WWE Taboo Tuesday 2004
WWE Taboo Tuesday 2004
| 19 October 2004 (USA)
WWE Taboo Tuesday 2004 Trailers

Taboo Tuesday (2004) was a PPV presented by AT&T which took place on October 19, 2004 at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was the first annual Taboo Tuesday event, marking the first time in which the fans were given the chance to vote on stipulations for the matches. The voting for the event started on October 18, 2004 and ended during the event. The event starred wrestlers from the Raw brand. The main event was a Steel cage match, which is fought in a cage with four sheets of mesh metal around, in, or against the edges of the wrestling ring, in which Randy Orton competed against Ric Flair. Two bouts were featured on the undercard. In respective singles matches, World Heavyweight Champion Triple H defended against challenger Shawn Michaels and Gene Snitsky fought Kane in a Weapon of Choice match.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Chris Jericho vs Shelton Benjamin, Intercontinental Championship. A decent start, I think Jericho and Benjamin are a good match for each other. It really surprises me that they didn't do more with Benjamin, because he's an amazing athlete. Good back and forth match, with Shelton getting a well deserved win. That's the good news, the bad news is that this is the match of the night. Rating: 3.5/5 2nd Match: Diva's Battle Royal, WWE Women's Championship. Do you know how weird I think the "Schoolgirl fetish" is? Nothing against anyone with it though, I have some odd fetishes myself, I just always imagine the schoolgirls being underage, so it fails to arouse me. But hey, different strokes I suppose. The match is poor, as you probably would have guessed. Also I've always considered Stacy Keibler the original Eva Marie, a woman with zero wrestling talent, but got hired for her good looks. At least Trish wins, that's about the only good thing I can say about it though. Rating: 2/5 3rd Match: Gene Snitsky vs Kane, Steel Chain match. This is the most bizarre face turn I've ever seen. Kane becomes a good guy because his wife (that he forced to marry him) gets a miscarriage? Who wrote this? The stupid story aside, the match is slow and boring, also it lies to you. The chain's allowed, but the steel chair also comes into play. So what was the point of deciding the weapon anyway? Nothing against Kane or Snitsky, but they really can't wrestle long matches like this because of their size. Oh, and Kane's throat being crushed is also a lie because Snitsky continues his attack afterwards. Rating: 2.5/5 4th Match: Eugene vs Eric Bischoff, Hair vs Hair match. This match is 2 minutes long and Eugene wins, that's it. At least I can cross "See Jonathan Coachman in a dress" off my Bucket List. Rating: 2/5 5th Match: Chris Benoit & Edge vs La Résistance, World Tag Team Championships. The match isn't bad, it's just boring. The match revolves around Edge turning heel before our eyes and leaving Benoit to the French wolves. And, even though Benoit wins, how long until they lose those titles because they don't like each other now? I ask again, who wrote this? Vince Russo on a coke binge? Rating: 2.5/5 6th Match: Christy Hemme vs Carmella, Lingerie Pillow Fight. Horndog trash. This isn't the same Carmella that wrestles nowadays, thankfully. Lawler commentating on this is like a creepy guy describing porn to you as you both watch it. Hey, this is the lowest rated match I've put on the site so far. Congratulations! Rating: 0/5 7th Match: HHH vs Shawn Michaels, World Heavyweight Championship. This match sucks. I never thought I would say that about a Shawn Michaels match, but it happened. I don't buy for one second that he was legit injured either, because if so, why would Hunter target the leg? I understand kayfabe, but if Michaels is willing to have his leg injured more than it already is in order to sell the match, that's not dedication, it's stupidity. Slow, boring, anti-climactic, worthless. If Shawn was legit injured, I'm sorry Shawn, but I don't believe it. Rating: 1/5 8th Match: Randy Orton vs Ric Flair, Steel Cage match. I'll give Orton and Flair credit, they tried as hard as they could to save this show, but it was too late. They both get busted good, and that's really all there is to it. The match is 10 minutes, it's not for a title, it's just violence. I applaud them for trying, but I have to just go with the violence for this rating, because there's nothing else to it other than the hand shake at the end. Rating: 3/5 Final Rating: 4 out of 10. What happened? What the hell happened!?! This PPV has done what I thought was impossible. It has, the match of the night being the first match, a boring Benoit match, and a terrible Shawn Michaels match. All in the same night!!! Honestly, I think WWE got way too cocky, and here's why. A small company by the name of TNA was about to have their first 3 hour PPV a couple of weeks from this, so my thinking is that WWE felt they could slack off with this show, because they figured they'd beat TNA in terms of content anyway. Well I hate to tell you Vince, but I'd rather watch a PPV where over half the matches have zero backstory to them, than to ever watch this show again. Avoid this like The Plague! It is now one of three PPVs I will never consider seeing again! In case you're wondering, the other two are Backlash 2003 and The Great American Bash 2004. This is horrible, not even the two good matches on here are worth watching all that much. Also, real subtle with the Election Year PPV gimmick guys. I feel angry and exhausted, typing this. Sorry, but I'm gonna be taking a PPV break for a few days, in order to recover from this trash.R.I.P. Chris Benoit
funderpantsbrian there was a good build up to Taboo Tuesday, the first ever interactive ppv where 'the fans choose the matches and stipulations'. Taboo Tuesday turned out to be a real bore.CHRIS JERICHO VS. SHELTON BENJAMIN - Only decent match of the night but this match could have been a lot better. Jericho vs. Benjamin seemed like a dream match but it just didn't work all that well. 6/10 DIVA BATTLE ROYAL -The fans got to fulfil their fantasy here, and choose between an evening gown match, aerobics thing or a lingerie pillow fight. They chose the pillow fight. Good for the reason that there was loads of half naked women jumping on each other in a ring. Bad if you actually want to see some wrestling. Just watch some porn instead. 2/10KANE VS. SNITSKY - Oh dear god this was horrible. And I don't mean brutal, I mean horrible. It was disgusting to watch, surprising that Kane was in such a rubbish match. The fans chose a steel chain as the weapon to be used in the match, maybe if they chose a steel chair the match would have been half decent. BORING AS HELL - 1/10 EUGENE VS. ERIC BISCHOFF - I don't even want to talk about this. 0/10LA RESISTANCE VS. BENOIT&EDGE - Tag team wrestling is dead. La Resistance are horrible to watch, if Benoit and Edge were up against a decent tag team it would have been o.k. But no, La Resistance. 4/10CHRISTY HEMME VS. CARMELLA - I'm sorry, do we wrestlign fans like watching two decent looking girls undress behind a curtain for five minutes. I take it the WWE were just trying to pass time here, because the match itself took two minutes. And it was rubbish. 0/10 TRIPLE H VS. SHAWN MICHAELS - J.R's loud commentary was the only thing keeping me from falling asleep during this match. Michaels was injured, Triple H didn't care. The match was definitely not the worst of the night, but it was still poor. HBK vs. Triple H, sounded like a great match, another big disappointment. - 4/10 RIC FLAIR VS. RANDY ORTON - Ill sum it up in three words- This match stunk. Worst cage match I've seen in a long time.So that ended Taboo Tuesday. So to sum up, the first interactive ppv, Taboo Tuesday was a horrible event, don't but the DVD. Please!
davidpenzer Taboo Tuesday has been hyped up as the first interactive p.p.v. For a week, I think, fans have been voting on wwe.com for #1 contenders to title matches, outfits, match stipulations, etc. Personally I didn't have very high expectations for Taboo Tuesday but I was curious on how they were going to pull it off.Match 1: Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin. Intercontinental Championship.Shelton gets the title match after getting 37% of the votes. I voted for Rhyno. I mean, really, what's the point of voting for a guy who will get a title shot sooner or later anyway? Nothing to complain about here. Good workrate, descent finish, new champion. Nothing spectacular though and of course no build up. Now I hope Jericho can step up to the World Title division, it's in desperate need of contenders. Passable opener.Match Rating: 3/5 Edge, Benoit and Shawn Michaels are interviewed.It is shown that Shawn Michaels got 39% of the votes. Edge got 33% and Benoit only 28%! I can't believe how Edge, a guy who even got booed in his home town and is just about to turn heel can get five percent more than the extremely popular Benoit. Strange.Match 2: Schoolgirl Outfit Diva Battle Royal. Women's Championship.The fans picked school girls outfit for the divas to wear. Whatever. For the record, I like beautiful women but I'd rather see the creative team taking time trying to make a descent match instead. Trish wins, who could have ever guessed? Match Rating: 1/5 Match 3: Kane vs. Gene Snitsky. Steel Chain.Usual "big men doing big men stuff" type of match, but this is below average and it lasts far too long. The ending is the second biggest stinker of the night. After hitting Kane with a steel chair, Snitsky puts the chair on Kane and jumps on it from the top rope for the three-count. Since the chain was the weapon that should be used, why didn't the referee disqualify Snitsky for using a chair? So much for the "Weapon of Choice" stipulation. That means no matter what weapon the fans picked, the match would still have ended the same way. Annoying!Match Rating: 1/5 Match 4: Eugene vs. Eric Bischoff. Hair vs. Hair.As soon as they said that they would reveal the results after the match I knew Bischoff was going to lose. Match is nothing if you couldn't guess. Eugene wins in a minute (a longer match would result in a 0/5 rating). Vince McMahon comes out after the match to make sure Bischoff gets humiliated. Like the Monday Nitro reference on Raw wasn't enough. We get it Vince, you won the Monday Night War. Now PLEASE spare us from crap like this.Match Rating: 1/5 Match 5: Chris Benoit & Edge vs. La Resistance. World Tag Team Championship.Starts out as an above average tag match but gets more and more boring the longer it goes. I like how they use Edge though. The referee does not see the tag from Benoit and it totally pisses him off. He leaves and Benoit has to fight both La Resistance members alone. And here comes the next incredibly stupid booking decision of the night: Benoit wins! Yes, Benoit defeats the tag team champs by himself. Credibility for the champions, what's that? Match Rating: 2/5 Match 6: Christy vs. Carmella. Lingerie Pillow Fight.Aaargh, is this wrestling? Honestly, I don't think I will be able to watch such crap on BOTH Raw and SmackDown in the future. This Diva Search has been an incredible waste of time and if it's going to result in more matches like this… LORD HELP US!Match Rating: 0/5 Match 7: Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. World Heavyweight Championship.Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels (who can barely walk) for the 1000th time. I think can live without seeing this match. Imagine if Edge would have won. Now THAT would have been interesting. Match starts. Triple H is overworking a body part. Just like his last title match against Orton. And the title match before that against Benoit. OK, there might be a good reason for it this time since Michaels' injury is legit. But it sure doesn't make the match better. Short match, HHH wins in usual screwjob fashion when Edge spears HBK.Match Rating: 2/5 I guess I should mention that all the different match stipulations and voting results have given us loads of crappy segments that has been taking up way too much time.Match 8: Ric Flair vs. Randy Orton. Steel Cage.WWE fans obviously want to see the same sh*t over and over again. We've seen 1000 HHH vs. HBK matches and we've seen 1000 Cage Matches, but yet this is what the fans vote for! A submission match could have been great and it would give Orton (and the writers) some serious problems. I wonder how he would pull that off. Anyway, this match is a little better than the usual Flair match. Pretty short, but I don't mind. RKO for the Orton victory to no one's surprise. I'm being kind with the rating here, mostly because it was a special feeling to see Flair main event one last time.Match Rating: 3/5 The Good: Watchable opener, watchable main event.The Bad: Taboo Tuesday simply put sucked. The booking was god-awful. Far too much time was wasted on stupid segments. An interactive p.p.v. may have sounded good on paper but it turned out to be a very poor event. Next to Great American Bash, this was the worst p.p.v. of 2004.Taboo Tuesday Rating: 1/5
Gary Ballance WWE hyped this pay-per-view as "the world's first interactive PPV" and that "the fans would get to decide the matches." In actuality, nearly all of the matches were decided in advance (and I guarantee that NO-ONE would have chosen the matches WWE did) and we, as fans, got to vote on very little. If ever there was proof that the WWE's focus is on segments rather than wrestling it's right here. Read on... (What follows is an account of the matches, such as they were, and a rating out of 10 per match- spoilers ahead..)MATCH 1-- Chris Jericho vs ?? (Intercontinental Title.) The internet audience (myself included) voted Shelton Benjamin to face Jericho for the I.C. Title. Both guys have proved that they can wrestle exciting fast-paced matches. Unfortunately, this match was slow, rather dull and a massive disappointment. This should have stolen the show, but it was a poor match and typical of the modern WWE style: bit of action, grind the match to a snail's pace with restholds, bit of action to finish. This won't cut it anymore. Anyway, Benjamin won with his Exploder Slam and got the IC Title. I hoped for and expected better from these two. 5/10.MATCH 2-- "Fulfil Your Fantasy Diva Battle Royal." The vote here was whether the fans wanted the divas dressed as nurses, French maids or schoolgirls. Schoolgirls was chosen and the battle royal took place involving Trish, Stacy, Nidia, Molly, Gail Kim, Jazz and Victoria. Trish won. So much for the credibility of the Womens division- not pick who should face Trish, but what they should wear?! Ridiculous. 4/10.MATCH 3-- Kane vs Gene Snitsky: Choose Your Weapon Match. The vote was whether the fans wanted to see the two use chairs, a lead pipe or a steel chain. The chain was chosen. While this feud has been built reasonably well (despite it coming off the appalling Lita pregnancy angle) this match was horrible. Utterly horrible. The only highlight was Snitsky "crushing Kane's throat" with a steel chair. It's interesting to see them build up Snitsky- the guy's crap, don't get me wrong, but I've been genuinely surprised that he has got the best of Kane in this feud so far. As a piece of feud-building, it was a good angle. As a match, it was poison. 2/10."MATCH" 4-- Eugene vs Eric Bischoff- Choose the Stipulation Match. The loser would have to (a) be the winner's servant, (b) wear a dress for a month, or (c) shave his head "bald". This was absolutely pathetic. Eugene beat Bischoff in about 2 minutes with a legdrop and then Vince McMahon embarrassed Bischoff on PPV for about the 5th time. Vince, WCW's finished- get over it! This long, painfully drawn-out segment had Vince mocking Bischoff for dying his hair (pot calling the kettle black) and forcing Jonathan Coachman to wear a dress. Much like WWE's other stipulations, they didn't follow it through- Bischoff wasn't shaved bald- he merely got a short haircut. Awful waste of time. 0/10.MATCH 5-- La Resistance vs Benoit & Edge. (World Tag Titles.) Seeing as how HBK was chosen to face HHH for the World Title, the two guys not chosen (Benoit & Edge) were to face La Res for the tag titles. OK match. Edge walked out towards the end, furious at not getting the Title shot. Benoit fought on alone and won the belts, forcing Rob Conway to tap out to the Crippler Crossface. Good action at the end. Otherwise, typical WWE tag match. 5/10. "MATCH" 6-- Christy Hemme vs Carmella DeCesere. The winner and runner-up, respectively, of the risible Diva Search competition faced off in a "match" to be chosen by the fans. The fans chose the lingerie pillow fight, rejecting an Evening Gown match and an aerobics challenge. The girls took nearly 5 minutes to get ready, undressing "provocatively" (not) in front of a white silhouetted screen, and had a 2 minute "match". Christy hit Carmella with a pillow then pinned her, with her shoulders obviously up. To think of all the actual talent that didn't wrestle boggles the mind. 0/10.MATCH 7-- Triple H vs Shawn Michaels. World Title Match. Michaels had a torn meniscus ligament in his knee so could barely wrestle. The match consisted, basically, of him being barely able to move around and HHH working the knee. Good psychology but not much of a match. Edge did a run-in at the end, Spearing HBK. (He could have at least whacked his knee with a chair to make Triple H's previous offense worthwhile, but when have WWE ever adhered to logic?) Triple H retained, pinning Michaels from the Spear. 5.5/10.MATCH 8-- Randy Orton vs Ric Flair. The fans chose the stipulation- a steel cage match. This feud was built up reasonably well, despite the fact that they've used this same situation of "doubting the Nature Boy" several times over the past few years. The match itself, though, was horrible. There's not really much else to say. Flair, if he is indeed a true legend, should know when to bow out gracefully. He does not belong in the main event anymore. RKO for the win from Orton. 3/10.OVERALL-- Taboo Tuesday could have been good had we, the fans, been given a little more say in what went down. I highly doubt any serious wrestling fan would want to see Bischoff vs Eugene or Christy vs Carmella. As I said, this is proof that the WWE no longer has a focus on wrestling- the Bischoff segment took ages, Christy and Carmella were "undressing" for about 5 minutes and there were numerous backstage promos, etc. The actual output of wrestling as a whole was disgraceful. Not one match got a higher vote than 5.5 on my rating. WWE have not got their heads screwed on right and if they continue along this road they're on, the ratings and the PPV buyrates are going to plummet. This was the worst PPV that I have seen this year.