30 Minute Meals
30 Minute Meals
| 17 November 2001 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
    LouHomey From my favorite movies..
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Bali79 I watched this cooking show for a few times before I wanted to pull my hair out. Just one question.....Who CAN'T cook a slapped together plain meal in 30 minutes when everything you need is at hand, already bagged, sometimes pre-chopped and you have very little else to do except chop a few greens. Also, almost every cooking show on TV is 30 minutes and most of these chefs do all of their prep work (except for Sandra Lee), during their show. Oh and yep....they do full meals too.Love the comment by the guy who hated the "EVOO" comment. Add "DE-LISH" to my list of stupid tag words. Then you have the obvious....a Loud, gregarious woman who is truly her own best audience. She laughs at her own lame comments, mugs too many times for the camera because she wants to convince us that she's as good as the thinks. NO she ain't "the cutest thing." She's a 40-something year old woman who isn't DE-LISH.
    TimothyP I have no doubt that Rachael Ray is a fine cook, but she's just too damned perky. I can't stand watching that ever cheery mug grinning like a maniac at the camera. If I flip the channel and unexpectedly see her face, I'm put off my feed for a week, which is exactly the opposite of what the food network is supposed to do, isn't it? I honestly don't see her appeal. Not to mention the fact that I don't have anyone to keep my fridge stocked with just the perfect ingredients and fresh herbs that she seems to chop and use constantly.Again, I'm sure she's a wonderful cook, and might be just fine in private, but her public persona annoys the expletive deleted out of me.
    Registered_User If you've never seen 30 Minute Meals, then you cannot possibly begin to comprehend how annoying this woman is. You can't begin to imagine how irritating she is, or how such a mediocre talent manged to get a cable TV cooking show, all words and intelligent thoughts will fail you. Ray has a goofy mouth and all the charms of a parrot. She loves everything and thinks it's "awesome" (a word she uses roughly 87 times per telecast). And she's constantly using horrible, unfunny catchphrases like "EVOO" (Extra virgin olive oil!). SHUT UP! What's worse is Ray has TWO other shows on the network! I think this is some elaborate conspiracy by the terrorists. Give me more Tyler Florence! Ray is lame.
    lilblig7 30 minutes meals is a very good cooking show with one of the most popular hosts on the Food Network(Rachael Ray). She shows you that a good meal can be made very quickly and it's better than eating out at a fast food restaurant. She has very good tips that she adds in there and she crosses many kinds of food types. Most of the dishes look good to eat she uses food that you might not of heard of. I don't know if she really does it for only 30 minutes or if she cheats any time she looks kinda rushed sometimes so some dishes might take more than 30 minutes for the average cook. The only I don't like about the show is that Rachael gets corny every once in a while. Everything is perfect for her and she has the perfect family and the perfect childhood. I get very mad and sometimes I want to change the channel, but corniness aside shes a very good cook and it's a show worth watching.