WWE WrestleMania VII
WWE WrestleMania VII
PG-13 | 24 March 1991 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania VII Trailers

WrestleMania VII was the seventh annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation . It took place on March 24, 1991 at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California. The main event saw Hulk Hogan defeat Sgt. Slaughter for the WWE Championship as part of a controversial storyline in which Sgt. Slaughter portrayed an Iraqi sympathizer during the United States' involvement in the Gulf War. Significant events in the undercard included The Undertaker's WrestleMania debut and the beginning of his renowned winning streak, as well as the final match of the original Hart Foundation, after which Bret "Hitman" Hart became primarily a singles wrestler.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
dave78 i really enjoyed this at the time e my first wrestlemania but looking back a complete waste it had probably the most enjoyable match ever Warrior Savage but the main event result was never in doubt this made the match completely unentertaining. Wrestlemania should where all feuds are settled instead of meaningless matches like bulldog warlord etc.A better card would have been Demolition vs l.o.d, Perfect Tornado rematch Rockers vs hartfoundation Jake vs model Undertaker vs hogan for the title. sgt shouldhave never won it. With talent like Dibiase and Earthquake around why bother giving sgt the title people would rather see a title match they cannot predict than hogan winning again
wwfhistoryguy *SPOILERS* This WrestleMania had some good matches, and unlike most others, no bad ones. And lots of careers took drastic turns after this.The opening match between the Rockers and Barbarian & Haku was what we'd expect more from a TV taping than a PPV. It was fast and fun, without too much drama or storyline. The Rockers won only their second PPV match here, and it was right after their first at the Royal Rumble. This occurred right before the Rockers' lengthy split-up angle.The Nasty Boys' win over the Harts was a blessing in disguise; it was now time for Bret Hart to blossom as a singles wrestler after years of being in the best WWF tag team ever and yet knowing he could do so much more. This was the best match.The Warrior-Savage match could have gone the other way and things afterward would have been the same. Savage just took a break from active competition, while the Warrior became more or less non-existent in a non-televised feud with the Undertaker. Not to mention two of the most ridiculous vignets ever, as he got locked into a coffin and later bitten by a snake. These days, Savage would win.This was not the way to see Demolition go. Jobbing to a team that was just making a guest appearance? Tenryu and Kitao could have fought Barbarian and Haku in the opening match, with the Rockers and Demolition settling their non-televised feud here.The Legion of Doom were very fun to watch when they squashed another team, like the Orient Express. I didn't expect them to get by Power and Glory so easily, but it was a nice set-up feud to get them over in time for title contention.This was the Big Bossman's last great win in the WWF. After this was a go-nowhere feud with the Mountie, then an embarrassing feud he lost to IRS.Tito Santana and the Mountie could have had a great match, but it ended too soon. This was Tito's last match before his transformation, which somehow made him win more while making his matches less fun to watch. Remember his feud with Mr. Perfect? They put on some shows!
Stone_Cold Wrestlemania 7 is one of the all time classic-wrestling events, and is well worth watching, especially for those who like a bit of nostalgia.Its great to watch because these are some of the classic wrestling stars in their prime. Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, Mr Perfect, Andre the Giant and the Legion of doom are all here.Macho Man Randy Savage versus the Ultimate Warrior in a loser must retire match is one of the all time classics, this match had everything - they told a great story and the ending was the icing on the cake, and a perfect way to end someone's career, (although these stipulations are never honoured, just look how many times the McMahon's have been `fired' or have lost these type of matches in recent years).There are some other great matches on here, including the Nasty Boys versus the Hart Foundation, Mr Perfect (one of my personal favourites) versus The Big Boss Man, and although it was a silly idea, Jake the Snake versus Rick Martel in a blindfold match provided a fair bit of entertainment. The main event was Hulk Hogan versus Sgt Slaughter for the Title.Plenty of the legends are here, and although some weren't used properly on the night (demolition), it still made for a great event and is well worth watching now to see how great things were, before the McMahons decided that they were the real stars.
Sugar Salvador This was an average card for wrestling but good for storylines. The best match was Warrior vs Savage it was a career match and even though they didn't follow through it was still great and Savage making up with Elizabeth was a terrific moment. It was mostly about beginnings and ends. The Hart Foundation wrestled their last match. Demolition was at the end of their run. It was the end of the "Macho King". It was the beginning of the LOD's big run and Undertaker's first Wrestlemania. It was also Davey Boy Smith's 1st Wrestlemaia as a singles wrestler. A highlight was the 3 year blowoff match between Virgil and Diabiase, it was really well done. A lot of people will diss the blindfold match but Martel had me on the floor laughing when I saw it. All the American flags and Sgt. Slaughter fighting for Iraq, that just cheapened the event and the outcome was never in doubt.