WWE Royal Rumble 1996
WWE Royal Rumble 1996
NR | 21 January 1996 (USA)
WWE Royal Rumble 1996 Trailers

Thirty Superstars compete in the annual Royal Rumble with the winner advancing to WrestleMania for an opportunity at the WWE Championship. Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Big Van Vader, and more compete in the over-the-top elimination match. The Undertaker battles Bret "Hit Man" Hart for the WWE Championship!

Alicia I love this movie so much
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Jeff Jarrett vs Ahmed Johnson. An OK match to start, until Jarrett gets DQ'd, making the match virtually pointless. I honestly would've preferred just a squash match to this. Rating: 3/5 2nd Match: The Bodydonnas vs The Smokin' Gunns, WWF Tag Team Championships. An alright match, a lot longer than I thought it would be, but both teams get some good offense, and there are some good spots as well. Rating: 3.5/5 3rd Match: Razor Ramon vs Goldust, WWF Intercontinental Championship. This match feels way longer than it actually is. I guess Goldust was still getting used to his character and trying to get over, but some actual wrestling would be nice too. There are some good points, but it's mostly just Goldust acting all hot and bothered for Ramon. Even the ending is lackluster, because Waltman runs in and screws Ramon out of the win. The match felt more like a push for Waltman instead of the guy who actually won. Rating: 2/5 4th Match: Royal Rumble match. Highlight time! There are some better names in this Rumble compared to last year. Rumble debuts for guys like Vader, Hunter, and future-Kane. Michaels wins for the second year in a row, but it's more impressive because of guys like Nash, Owen Hart, Yokozuna, and Vader being in the match instead of countless jobbers. The biggest problem with this match is that it's not last. I've always been of the opinion that the Royal Rumble should end a PPV, if not, it's like starting a PPV with an Iron Man match, it feels out of place. Rating: 3.5/5 5th Match: Undertaker vs Bret Hart, WWF Championship. The match is good, both guys get their signature moves in, and there's even some good brawling on the outside. The problem comes with the ending of the match, where Nash runs down and gets Bret DQ'd, thus making the thirty minute match kind of a waste. The match mostly served as a way to build up Nash vs Taker at Wrestlemania XII, but throwing a good title match away like this is pretty disappointing. Rating: 3/5 Final Rating: 6 out of 10. The show as a whole just existed to think up some matches for Wrestlemania. I know that's normally the point of the show, but it did so by sacrificing match quality, with 2 of the 5 matches ending in a DQ. Hopefully it pays off in a couple of months.
amanwhorocks 1. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Duke Droese - HHH like complete heel in his beginnings lost by DQ. 6.5/10 2. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Ahmed Johnson - Double J ended match by his guitar. No Pearl River Plunge :( 7/10 3. WWF Tag Team Championship: The Body Donnas Vs. Champs-The Smoking Guns - That wasn't bad. 6.5/10 4. Intercontinental Chmapionship: Goldust Vs. Champ-Razor Ramon - Goldust acted here like gay weirdo, i really don't like that. And yes, he became new champ. 6/10 5. Royal Rumble match: HBK won and I really thought this year should be his. 7/10 6. WWF World Championship: The Undertaker Vs. Champ-Bret Hart I give this points for the length and so effort. 7/10
Big Movie Fan When I first watched this in January 1996 I remember being mildly disappointed; it was the first Rumble event I had ever been disappointed in having watched them all from the inaugural 1988 event.(POSSIBLE SPOILERS)The undercard matches were quite disappointing, the only one that was half decent was the Intercontinental Title match between the bizarre Goldust and Razor Ramon.Bret Hart defended his WWF Title against The Undertaker in a reasonable match that was spoilt due to it's ending (Diesel interfered robbing the fans of seeing a win via pinfall).The Rumble itself saved the day. Vader made his PPV debut at this show and cut through stars like a knife through butter. All the stars in the Rumble put on a great show including it's eventual winner Shawn Michaels.Watch it for the Rumble match alone.
BimmerDude World Wrestling Federation Champion Bret The Hitman Hart defends his WWF Title against Big Daddy Cool Diesel in the main event. This was one of WWF Chammpion Bret"The Hitman"Hart's first title defences since regaining the title at the survivor series and one of Diesel's last matches for the WWF. Besides the WWF Championship match, the over the top rope Royal Rumble was action packed as usual with stand out performances by the Slammy Award Winning Owen Hart, Vader and a returning Shawn Michaaels.