Black Sails
Black Sails
TV-MA | 25 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    jvogelsang-86631 This show is amazing. Its unpredictable, has great performances, battlescene on par with game of thrones and the best portrayal of pirates in any medium ive seen. Its criminally underrated, so please do yourself a favour and watch it. First season might be a little slow compared to the rest.
    justinmorello Frickin love pirates and everything this show is about!!
    kosmasp The network that brought you Spartacus is now responsible for another throwback show. This time it's Pirates we get to see. Now don't expect this to be a fun ride in terms of comparing it to Pirates of the Caribbean. While that may have helped getting the show made in the first place (along the success of Spartacus of course), this takes the whole world more serious. So yes there are jokes, but it tries to do the mythology justice (and it succeeds).Also don't expect it to be as comic book over the top as the Spartacus show. There is violence and there is nudity, but all is incorporated in the story. Apart from an interesting story, the show also has it's cast to shine. All the actors are really good in it. The sound and set design is amazing too, so every department is working top notch. If you have a heart for pirates then I don't have to convince you anyway, if you like high quality shows give it a try
    vadsang This show could have been absolutely fantastic. And actually some of it is... especially seasons 2 and 3. But then they stall alot with conversations that have no real importance or meaning, and dont really seem to add anything to the characters. At the start, this is intriguing, to get a sense of the world, but as the series progress, I really started losing patience with all these stalling, undramatic conversations. And once we reach season 4, they really seem to struggle to prolong the drama, and characters start making decisions, which do not seem logical to their siturations and temper, in order to keep the drama going. The show becomes increasingly uninteresting and the drama lacks flow. Too bad, for a show with alot of potential.