Zombie Lake
Zombie Lake
R | 13 May 1981 (USA)
Zombie Lake Trailers

In a small village, somewhere in France, German soldiers, killed and thrown into the lake by the Resistance during WWII, come back.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
metalrage666 There are so many things wrong with this trash that throwing an entire thesaurus of negativity at it still wouldn't come close to describing how painfully slow and terrible this is. Basically, (by way of a flashback story), a bunch of Nazis are killed by the French resistance in world war 2 and their bodies are disposed of in a nearby lake. Roll credits please. Anyway for no other reason apart from a pathetic script, these deceased soldiers are now zombies because of, oh who knows why, let's just say why the hell not and save on logic. These zombies decide to come to life several years or maybe decades later with green face paint, still brand new looking uniforms, ridiculous expressions and they start to take their revenge on some travelling female sports team who decide to get naked and go frolicking in the titular lake. So queue the back up team left over from Shock Waves to suddenly surface at this point and pull the naked screaming girls to a watery grave. Somehow and seemingly much, much later, all these dead dudes are corralled in a warehouse or mill of some kind, it's burnt to the ground by local townspeople, take bath with toaster, kill self, the end!I could make random guesses on why this got made, voodoo, gypsy curse maybe, director caught sleeping with boss' wife, who knows; maybe when this crap was being made they were attempting some kind of weird zombie/porn crossover cult film and failed dismally. Even with all the naked underwater shots and inappropriate zombie gropings going on, nothing except fire, lots and lots of heaven sent holy fire can save us from this.....whatever this is. If you really want to punish yourself then watch this. If you really hate somebody at work, it becomes the perfect secret Santa gift.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki Review based on 86-minutes long version entitled "Zombies' Lake"Another movie where the plot (presuming there was one) takes second place to the nudity and gore, this shlock flick begins with a yummy looking girl skinny dipping being attacked and drowned by a pancake-faced zombie , who then rises from the lake to ... ah, who cares about the zombie? Bring the babe back. Oh well, zombie chows down on the neck of another girl doing laundry nearbyAfter a lengthy, but dull, sex scene, flashbacks show troopers attacking a small building during WWII, with gunfire and explosions left and right. Interesting composition in this scene, the troops dressed in white against the white snow-covered ground. After the troops are killed, their bodies are dumped into a nearby lake (wouldn't the lake be frozen, as there is snow on the ground?) and their resurrection some years later is what makes up the rest of this film's confusing as hell screenplay. Is the film set a few years after WWII, or in the early 1980s? The plot contradicts itself several times on that point. Nude lesbians splashing around in a playful waterfight in the lake wakes up the viewers about forty minutes into film, before they too fall victim to the undead Nazis. One witness convinces townspeople of what happened, and a posse is formed to defeat the undead Nazi zombies. ("We better face the fact that zombies have declared war!") Shots of zombies rising up from the lake to attack people are somewhat creepy, but it turns comical when their victims just simply stand there and watch as the zombies walk toward them and kill them. Zombies here open doors to walk through, instead of just bashing through them. In a rather pedophilic bit, one zombie even takes a few minutes to coddle a small girl, and protects her from the other zombies. Like the zombies themselves, this movie is boring and slow; the zombies are roasted like marshmallows by a flamethrower, in a silly deus ex machina climax, before a super sappy end bit.
Uriah43 Rather than beating around the bush I'm just going to be brutally frank and say that this is a very bad movie. As a matter of fact, I only know of a couple of zombie films which are worse. At least as of this writing. It has bad acting, a bad plot, bad action sequences, bad character development, a bad musical score, bad special effects and bad dialogue. Basically, if you can name it--it was bad. And that's the brutal truth of the matter. That said, there are also some things that might need to be taken under consideration. The dialogue for example. While it was definitely bad, it was also originally in another language so it is quite possible that some things were understated or missed in translation. Another factor to consider is that this movie was filmed in 1981 on what was probably a very small budget. As a result the cost for the special effects was probably minimal and the results reflected this. Likewise, there didn't seem to be any award-winning actors in this movie which leads me to believe that the makers of this film had to settle for whoever they could afford. And quite often you get what you pay for. Be that as it may, there were two noticeable features in this film that I thought were worth mentioning. First, there were a lot of scenes with nude females. Unfortunately, none of the scenes were really that interesting. At least I didn't think so. But one thing I did like were the scenes where the Nazi soldiers came from out of the lake. But that was about it. In summation, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and rate it slightly higher than it probably deserves but unless you're a die-hard zombie enthusiast I wouldn't waste my time on this one.
Leonard Smalls: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse Needless to say, "Zombie Lake" is no masterpiece of filmmaking. It is, however, one hilariously bad Nazi-zombie flick with a few good points.1. Decent atmosphere throughout; the French countryside makes a FINE place for a pond of undead National Socialists, don't you think? 2.Nice little romantic side-story, with the Nazi-dad and his little girl.3. Plenty of athletically-built, scantily-clad chicks who seem to have little regard for decency as they regularly disrobe to take a dip in the pond.Obviously you are not going to get the next "Dawn of the Dead" here, but "Zombie Lake" is plenty entertaining to sit around and swig a couple beers, relax and have a laugh at.High points for me are the swimming pool ladders visible in some of the underwater scenes and the green makeup that even comes off onto one of the victims arms in a killing scene. The only thing that really drags this movie down is a lack of gore. The zombie killings look more like vampires biting their victims...maybe they were supposed to be vamps? Lost in translation perhaps. (After all, the literal translation of the title is "Lake of the Dead." Maybe they were in fact vampires.)At any rate, if they had thrown some of that good ole raw meat and a little gut-munching, "Zombie Lake" would have scored higher for sure.6 out of 10, kids.