missing from that statement is. Him ruffling up their hair as he say's it. Then giving them a dog treat. It is so bad I'm embarrassed, to admit I watched it.
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