A Bone to Pick: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery
A Bone to Pick: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery
| 04 April 2015 (USA)
A Bone to Pick: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery Trailers

A librarian with a sharp mind for murder, Aurora Teagarden is known around her small town as a master sleuth. When her friend Jane unexpectedly dies and leaves Aurora everything in her will, she also leaves a troubling murder mystery haunting her neighborhood. It is up to Aurora to piece together the clues—including a skull, its missing skeleton and a suspicious group of neighbors—and solve the murder before she becomes the unlikely killer’s next victim.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Jack Vasen There are so many Aurora Teagarden movies littering HMM channel this weekend that I thought I would give Candace a second chance. Honestly, I don't know if it is Candace Cameron-Bure or the way the stories are written that hate so much. Maybe both.Aurora is a complete idiot and deluded as well. But the worst thing is that she has absolutely no regard for the appropriate legal authorities, or the potential harm she can do to actually closing a case, or to her own safety. On a personal front, Aurora is rude, pushy, and inconsiderate to the people around her and she is more than a little conceited. Any success she has is mostly luck, but also a lot of persistence. It's true that most of these HMM series have a few of the same lame elements, but both of the Teagarden movies I've seen so far just pile them up one after another. I don't dislike most of the other series.
Stephen Abell Being English, the title of this movie threw me at first... "The Aurora Teagarden" sounds like a place you would go for a nice cuppa cha while sitting in beautiful floral surroundings... But no "Aurora Teagarden" is the name of the leading character - poor girl.That aside, this is a good way to pass an hour and a half. Aurora "Roe" Teagarden, played nicely by Candace Cameron Bure. is a member of a mystery group dedicated to "Real Murders". One of the members, Jane Eagles (Barbara Wallace), invites Roe round to her house so she can borrow a book on female killers, as this had been her "Real Murder" discussion subject. A few days later she learns of Jane's death and is surprised to find herself in the will as the beneficiary of her house. It's when she finds the hidden human skull that a mystery starts to reveal itself to her... and her friends...It's hard to say why I enjoyed this film because some things annoyed me, such as Lexa Doig's character, Sally Allison, who is grating on the nerve and at times I wondered why the two were friends, let alone besties. This isn't Doig's fault though as she did a more than an admirable portrayal of a strong, independent, and intelligent woman on Andromeda. But here, she's not such a likable character. Though that may be the strong point of this series as it's not relying on characterisations as much as others do in this genre; they're a little more like everyday people, rather than "feel-good" representations.Another thing which was annoying was how simple the mystery was, I had pretty much had it solved at the skull, as I would think most would since previous scenes are so heavy handed at giving you the clues. I couldn't really believe that it took Roe so long to figure it out. This is more like a Columbo movie as it's not really about the mystery it's more about the trip to get to the reveal. At least there's still some mystery here, unlike Columbo.All of the cast give a solid and equal performance and portray their characters well; none outshines any of the others. Director Martin Wood does a nice job of keeping the pace steady throughout, which works well with this type and style of story.If you like your characters to be more "normal" in your mystery movies then you will like this; if you don't mind about the easy solve mystery because you prefer the drama more then this will really be your cuppa cha'. At least worth one viewing... on a wet and miserable day - English Summertime - when you can't make it out into the Teagarden.
Kim Heniadis I've watched three different Hallmark mystery series recently, and Aurora Teagarden is the one I've enjoyed the most. And it's mainly because of the main character, who is adorable, and I think fits this part perfectly. You may remember her as D.J. Tanner from Full House, or have recently seen her on Fuller House. I also feel as if the mysteries themselves are a bit deeper than the other series, with more twists and turns.Another reason why I enjoyed this movie so much is that she's a librarian, is part of a True Murders book club, and solves mysteries. All three of those are things that appeal to me. If I could choose a book character's life, hers would be very high on my list.One thing that amused me greatly is the cameo of Charlaine Harris's books in a library scene during the movie. Charlaine Harris is the author of the Aurora Teagarden mysteries, and it was actually her first series, long before Sookie Stackhouse (aka True Blood) or her Midnight, Texas Trilogy.If you enjoy reading Cozies, or like watching mysteries without blood or gore, you should definitely check this one out.
bkoganbing If it weren't for the fact that our lead character is more than flirting with an obstruction of justice charge I would rate the A Bone To Pick a bit higher than I do. In real life good looks and appeal wouldn't get you out of the jackpot that Aurora Teagarden, town librarian and amateur sleuth finds herself working toward.Candace Cameron Bure the younger, as religious, but less controversial than her brother Kirk produces and stars in this and currently two other films with Aurora Teagarden in the lead. She has an interesting hobby and she and a group meet to discuss old murder cases. Influenced no doubt by Agatha Christie's Jane Marple she knows that she can be as good a detective as any who do this for a living. In fact she's a charter member in a club for people who like to review famous old murders and look at them from different angles to solve.In fact it's almost a dream come true when an old spinster woman played by Barbara Wallace, member in good standing of that amateur murder fanciers club dies and not only leaves Bure her house and money, but an actual human skull. Even a mystery all her own to solve.Though she leads the local cops to the rest of the body when she finds it, she keeps the skull for herself. Bure's ace in the hole to solving the crime. It does lead her in many directions before the right one. She also exasperates the local police including detective Miranda Frigon who even though as pregnant as the female police chief in Fargo is still working.Bure has her posse including her mother Marilu Henner and her best friend reporter Lexa Doig. She exasperates both, but Bure and Doig have an interesting Lucy and Ethel like relationship.I guess all's forgiven when you solve a murder, especially since two more Aurora Teagarden films have been made for Hallmark.