Zombie Fight Club
Zombie Fight Club
| 23 October 2014 (USA)
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It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I didn't know anything about this movie prior to purchasing it from the Amazon marketplace. But hey, it is a zombie movie, and that is essentially all that I needed to know to have an interest in it. Once I received the DVD and read "The Raid meets Dawn of the Dead" on the cover, I must admit that I was intrigued.So did the movie deliver a mixture of "The Raid" and "Dawn of the Dead"? Well, I would have to say yes. Yes it did. There was a lot of action in the movie, much similar to the style and setting as seen in "The Raid". And there was an abundance of zombies and gore throughout the movie. So yes, it was a wonderful mixture of the two movies.And as a fan of both of the previous movies, you might wonder why I am 'only' rating "Shi Cheng" (aka "Zombie Fight Club") a mere six out of ten stars. The reason for that, simply put, is because the movie was really good and entertaining, right up to the point where the story changes from following the outbreak in the skyscraper to where it went to a global thing where a single man was apparently ruling his own empire. From there on, the movie just spiraled out of control and became a farce on itself. It was really a shame, because that really killed the movie off in a most horrible and undeserving manner. Had director Joe Chien continued in the way that two-thirds of the movie was kept, then it would have been a much more enjoyable and awesome movie. But alas, he went in a whole different way; a way which sabotaged all that he had previously built up throughout the course of the movie.For a Taiwanese zombie movie, then "Shi Cheng" was quite good, right up alongside "Z-108 Qi Cheng" (aka "Zombie 108") from 2012.There was a good amount of zombies, blood and gore throughout the course of the movie. And for most parts, then the effects were quite good. Unfortunately there were some instances where you just stare in disbelief at the fake effects. And personally, I think the zombie with the massive maw torso was really stupid. It was something you might expect from the "Resident Evil" game or movie, but it didn't fit into this movie at all, especially since all other zombies were 'ordinary'. But all in all, then the effects served the movie well, and the make-up and special effects department did a good job with this movie.The acting in "Shi Cheng" was adequate for the genre, just don't expect anything on a Shakespearian level, of course.One thing that was interesting and good about the movie, was the fact that no one of the cast was initially safe. You know, whereas many movies tend to keep the main cast alive throughout the entire ordeal. People were dying all over the place throughout this movie. And that was something that worked well in favor of the movie."Shi Cheng" puts Taiwan on the zombie map once more, and helps to establish their foothold in the genre. "Shi Cheng" is very enjoyable, just a shame that the director opted for such a ludicrous approach to the last third of the movie.
tcbdeo Films without plots can be done well given good direction and acting. Well-written films can be good despite bad directors and actors. Zombie Fight Club has no good element in its production."So bad it's good" doesn't even fly with this film. The more-American-than-American accents provide the bulk of the humor. The film's focus on the innate evil of humanity (its only constant) oozes away any value a good riffing might redeem it with.Zombie Fight Club directly takes elements of The Raid and The Walking Dead and removes the elements of 'Redemption'. Instead, the martial arts police are dirty cops and the civilians are plagued by a distinctly East Asian pathology. The crux of Zombie Fight Club is the argument that humankind is innately evil, and, pushed to the limit, will gleefully discard its visage of goodness. Even the two protagonists, who bear a transparent semblance of morality, lack any dignity.Romero's legacy is dismantled and digitally spit on by Zombie Fight Club. If you want to enjoy a poor zombie movie, stick to films like Redneck Zombies. In the very least, the garage special effects will be more entertaining than Zombie Fight Club's digital massacre.
barry-steers-193-957577 I agree with another reviewer on this movie. This really is all over the place. The director seems to have no direction ironically enough. It can't seem to decide what genre it wants to be, a horror, a martial arts or a dystopian post apocalypse but fails really in all areas. There is a fair amount of illogic in it which makes it very disjointed and nonsensical. It was empathized in the first part of the movie that the storm clouds in the sky were strange, alluding to this being the cause of the oncoming zombie outbreak but this was a pointless exercise as it had nothing to do with it. Also the dialogue kept being intertwined between English and Mandarin for no reason at all. Conversations would take place where both languages were mashed together when they were all obviously native Asians and there was no need to speak dual languages in the same conversation. Why was there a car half way up a high-rise and why did they drive it along a corridor and nose dive it off the building? These were all just plain daft scenarios that should never have been put into the movie. The second part of the movie was kind of tacked on and didn't flow at all. It's almost as if the director just ran too short on the first half so padded it out with this bullsh*t section. I hardly think a timid school teacher from the first part of the film would be a gangland boss in the second half. This was a totally preposterous idea and just spoilt the movie. I just think the director wanted to cram too many ideas into the movie or wanted to make many movies but only had a budget for one. Either way it didn't work and what could have been a perfectly adequate zombie-fest in a block of flats turned out to be a confused, illogical and shabby mish-mash.
Brian Liu Went to see this movie with friend because nothing else is on. In a nutshell, the director took the apartment from Dredd, general atmosphere of George Romero movies, some Asian pop-stars, tossed in a blender, and filmed whatever detritus that came out. Fasten your seat belt and prepare for a long ride, because the prologue lasted for a whole hour before the titular zombie fight club starts.There are some T&A in there, but not enough to justify the ticket price, and not the ones you went in hoping to see (Jessica C for me). My feeling is that the director is familiar with elements from various zombie movies, yet completely missed that zombie movies are always about the human; zombies are forces of nature that creates the survivalist environment which brings out the cruel and selfish tendency within us. Instead we get characters that are just as bland and dumb as the zombies they are fighting. Zombie Battle Royale would be more fitting title for this movie.The movie has no idea whether it wants to be an action film, body horror, or slap stick comedy. Switching between all three at will. It has all the subtlety of a getaway BMW that is somehow emplaced inside an apartment unit on the top floor, smashing through multiple concrete walls until it's sailing through open air, crashing to the ground with nary a dent. And yes, that scene is in the movie.