Yavarum Nalam
Yavarum Nalam
R | 06 March 2009 (USA)
Yavarum Nalam Trailers

Manohar, along with his family, moves into a new apartment on the 13th floor. However, their peace is disturbed by a spirit that uses the television set as a medium to communicate with them.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
morrison-dylan-fan Discovering in the middle of 2011 that Ghost Horror films could really get under my skin,thanks to the flawed,but nerve-wrecking Insidious leaving me completely spooked for weeks!.During a recent search online to find any details about,possibly over-looked Bollywood Horror movies,I was thrilled to find a film which seemed to contain almost everything that I was looking for,and led to me getting set to discover the mystery of 13B.The plot:With his family experiencing a good deal of recent successes with their current high profile jobs, Manohar decides to buy an extremely expensive flat(number 13:B),where he and his family can at last feel,that they have truly "made it".Shortly after the family has started to settle in their new surrounding, (and also after Manohar has brought a brand new TV for his mother,so that she can stay transfixed to her many day time soaps.)Manohar discovers a "fault" in the building,when the lift seems weirdly unable to work for him at all.(Unknown to Manohar,the lift works perfectly fine for all of the other residents of the building.)Being left to put the finishing touches to the "prayer room",the family experience an unexpected setback,due to the walls suddenly feeling as if they have been made of solid stone,with the nails not going even a centre-meter into the wall!.Feeling stressed out over the current problems with the flat, Manohar's mother tells the rest of the family to relax for a moment,and join in watching her favourite soap of the day.To everyone's surprise,when the clock hits 13:00,the TV seems to suddenly get a mind of its own and refuse to change to the channel that the family are desperate to watch.Giving up on seeing even the briefest glimpse of their favourite TV show,the family soon become completely gripped on watching a "new" soap about a family that move into an extremely expensive flat,which eerily seems to be mirroring their own lives…View on the film:For the contrasting settings of reality and the TV soap that Manohar begins to suspect holds the balance to the very survival of his family,director Vikram K. Kumar, (who also co-wrote the goosebumps inducting screenplay with Abhinav Kashyap)films each of them in a strongly unique style,with the "soap" being given a realistic sheen,which helps to make it look as if it is shot and edited in a matter of hours.Going in the complete opposite direction,Kumar and cinematography P.C Sreeram give the world of Manohar (played by a brilliantly uneasy R.Madhavan) and his family a cold industrial appearance,with the scenes of Manohar in the flat/lift on his own having a fantastic strong feeling that something could suddenly appear to fill the empty space of the rooms around him at any moment.Along with the industrial vibes,Kumar also makes the flat feel terrifyingly isolated,with even the moments when a family member dares to leave the flat having a haunting atmosphere of the flat always towering above them.As the second of only two songs featured in the film started to play over the end credits, (complete with a music video of bikini clad girls!)I began to realise how Kumar and Kashyap had impressively kept one or two plot holes, (If any ghosts are reading this review and wondering how they can get my attention,I would strongly advise them not to make me feel like I am having a complete mental breakdown!)hidden from their spooky house of (flats) cards,by smartly giving the movie an oddly almost episodic style,with the gradually terrifying feel bubbling away and slowly intensifying as Manohar's family begin to learn the grisly secrets of 13B,which in the end causes their lives to be permanently scared.Final view on the film:A stunning,cleverly done,nerve-wrecking spooky Horror film.
Laurian Diaconescu The only reason I don't give this movie a 10 is the slower pacing of its first half. Overall, the main cast does a really convincing job, the story is really smart, the camera work and especially the soundtrack are really creepy. This movie is a better psycho-thriller than most of the Hollywood productions heavily promoted and released this decade, many of them relying on bad taste violence, blood and gore. It's the story that makes this movie and the natural performances of the likable characters which make many moments more credible than you'd expect. You actually care about what's going to happen to them in the end. To put it short, it's been a while since I've felt so tense during a movie. While the first half could have been cut shorter by 20 minutes or so, it still keeps you guessing and biting your nails in anticipation of terror. The second half really delivers many creepy moments and scares, especially some really smart twists which will glue you to the couch. Some people complained about the two songs featured in the movie being pointless. I can tell you they were not. The first song stands for a love scene, replacing nudity with some playful moments between the main characters, it's a different, subtle and sweet portrayal of a sex scene, while the second song really serves its purpose of depicting the happy times the family goes through at a certain point.Another small letdown is the final scene which I understand was meant to be more of a joke, but it could have been easily cut, since the actual conclusion was really satisfying.Final verdict: watch this one, you'll be surprised, in a good way!
abhishek arya A low budget movie made a solid impact with its direction acting and screenplay. Storyline is awesomee...Hats off to Vikram.k.kumar.. He's one of the finest film maker.. though long way to go ..his future is bright..! Madhavan has done a fantabulous job..a neat and solid acting by him.got goosebumps after watching..!!First half of movie makes the base for the entire movie .. the later half will never make you to even slide an inch from ur seat .. A class suspense in end ... finishing of movie is awesome.. leaving some clues for its sequel..GO WATCH THIS MOVIE..WILL NEVER LET UR EXPECTATIONS DOWN!
vachanj Don't expect the movie to be frightening or scary in any way. One of the best aspect of the movie is that the story line keeps you apprehension level high and makes you expect a scary scene, but there are hardly any. A thriller that can be watched as a time-pass movie but don't expect anything extraordinary. I also did not expect romantic songs in between.. totally unasked for! There are some scenes which are usually shown in psycho thrillers, but not enough to entice the audience to think it is. The suspense is maintained until the end - one more good point, but is revealed in a typical Bollywood style.In conclusion, the movie is successful at grasping the audience's attention, but never gives them anything extraordinary. Hope people living on 13th floor don't get nightmares though!