1600 Penn
1600 Penn
TV-PG | 17 December 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    ricobhi I actually like the way that the show is coming together, but this Skip character is SO distracting and off-balance with all of the other, very very good actors (including the great Rene Auberjonois), that it makes many moments of the show frankly unwatchable. The writers really need to make the Skip character more of an occasional visitor - send him to boarding school. And don't make the baby daddy a total idiot like Skip. He's good as his own brand of not-so- smart but lovable. If NBC allows this to stay on for a while, then I think it will grow a nice audience. We need another really smart comedy to replace the departing 30 Rock and to accompany the ailing Community. Or perhaps we can just get NBC finally to support production on Community once and for all instead of continuing to dangle it over a cliff.
    David Karasek To me this show is not only not humorless, but is a patronizing attempt to appeal to a TV audience assumed to have zero sense of humor, sophistication or patriotism. It is the antithesis of actually funny, romantic and smart efforts like Aaron Sorkin's the film An American President and the TV series The West Wing. Obviously someone at NBC didn't get the memo that Sorkin is the standard bearer for the White House TV genre. As for the acting, not a single character is anything more than a cliché. I guess that's the writers' intent, to have every character be a caricature. But the downside is that not a single character seems human. Why not then just Photoshop the cast and forget about human actors to fit into the contrived, emotionless script?
    dmcd9999 I really wanted to like this show because of Bill Pullman. As it turned out, he was the only light in an otherwise dull and murky program. Same old American sit-com with a few special moments (the Cabinet sharing family problems instead of deciding the future of the Nation.) Trivial jokes. Extremely irritating first son. Extremely annoying and ingratiating first lady. You can see the network hacks selecting jokes from a really old joke book then trying to modernize it with some misplaced hip language. It could have been much worse. As it is, 1600 Penn is an out-of-the-box network sit-com with little new to offer. Bottom line, occasionally amusing but over-whelmingly boring. Sorry, Bill. I really wanted to love this one just for you.
    quehouse Just another reason cable is out doing network television. We were quite excited to see Bill Pullman in this role. The first couple of minutes gave us a chuckle or two. Then it was downhill from then.The premise of the show sounded appealing and the teaser commercial looked very comical. All the comedy is very cliché and predictable. I sometimes wonder if they actually have a look at these shows before they try to air them in prime time. The funniest of the whole show was the monologue at the end. And even that wasn't that funny. All in all we will give it a second look but I don't hold out a lot of hope. Bill, you should stick to major motion pictures.