WWE Royal Rumble 2000
WWE Royal Rumble 2000
| 23 January 2000 (USA)
WWE Royal Rumble 2000 Trailers

Royal Rumble (2000) was the thirteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by MCI's 1-800-COLLECT. It took place on January 23, 2000 at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York. The main event was the Royal Rumble match, which grants the winner a title shot at Wrestlemania. Featured matches on the undercard included a street fight match between Triple H and Cactus Jack for the WWF Championship, a Triple Threat match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, and The New Age Outlaws versus The Acolytes for the WWF Tag Team Championship. This Royal Rumble was the first WWF pay-per-view event to air on terrestrial television in the United Kingdom, as Channel 4 had acquired the rights to broadcast World Wrestling Federation programming that year.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
joemdesign (minor spoilers but no match results listed in this review) Tagged Classics: Royal Rumble 1999 and 2000 Double DVD Part 2: WWF Royal Rumble 2000 "So tonight... even if it's just for one night... I have decided to be your champion!" – Kurt Angle From the opening match between Kurt Angle and his supposed "mystery opponent" (how did the crowd all know it'd be Tazz?!... Whoops!) you KNOW you're in for a great show! The crowd are hot and ready to scream their lungs out. It could be argued that the Jericho/Chyna/Holly match drags a little and The Outlaws' match with The Acolytes could have been a little less sloppy but the rest of the card more than makes up for it with the original tag-team tables match between The Dudley Boys (Team 3D) and The Hardys. Good times."It looks like we have a late entrant..." – Jerry Lawler This is more of a warning than a review. The Miss Rumble Swimsuit contest is EXACTLY the same as broadcast... I'll say that again... EXACTLY THE SAME. Just in case you were wondering it has something to do with a very famous woman wrestler getting topless in the ring. And you can probably guess who. The whole this is undeniably hilarious though."I think you know the guy... His name is Cactus Jack!" – Mick FoleyThis is my most favourite match of all time. It's Mick Foley at his best and it's Triple H at his best in a Street Fight for the WWF title. The match build-up is excellent showing Foley's transformation from Mankind into Cactus Jack with Hunter doing an amazing job making you believe that the same man in a different shirt is like something from his worst nightmares. Footage of Jack's brutal history is also shown including some Japanese death match bumps and really putting over the sadistic streak that resides in the man's heart. The match itself is a total classic which really solidified Triple H as one of the top names in the industry. It's a pretty sick affair too as the blood flows and the action is devastatingly brutal in places without going overboard. The whole match is dramatic and a great example of wrestling getting it right in every aspect of its planning and implementation."Remember again, you gotta go out over the top and both of your feet have to touch the floor..." – Jim Ross The Rumble match in 2000 is much better than 1999. It's surprising and fun while throwing in a few nice touches here and there (watch out for Taka Michinoku's botched landing on being thrown over the top... ouch!) It's capped with a satisfying conclusion but after the Street Fight you feel a little less interested in it from an emotional point of view. It nicely rounds off a great evening of entertainment."What...? No way! Adverts?!!" – JoeMDesign Yes, I said that when I originally saw this show in January 2000 on Channel 4 in the UK. The terrestrial TV station had bought the rights from Sky to show the Rumble live which they did... although they must have assumed that they could take commercial breaks in between the matches and no-one would notice. They were wrong. I remember on the original Channel 4 version that the Rock's legendary promo skills were cut off mid-sentence! Blasphemy! The best part of owning this pay-per-view is that it is the complete event. It's not an official "extra" but one of my reasons for buying this was to see the whole thing.Officially the extras are very poor. I think WWF at the time weren't sure what to do with servicing DVD extras and the results are evident here. The best extra on the disc is surely the footage from after the Rumble showing Triple H getting his leg mended in the trainer's room. The warning about graphic footage is well-deserved here.Overall I can't really recommend this collection much higher than to say "Thank you, Silvervision!" A classic has been fully restored to its original glory and the world can enjoy two really great shows. The only thing holding this back from 5-star status are the lack of extras but since they're presented in a double-pack and at a reasonable price you can't grumble about the Rumble! Bang bang!
kliko400 This was not the best Royal Rumble that I watched, although it was some what entertaining, it was not the best that I have seen.FIRST MATCH- TAZZ VS. KURT ANGLE Not bad to start the show off, but a very short match, nothing good or special in this match. Tazz wins after Kurt Angle passed out to the Tazzmission. 2/10SECOND MATCH- DUDLEY BOYS VS. HARDY BOYS IN A TAG TEAM TABLES MATCH Okay tables match, but it got dragged a bit onwards in my opinion. Hardy Boys win after Jeff hardy does a dangerous leap from the top off the stage & a Swanton Bomb on Bubba through a table for the win. 5/10THIRD MATCH- THE ACOLYTES {BRADSHAW & FAROOQ} VS. ROAD DOGG & BILLY GUNN FOR THE WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP What a short match, even though the Acolytes dominating a whole majority of the match, it is such a short match. Some team called Mean Street Posse interfere, making Billy Gunn Road Dogg & Billy Gunn win to retain their WWF Tag Team Championship. 2/10FOURTH MATCH- HARDCORE HOLLY VS. CHRIS JERICHO VS. CHYNA FOR THE WWF INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP Not a bad triple-threat match, but could of been somewhat way better in my opinion. Jericho nails a Lionsault on Chyna for the win, & to be the right holder of the WWF Intercontinental Championship.FIFTH MATCH- TRIPLE H W/ STEPHANIE MCMAHON VS. MICK FOLEY IN A STREET FIGHT MATCH FOR THE WWF CHAMPIONSHIP Entertaining & also brutal match, HHH bleeds throughout the match while Mick Foley delivers the punishment throughout the match. Even Rock interferes during the match. But HHH overcomes the brutal match & Pedigrees Mick Foley on thumbtacks for the win & to retain his WWF Championship. 5/10SIXTH MATCH- 30 MAN ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH Not really a bad Royal Rumble match, but also nothing special either. It was entertaining as usual. The best is to be seen yet. Rock head scissors Big Show over the top rope for the win & will be going to main event Wrestlemania 2000. After the match, Big Show tosses Rock over, but it doesn't matter, Rock still won the Rumble & will be going to Wrestlemania for a title shot. 5/10Okay Royal Rumble, I have to say that I was entertained. But also a bit disappointed as the lack of some matches. But still it was a decent Rumble, with Rock being the right winner for the Royal Rumble.Overall I'll give it 5/10 & a D
wrestlingsitewebmaster One of the best Royal Rumble's ever. However there were a few flaws.Match one saw the debut of Tazz. His entrance was chilling. He beat Kurt Angle, ending 'The Olympic Hero's' winning streak.Next up Chyna, Hardcore Holly and Chris Jericho do battle in a fine triple threat match for the vacant Intercontinental Championship.Then The APA do battle with The New Age Outlaws in a passable match. APA win by DQ I think when X-Pac runs in.Then Triple H faces off against Cactus Jack in a brutul match up. HHH wins by pedigreeing Jack through thumb tacks.Then we didn't need this, a bikini contest featuring some lovely women like Terri, Jackie and Tori. 85 year old Mae Young comes down and takes her bra off in front of Jerry Lawler. She wins........The the rumble takes place. D'Lo Brown is number one and Grandmaster Sexay is number 2. The Rock wins this by eliminating The Big Show.Overall a solid PPV!
VenomX This is a fantastic PPV and the sole reason why I bought it on video was because of the classic matches and memories the event has...well excluding Mae Young, I'm still trying to purge that from memory. First thing the PPV has is the debut of Tazz, which to this day sends a chill down my spine, only if all debuts were like this. The matches themselves ranged from average to classic. The street fight between HHH & Cactus Jack without a shadow of a doubt is great stuff, both men worked damn hard in that match and it shows (the Pedigree onto the thumbtacks still makes me wince). The table match between the Hardy Boyz & the Dudley Boyz is also wonderful to watch, being one of the first table matches I would say this send the benchmark. As for the other matches they are quite good, nothing classic, but still not bad (of course, with a 60+ minute Royal Rumble things have to be chopped up a bit to make time, so the matches are a little short).As for the Royal Rumble itself, there were better. This was a fairly predictable Rumble with Kane, Big Show or Rock being the serious contenders (hell, this was a storyline where these three were in a feud over who was going to win, this made for a weak Rumble).A real waste of time in the show was the Swimsuit Contest, I never liked these because I figured why do something like this when you can have another match in it's place which holds some meaning to the storylines? Of course, the reason I'm so resentful about watching it we got to see Mae Young do a stripping act.ugh, thank God the censors put a giant electronic Censored sign on the screen.8/10Great PPV and worthy of a purchase, the Street Fight and the Table Match gives this PPV a high score. Just be warned that once the Swimsuit Contest starts, hit fast-forward.