| 14 June 2007 (USA)
XXY Trailers

Alex, an intersexed 15-year-old, is living as a girl, but she and her family begin to wonder whether she's emotionally a boy when another teenager's sexual advances bring the issue to a head. As Alex faces a final decision regarding her gender, she meets both hostility and compassion.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
della-60189 This movie was a very complicated movie. There are many emotions present throughout the whole movie. While watching, spectators are forced inside the very difficult life of Alex, and we all of the emotions of her life alongside her. The topic of hermaphrodism is very complicated, but this film does a great job of expressing the struggles of everyday life.Alex, the protagonist, is a teenage girl born as a hermaphrodite in Buenos Aires, but her father, Kraken, and mother, Suli, decided to move their family to the coast of Uruguay after much scrutiny and harassment because of Alex's condition. They hoped that by Alex living her life in more solitude, she would grow up and reach puberty and then be able to decide how she wanted to live the rest of her life. Alex's mother sought council for a respected surgeon, Ramiro, who brought his wife Erika and son Ámiro to live with her and her family. Ramiro is very interested in the possibility of performing surgery on Alex so that she can officially live her life as a woman. Through very complicated interactions with Álvaro and her friends and family, Alex ultimately decides to give up trying to become a woman. I believe that this film does a great job of focusing in on the hardships of life for someone like Alex, and uses a very dark and cold cinematography to really capture the feeling surrounding hermaphrodism.
nataliercurtiss XXY is a difficult movie to watch. It is violent and intrusive and strange and uncomfortable. The bleak seashores and small, cramped house, coupled with low, blue-green lighting and dirty windows and mirrors make the viewer feel as though they should not be there. We are seeing into the secretive life of a small family that has intentionally separated itself from the busyness of Buenos Aires in order to gain a sense of privacy. This is part of what makes it so interesting; it feels very intimate. There are a number of scenes in which Alex, an underage teenager, is naked from the waist up. While this seems inappropriate and uncomfortable initially, I think that it makes the audience question why we feel the need to sexualize and censor a teenager's body in the first place. The ambiguity of Alex's sex and gender lead us to another question: would we be uncomfortable if Alex looked more masculine? What combination of age, nudity, and gender makes us feel as though their body should not be seen? The film does not answer these questions. It also leaves a number of other ambiguities. Alex''s gender, for instance, is not conclusively stated. At the end, they decide that there is "nada que elegir" - nothing to choose. Although it is clear that they will not grow to "be a woman", Alex doesn't choose to "become a man" either. What is determined is that they are done trying to be something they're not. They are done taking pills, getting operations, and moving around the country to find some unachievable fresh start. What is determined is that Alex's parents will be there to support them no matter what they choose. This is the message of the movie. Life is uncomfortable, ambiguous, and hard to place. Gender is complex. Family is complex. Identities change. What we can all do is to simply be ourselves, respect others, and protect our loved ones. XXY is a highly intricate look into a seemingly unusual situation. It is not a feel-good movie; instead, it makes us think.
Fandust It's like they intentionally made the weirdest movie they could think of. It's weirder than Psycho (not better, just weirder). She has tits and a dick. So what does she do with it? She sodomizes a boy! Considering the fact that lesbians use dildos on each other, you would think that would be her natural mode of operation. Instead, they promote sexual confusion, the worst of both worlds, that is sodomy. And when she gets a chance to use it for what it's meant for, she walks away from the opportunity. Reminds me of Psycho's shower scene, minus the blood, the music, or anything else entertaining. Making it something you just really didn't want to see.
Armand Images, confusion, identity search, fear and seeds of different kind of love. A hermaphrodite and her family. And the others. A doctor and his family. Few days together.Conversation and shadows. And evening of words. A teenager, a girl and the people. Escapes as spider web and the travel to "normality". A poem. About a minority, essence of small lives, parents and children. Few slices about differences as roots of everything. Ines Efron as a strange Alex for who the life is field of obscure country. A question mark. A storm in temple. It is more than a film. It is analysis of desire of happiness. In basic , harsh words. A drama and rolls of silence. Behind definitions.