WWE Judgment Day 2005
WWE Judgment Day 2005
| 22 May 2005 (USA)
WWE Judgment Day 2005 Trailers

Judgment Day (2005) was the seventh annual PPV of the same name and took place on May 22, 2005 at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was presented by Clearasil. The event featured wrestlers and other talent that performed on the SmackDown! program. The main event was an "I Quit" match featuring two wrestlers fighting until one stated "I Quit." WWE Champion John Cena defended the title against John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL). Two featured bouts were scheduled on the undercard. In respective standard wrestling matches, Rey Mysterio fought Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle fought Booker T.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Stuart Wilson Wasn't Judgment Day a pleasant surprise? After a disastrous 2004 for Smackdown! only events, JD delivered all it promised and then more.The WWE Tag Team Title match was excellent. I think Mercury and Nitro have great potential. The WWE could do with more hot young tag teams like this at the moment.Booker T and Kurt Angle had an exciting match up. The only thing that spoilt this was the seedy Kurt Angle character that he is having to portray at the moment. I prefer Kurt Angle the gold medal winner to Kurt Angle the rapist.Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio had another blinder, at least Mysterio's mask wasn't proving a distraction in this one. This has the potential to be the feud of the year if they keep putting on in ring performances like this.And on to the main event. After the disastrous and down right embarrassing match at WrestleMania 21 these guys needed to put on one hell of a show to impress me. They did. Sure they used every cheap trick in the book, outside brawling, weapons etc, but they did it well. Cena also did a fabulous juice job. Judgment Day is turning into a right bloody event isn't it after this years and last.Good, solid event. All talent seemed to want to put on a good show. Keep it up Smackdown!.
nascarsucks Match 1-WWE Tag Team Championship-MNM(with Melina at ringside) (c) vs. Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly. VERY boring. Haas and Holly have NO charisma. Nitro smacks Haas from behind w/ref distracted and MNM does the Snapshot. 2/10 Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions by pinfall:MNM Match 2-Carlito (with Matt Morgan at ringside vs. Big Show-Carlito's hilarious. Ref runs into Carlito and falls down. Big show goes for a chokeslam but in comes Morgan and gives Show an F-5 (he doesn't do it as well as Lesnar) Carlito covers show for the win. 4/10 Winner by pinfall:Carlito Match 3-Cruiserweight Championship-Paul London vs. Chavo Guerrero-London is excellent as usual. Goes for the 450 early but chavo blocks and works on London ribs the whole match. Chavo goes for a superplex late in the match but London punches him off and gives him the 450 for the win. 5/10 Winner by pinfall and still Cruiserweight Champion:Paul London Match 4-Booker T (with sharmell at ringside) vs. Kurt Angle-Man, Booker was mad and did a good job showing it making it good. Booker does a small package for the win. Angle does the angle slam to booker after and tries to handcuff sharmell to the ropes. Booker comes back and handcuffs angle. Kurt gets beat up by husband and wife. 6.5/10 Winner by Pinfall:Booker T Match 5-US Title-Orlando Jordan vs. Heidenreich-I think i fell asleep during this one. Orlandos wins with a DDT. You heard me right, a friggin' DDT. 1/10 Winner by Pinfall: Orlando Jordan Match 6-Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero-Brilliant match. Eddie works on Rey's ribs throughout the match. Chavo eventually comes down to distract Mysterio. Nevertheless, Rey hits the 619 and goes for the springboard. Eddies smacks Rey in mid-air to get Dq'd. He smacks Rey afterward and leaves EMT's tending to Rey with an evil smile. 8/10 Winner by DQ:Rey Mysterio Match 7-WWE Championship I Quit match-WOW. This is the best match i've seen in over a year. Amazing. JBL slaps Cena with a leather belt early and chokes him. JBL then smacks him with a chair and Cena starts to bleed. JBL then chokes cena with his chain gang chain. Cena comes back and hits the FU. He drags JBL onto a truck, but JBL DDT's him. Cena then punches JBL through a table. He grabs the trucks exhaust pipe coming toward a cornered JBL, who quits. Excellent match. 10/10 Winner by Quit and still WWE Champion:John CenaOverall 6/10. The under card is so poor that it drags one of the greatest title defenses and good grudge matches down.
Ikepoiyen668894 easily the best smackdown only pay per view of the year..matches may not be in rite order1. M.N.M(champs) Vs Hardcore and Haas WWE TAG TITLE MATCH6/10 decent match ...i dig m'n'm ...actually a proper good gimmick tag team which wwe lacks nowadays. unfortunately same can not be said for haas and hardcore who are so opposite its unreal2. Paul London (cruiserweight champ) Vs Chavo Guerrero CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH7.5/10 cruiserweights usually pull off good action and these two didn't disappoint ..not the best for very enjoyable ..london was off the hook!!!3. Carlito Vs Big Show5/10 not very good but aftermath was good as matt morgan f5'd big show which was cool.4. Orlando Jordan (US CHAMP) Vs Heidenreich...US TITLE MATCH3.5/10 poor match both missed spots which made it worse and clearly these two cannot work together ...they both have talent but should never face each other ...ever!5. Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero7.5/10 obviously this was gonna be good ....good entertainment mysterio was high flying as usual ...probably the 3rd best match of the night.6. Kurt Angle Vs Booker T 8/10 Why did we not get more of these two's rivalry.. this match and there match later in the month on smackdown were both brilliant..angles perverse behaviour to bookers wife sharmell adds to the entertainment ...booker t puts on a very good show 7. John Cena (WWE CHAMP) Vs JBL WWE TITLE MATCH I QUIT 8/10 This and angle booker match are neck and neck in terms of the nights best match....this was BRUTAL AND MADE UP for there travesty at wrestlemania. cena bled like a dead chicken.the chair shots were nasty and cenas selling of it was great...cena entrance was also super as was his celebration after victory.
Cinema_Love Smackdown delivers with Judgment Day! The PPV was pretty well done!! We open up this show with: 1- Charlie Haas & Hardcore Holly taking on MNM. A new hot duo! This was for the tag team golds. MNM retains with their pretty impressive double team move. Melina hot as always! Charlie Haas, underrated like always!! 7/10 2- Carlito Vs Big Show. A short match but entertaining... after the match, Morgan give Big Show an F-5, this was very impressive!! 6/10 3- Paul London Vs Chavo Guerrero. a very hot 15 min cruiser-weight title match, theses 2 wrestlers show why they should be on every event. Crowd was hot! 8/10 4- Booker T. Vs Kurt Angle, another very good match with a hot crowd. The wrestling was there and Angle is very good in his persona!! 9/10 5- Orlando Jordan Vs Heidenreich for the US Gold. Pretty boring match but Heidenreich make me laugh, I actually dig his new gimmick a lot! He's funny, charismatic... OJ is... well... OJ! 2/10 6- Eddie Guerrero Vs Rey Mysterio... despite a DQ finish (but that was hot), the match was really interesting with Chavo trying to interfere! This was pure wrestling!!! 9/10 7- WWE TITLE MATCH!!! John Cena (c) Vs JBL... this was a sick sick match!!! We see tons of blood and some really good bumps!! Theses 2 work pretty well in gimmick match and it was an ''I QUIT MATCH'', a match that have a lot of history in this sport!!!Bottom Line... another underrated PPV by the underrated brand sees as the second class. Everything was good. You have entertaining when it's a bad match like Orlando one and the other matches are really good!! You have to give this PPV a try, don't rant it... Buy the DVD!!