WWE SummerSlam 1991
WWE SummerSlam 1991
NR | 26 August 1991 (USA)
WWE SummerSlam 1991 Trailers

WWE SummerSlam '91 was the fourth annual SummerSlam. It took place on August 26, 1991 at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York. it is remembered for the on-screen wedding of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth, dubbed "A Match Made in Heaven" by announcer Vince McMahon. This was contrasted with "A Match Made in Hell", which was a handicap tag team match between WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior against Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Colonel Mustafa. Among the other on-screen highlights of the event was "The Legion of Doom" The Road Warriors defeating The Nasty Boys to win the WWE World Tag Team Championship. The team became the only tag team in wrestling history to have held the WWE World Tag Team Championship, the NWA World Tag Team Championship, and the AWA World Tag Team Championship. Another highlight was Bret "The Hitman" Hart going for his first singles championship in WWE when he faced Mr. Perfect for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
amanwhorocks 1. The Dragon (embarassing Steamboat's gimmick)/Tornado Texas/ The British Bulldog Vs. Hercules/Warlord/Paul Roma - First match was fine. 6/10 2. Intercontinental Championship: Bret Hart Vs. Champ-Mr. Perfect - Outstanding match full of match, Hennig is perfect at selling Bret's moves 9/10 3. Natural Disasters Vs. 2 mentally ill WoodCrackers (Real Natural Disasters) - It hurts to watch match with these 2 idiots. At least they ate lost. 4/10 4. The Million Dollar Man Vs. Virgil - Grudge match 5.5/10 5. Jailhouse Match: The Mountie Vs. Big Stiff Man - Bossman has nothing to do on PPV. Unsympathetic piece of terrible skills wrestler. Punch, chop, basic slam match. That could afford only big Superstars. 4/10 Piper's appearance + jail house bullshit -5/10 6. WWF tag team championship: Legion of Doom Vs. Champs-Nasty Boys - Funny, champs, came to the ring first. Decent match. 6/10 7. I.R.S.(formerly known as Mike Rotunda) Vs. Greg Valentine 5/108. Sgt. Slaughter/Col. Mustafa (Iron Sheik)/General Adnan Vs. Ultimate Warrior/Hulk Hogan - Classic superstar match, nothing special. 5/10 Randy Savage and Elizabeth also get "married".
Yourfriendan Summerslam 1991 was built as the match made in heaven, the match made in hell. The match made in heaven being the wedding of Randy "Macho Man" Savage and former manager now girlfriend Elizabeth. The match made in hell featured Hulk Hogan teaming up with former foe the Ultimate Warrior to go against the anti-American trio of Sgt. Slaughter, the Iron Shiek (Known here as Col. Mustafa), and Gen. Adnan. had ended but the WWF was trying to milk the American pride for all it was worth.This event was held in Madison Square Garden. The commentators for this event were Gorilla Monsoon, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, and Bobby "the Brain" Heenan. This event really showcase the absolute genius and pure talent that Heenan had as a color commentator. At times he had me cracking up. Heenan will always be my favorite "pro-heel". Jesse Ventura was always trying to make things too personal, Jerry Lawler's "puppy talk" gets old after a while, and Tazz is just a pure waste of time. But Heenan totally stole the night on commentary and at times had me cracking up.Now onto the event itself. It was totally great until the main event happened. Both the IC and Tag Team title matches were classic. The Big Bossman/Mountie "go to jail match" was very entertaining especially the post-match. Looking back there is a bit of sadness to this event as it marked the final WWF appearance for the late great Andre the Giant as he accompanied the Buschwackers to the ring for their match against the Natural Disasters. A great night to be a babyface and a bad night to be a heel as their were only two heel wins on the whole card. But that kept the crowd happy. So here's my view on the card itself: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, the British Bulldog, and the Texas Tornado vs. The Warlord and Power and Glory w/Slick: A great opener that really offered everything. You had the martial arts technical skills of Steamboat, the brawling ability of Kerry Von Erich, and the other four wrestlers were flat out power wrestlers. Lots of fast action, and they really didn't over do anything. And it really got the crowd into it.IC Title Match - Mr. Perfect w/the Coach (Champion) vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart (Challenger): This one was an absolute classic. Two of the all time great technical wrestlers. Given the pain that Perfect's back was in at that time, he really put on an excellent show and this was kind of the passing of the torch, so to speak. This was the beginning of Bret Hart's huge push as a single's wrestler. Perfect would not return to active wrestling until Survior Series of 1992.The Buschwackers w/Andre the Giant vs. The Natural Disasters w/Jimmy Hart- A good solid match, even for a Buschwacker match. The Natural Disasters were being pushed as the top heel tag team at the time so they got the win. As mentioned, this was the final WWF appearance for the legendary Andre the Giant. After the match, the Disasters tried to go after Andre but the Legion of Doom came to his rescue setting up a big feud between those two teams.Virgil vs. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibase w/Sensation Sherri: Piper was way too over dramatic on commentary for my liking. But it got the crowd going though. Few workers were better at carrying wrestlers with less talent than Dibiase. I feel he's the greatest WWF superstar that never held the world title. I wish Dibiase would have just won this thing with a million dollar dream and ended this feud here while Piper cried. But not to be.Big Bossman vs. The Mountie w/Jimmy Hart: Supprisingly this was a really great match. The stipulation here was that the loser of this match would spend the night in jail. Basically this was a squash match for the Bossman. The post-match was just as entertaining as the Mountie gets taken away in the patiwagon. Throughout the rest of the night, they would show segments of the Mountie in jail.Tag Team title match - The Nasty Boyz w/Jimmy Hart (Champions) vs. The Legion of Doom (challengers): A no DQ match here. A decent tag match. Not top notch, but definitely entertaining. Road Warrior fans will enjoy this one.Greg Valentine vs. Irwin R. Schyster: Greg Valentine was nearing the end of his WWF career and had not been involved in any meaningful story lines for well over a year and by now he had been demoted to jobber to the stars. Irwin R. Schyster was a brand new undefeated heel with a great gimmick that fans hated. Any guesses as to how this one turns out? Next please.Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior vs. Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa, and Gen. Adnan. Sid Justice is the special guest referee: It was the match made in hell alright, but not for the reason the WWF gave. Who booked this crappy main event? Let's see at this time the WWF had just signed Ric Flair and Sid Justice. You also had the Undertaker and the newly turned heel Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Yet they book two over the hill crappy wrestlers like the Iron Shiek and General Adnan to team up with Sgt. Slaughter who never had any business being elevated above mid-card status in the first place. The match sucked from beginning and the only real heat it got was when Hogan and the Warrior accidentally ran into Sid Justice and had a stare down. I guess a fatal 4-way title match between Hogan, Warrior, Undertaker, and Sid Justice would have been too much to ask for.The Wedding: The only reason to watch the wedding is for Heenan's funny commentary and to see Jake the Snake and the Undertaker crash the reception. Other than that, you can skip it.
Spawn Devil The Gulf War had long ended, but the animosity between American Hero Hulk Hogan and Iraqi supporter Sgt. Slaughter had not yet boiled over, especially since Hogan defeated Slaughter for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania VII. In a last-ditch effort to settle the feud once and for all, Hogan teamed with the Ultimate Warrior against Slaughter and his old enemy, the Iron Sheik, now known as Col. Mustafa. America once again prevailed when Hogan and Warrior defeated Slaughter and Mustafa in what truly was a `Match Made in Hell!' SummerSlam 1991 - back in Madison Square Garden three years after the conception of the event - was also the site of a `Match Made in Heaven' when Randy `Macho Man' Savage married the love of his life, Elizabeth. But what was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives was interrupted by a horrifying attack by Jake `The Snake' Roberts and the Undertaker during the wedding reception! Back in the ring, Bret `Hitman' Hart won his first WWE singles title when he defeated Mr. Perfect for the Intercontinental Championship, and the Big Boss Man defeated the Mountie in a Jailhouse match to send his hated enemy to a New York City slammer!Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, the British Bulldog & the Texas Tornado defeated the Warlord & Power and Glory The Natural Disasters defeated the Bushwhackers Virgil pinned Ted DiBiase to win the Million Dollar Belt Big Boss Man pinned the Mountie in a Jailhouse Match The Legion of Doom defeated the Nasty Boys for the Tag Team Championship Bret Hart defeated Mr. Perfect via submission to win the Intercontinental Title Irwin R. Shyster pinned Greg "The Hammer" Valentine Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior defeated Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa and Gen. Adnan in a Handicap MatchOverall Mark: B+
Big Movie Fan BEWARE OF SPOILERS AHEAD!SummerSlam '91 had good points and bad points. First, let me discuss the bad points.There were some pretty unspectacular matches such as Virgil VS Ted DiBiase and Greg Valentine VS IRS. Some of the other matches were just above average. The main event was an average match. Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior beat Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa and Gen. Adnan in a short match. It was nothing special but we got to see Hogan beat the evil Sgt. Slaughter to win the match.SummerSlam '91 had it's good points. Bret Hart and Mr Perfect had a fantastic match despite Perfect having a really bad back. Perfect could have forfeited the match but he went out there and had a good match in which he lost the Intecontinental Title.The Bushwhackers had an entertaining match with the large Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon).The Warlord & Power and Glory had a reasonable match with the late Texas Tornado, Davey Boy Smith and The Dragon.Two other good matches as well;the Big Boss Man met 'fellow law enforcer' The Mountie in a match. The Mountie lost and was forced to spend the night in 'jail.' Also, the Legion of Doom beat the stuffing out of The Nasty Boys to win the tag titles.The Macho Man and Elizabeth got 'married' as well. It was nothing special-until Jake "The Snake" Roberts crashed the party and showed his true colours. That was the highlight of the wedding.SummerSlam '91 is worth a serious look.