WWE Bad Blood 2004
WWE Bad Blood 2004
| 13 June 2004 (USA)
WWE Bad Blood 2004 Trailers

Bad Blood (2004) was a professional wrestling PPV presented by Subway, which took place on June 13, 2004 at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. It was the third and final annual Bad Blood event. The main event was a Hell in a Cell match, in which Triple H challenged Shawn Michaels in a ring surrounded by a steel structure of metal. Two bouts were featured on the undercard. In respective singles matches, World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit defended his title against Kane and WWE Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton defended his title against Shelton Benjamin. The event marked the third time the Hell in a Cell format was used by WWE in a Bad Blood event. Bad Blood grossed over $494,000 ticket sales from an attendance of 9,000 .

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
nick_6100 2004 RAW Bad Blood was probably the best Pay Per View near the half of the year.1. Chris Benoit and Edge defeated. La Resistance by Disqualification in a World Tag Team Championship MatchRating: 5/10 ( D )2. Chris Jericho defeated. Tyson Tomko w/Trish Stratus ????Rating: 4/10 ( D - )3. Randy Orton defeated. Shelton Benjamin to retain the Intercontinental Championship in a very atheltical match.Rating: 6/10 ( C )4. Trish Stratus w/Tyson Tomko defeated. Lita, Victoria and Gail Kim in a Fatal 4 Way Match for the Womens ChampionshipRating: 5/10 ( D )5. Eugene defeated. The Coach in a probably the worst match of the year.Rating: 3/10 ( F )6. Chris Benoit defeated. Kane in his second match of the night WTF? Still Champion BenoitRating: 5/10 ( D )7. Triple H defeated. Shawn Michaels in a Hell in a Cell Match which was the match of the night. And it nealry took 50 minutes WOW! Best Match on the card by far.Rating: 9/10 ( A )Good: Hell in a Cell Match between HHH and HBK Randy Orton taking on Shelton BenjaminBad: Eugene's match with The Coach Jonathan Coachman.Overall: Bad Blood 2004 for me was around a Good Pay Per View7/10 ( B - )
Jason Cunnington I have heard bad things about this PPV in reviews and my mate even said it wasn't good when i picked it up. But i guess i depends on what your looking for in a WWE PPV.Match 1 - Chris Benoit and Edge defeated World Tag Team Champions La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier and Robért Conway) by disqualification 5/10 Not a bad opener, it would have been nice to see Benoit win but never mind.Match 2 - Chris Jericho defeated Tyson Tomko (w/Trish Stratus) 5/10 Not great but not that bad. It was Nice to see Jericho win but i would have preferred to have seen it against Christian Match 3 - Randy Orton defeated Shelton Benjamin to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship 7/10 Pretty Good match. These two work well together in the ring hopefully they'll have a rivalry in the future but for the WWE Championship.Match 4 - Trish Stratus (w/Tyson Tomko) defeated Victoria (c), Lita and Gail Kim in a Fatal Four-Way match to win the WWE Women's Championship 7/10 A lot better than most womens Matches is all I'll say.Match 5 - Eugene defeated Jonathan Coachman 6/10 This was good for the entertainment value, I'll be the first to say i'm not Eugenes biggest fan but even the crowd were getting into this one, though it should have been lower on the card Match 6 - Chris Benoit defeated Kane to retain the World Heavyweight Championship 9/10 One of Kanes best match IMO, Benoit as always is on top form. Its matches like this that make me wonder why hes not been World Champion again.Match 7 - Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels in a Hell in a Cell match 9.5/10 This was the reason i wanted to see this PPV to see these two in a Hell in a Cell, I'd have given it 10/10 if Michaels had won, cause IMO Triple H won to many of their match during the two year rivalry, however this was a good match and I Really Enjoyed it, and Okay they didn't go out of the cell but IMO they don't always have to in a Hell in a Cell match cause WWE will never recreate the King of the Ring 98 one.overall 9/10 i watch wrestling for the entertainment and if your the same i recommend this one to you
Evan BAD BLOOD 2004 from Columbus, OH - ratings out of 10* Las Resistance vs. Chris Benoit & Edge (4) Pretty entertaining tag match with Edge taking most of the action since Benoit has a match later. Would have scored higher if not for the run in by Kane to give Benoit/Edge the DQ victory. Kane gives Crippler a beatdown after the match. * Chris Jericho vs. Tyson Tomko (1) Very dull and by-the-numbers match. Jericho seems mighty uninspired even though he actually goes over in this one. Man it's time to give Y2J something to do.* Randy Orton vs. Shelton Benjamin (7) Very good match that just missed being an awesome one. Doesn't get an 8 only because of the usual mid-match Orton resthold. Other than that, no complaints about either guy's performance. I hope Vince realizes what he's got with Shelton. He's like a cross between HBK and Angle without the promo-ability. Match of the night.* Trish Stratus vs. Victoria vs. Gail Kim vs. Lita (3) Not terrible for a women's Fatal 4way. Trish wins the title. Only lasts about 5 minutes so not that hard to sit through.* Eugene vs. Jonathan Coachman (DUD) The lowpoint of the night. I love Eugene but why put him in there with a crowd-killer like Coach? Not even the decent attempts at comedy could save this one from DUDville. * Chris Benoit vs. Kane for the World Title (6) Good for a Kane match but just average for a Benoit match. The Crippler is fantastic as usual and carries Kane to one of his best matches in a while. Definitely not bad but for a World Title match, give me more than Kane please.* HELL IN A CELL Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels (6) A classic! if it were 20 minutes shorter. 46 minutes? Don't get wrong. I am a fan of HHH/HBK matches but this one just started to bore me in the last 10 or so minutes. Plenty of blood and chairshots but just not enough drama. The predictable finish with HHH going over was also pretty disappointing.
wrestlingsitewebmaster This was an OK PPV, but nothing more.Match 1 sees La Resistance battle Heavyweight Champion - Chris Benoit and tag team partner Edge. This was OK but nothing more. Edge and Benoit win by DQ when Kane runs in and beats up Edge and Benoit.The next match sees Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton taking on Shelton Benjamin. This somehow didn't live up to the billing. Why Ric Flair was there, I do not know and the match was slow.Next up Lita, Trish, Victoria and Gail Kim battle it out in a poor fatal four way match for Victoria's Women's Title. Trish won, but I couldn't care less. Then Eugene battled The Coach in an hilarious match. This was all comedy but it was enjoyable.Then in his second match in the evening Chris Benoit puts his title on the line when he faced Kane. This was good, but it went on for far too long (18 minutes) Benoit won with a roll up.Next up was the Hell in a Cell match between Shawn Michaels and Triple H. This was average in my opinion. It wasn't the best Hell in a Cell match I've seen and this also dragged on for 47 minutes. Triple H won when he gave HBK 3 pedigrees'.Overall not bad but certainly not perfect!Benoit/Edge vs La Resistance - 6/10 Benjamin/Orton - 6/10 Lita/Trish/Kim/Victoria - 4/10 Eugene vs Coach - 10/10 (only for comedy) Kane vs Benoit - 7.5/10 HBK vs HHH - 8/10