WWE Cyber Sunday 2006
WWE Cyber Sunday 2006
| 05 November 2006 (USA)
WWE Cyber Sunday 2006 Trailers

Cyber Sunday (2006) was the first annual Cyber Sunday PPV. It took place on November 5, 2006 at the U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio replacing Taboo Tuesday. This event had the unique feature of being interactive. Fans could vote for selective characteristics in the scheduled matches, including opponents, stipulations, match types, etc. The voting for the event started on October 16, 2006, and ended during the event. The main event was the "Champion of Champions" match, between WWE's three top champions. The three champions in the match were WWE Champion John Cena, World Heavyweight Champion King Booker, and ECW World Champion The Big Show. The fans could vote for who would defend their championship in this match. The predominant match on the card was D-Generation X versus Rated-RKO. The featured matches on the undercard were Jeff Hardy versus Carlito for the WWE Intercontinental Championship and Lita versus Mickie James in a Diva Lumberjack match for the WWE Women's Championship.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
kliko400 This is unbelievably the worst & most disappointing PPV ever. I mean I don't even remember the last time a PPV was a big letdown like this, absolutely shocking.FIRST MATCH- UMAGA W/ ARMANDO ELJANDRO ESTRADA VS. ????? THE THREE OPTIONS ARE KANE, CHRIS BENOIT & SANDMAN THE FANS VOTED FOR KANE Very boring, slow & sloppy match to start the PPV with. Umaga wins after nailing Kane with the Samoan Spike after Kane tried to nail a flying clothesline from the top. 2/10SECOND MATCH- THE HIGHLANDERS VS. CRYME TYME VS. CHARLIE HAAS & VISCERA VS. LANCE CADE & TREVOR MURDOCH IN A ????? THE THREE OPTIONS ARE TAG TEAM TURMOIL, Texas TORNADO & FATAL 4 WAY TAG TEAM MATCH THE FANS VOTED FOR Texas TORNADO Another boring match, you can't even tell who is doing what with all those teams in the ring. Cryme Tyme wins this confusing Texas Tornado battle. 2/10THIRD MATCH- JEFF HARDY VS. ????? FOR THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP THE THREE OPTIONS ARE CARLITO, SHELTON BENJAMIN & JEFF HARDY THE FANS VOTED FOR CARLITO Well this match did pick up a notch a little bit, but what made it mostly boring was Carlito used too many rest holds & submissions in this match. Jeff Hardy wins after a Swanton Bomb to retain his WWE Intercontinental Championship. 3/10FOURTH MATCH- MICKIE JAMES VS. LITA IN A ????? FOR THE WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP THE THREE OPTIONS ARE LUMBERJACK, NO DISQUALIFICATION & SUBMISSION THE FANS VOTED FOR LUMBERJACK Not only was this the worst match of the night, but this was the worst match in the history of WWE. I would of gave it 1/10 but since there were hot divas around the ring, I'll increase the rating. Lita wins after a Moonsault for the win to win the vacant WWE Women's Championship. 2/10FIFTH MATCH- DX {TRIPLE H & SHAWN MICHAELS} VS. RATED RKO {EDGE & RANDY ORTON} SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: ????? THE THREE OPTIONS ARE VINCE MCMAHON, ERIC BISCHOFF & JONATHAN COACHMAN THE FANS VOTED FOR ERIC BISCHOFF Another boring match, I could almost fall asleep as this PPV continues to be less satisfying. Rated RKO topples DX down after a chair shot followed by an RKO by Randy Orton for the win. 2/10SIXTH MATCH- SPIRIT SQUAD VS. RIC FLAIR & ????? FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE THREE OPTIONS ARE ROWDY RODDY PIPER, DUSTY RHODES & SEARGEANT SLAUGHTER THE FANS VOTED FOR ROWDY RODDY PIPER Another boring tag team match, I almost fell asleep watching this one. Ric Flair makes one of the Spirit Squad members tap out which makes Ric Flair & Rowdy Roddy Piper to become World Tag Team Champions for the first time together. 2/10SEVENTH MATCH- JOHN CENA VS. BIG SHOW VS. KING BOOKER W/ SHARMELL IN A TRIPLE-THREAT CHAMPIONS OF CHAMPIONS MATCH FOR THE ????? THE THREE OPTIONS ARE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP, WWE CHAAMPIONSHIP & ECW CHAMPIONSHIP THE FANS VOTED FOR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Since this was still boring but surprisingly entertaining, I would increase the rating a bit. Kevin Federline {Britney Spear's very queer looking husband} hits John Cena at the back with the World Title while Sharmell is distracting the referee, which leads to King Booker covering for the three count to win the Champions Of Champions triple-threat match to retain his World Heavyweight Championship. 3/10This was really a bad PPV, the most boringest & the shockingest that I have ever watched, stay away from this at once so you do not waste your time & also your money.Overall I'll give it 3/10 & a E
wrestlingsitewebmaster Cyber Sunday so far has been the worst PPV of 2006. Let down by crap performances and naff story lines. WWE didn't give us many options to choose from, for example I was expecting Sabu to be in the voting for the opponent to face Umaga or possibly even The Undertaker, but no WWE gave us Kane who has feuded with Umaga before, The Sandman who is booked as a jobber and Chris Benoit despite being gifted in the ring, would not be a worthy opponent for Umaga because of there different backgrounds. But this surprised me because Kane vs Umaga was the best match on the card! Elsewhere on the show the match between Lita and Mickie James was a complete shambles and at one point, Jim Ross even said "what the hell was that?" When James botched a bulldog on Lita. And in the main event Big Show laughed and joked with the fans while he was supposed to be knocked out, the bloody idiot.Results, from the PPV are as follows: Umaga defeated Kane in the best match of the night. Cryme Tyme Defeated The Highlanders, Viscera and Charlie Haas and Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade in a worthless Texas Tornado Match (Murdoch and Haas both looked terrible). Lita beat Micke James to win the vacant Women's title in a crap match. Edge and Randy Orton defeated DX in a disappointing match. Jeff Hardy defeated Carlito in a poor match. Ric Flair and Roddy Piper defeated The Spirit Squad to win the WWE tag team titles in a poor match (Piper looked old and looked like he weighed about 20 stone). King Booker defeated John Cena and The Big Show in a decent main event.Overall Grade - C/D
Stuart Wilson WWE's third interactive pay-per-view came to us from The U.S Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio with a brand new name, Cyber Sunday. With a record setting number of votes cast, over 14 million, it was going to be interesting to see the way the fans had voted.The main decision the fans made was putting King Booker's World Heavyweight Championship on the line in the Champion of Champions match. The main event was average, nothing more, nothing less. This was to be expected; after all, it was a main event involving The Big Show. The match went back and forth with Big Show out of the ring for a lot of the time. This is because the WWE is trying to hide the fact that Show is broken down and needs time off desperately to help heal his aching body. The ending came when Sharmell ran into the ring to nail Cena with the gold. She received a FU for her troubles much to the delight of the crowd. The STFU was then applied to the King but as he tapped like a mad man the referee was too busy seeing to our fallen Queen. It was as the refs back was turned Mr Britney Spears, K Fed, trying desperately to promote his album, made a run in appearance and lamely hit Cena on the back with the World Championship. This distracted Cena long enough for Booker to nail him again with the Championship but this time he got the three count to become the Champion of Champions. The night didn't end with Booker T celebrating one of the most important wins of his career but instead showed K Fed taunting Cena and the angry crowd in Cincinnati.Before the DX/Orton and Edge match there was a backstage promo which involved HBK trying to show, despite the opinion of Eric Bishoff, the he knew what the word controversy meant. This involved him giving Sweet Chin Music to three backstage personnel. This was hilarious. Eric Bishoff was the fan's choice for referee and as expected, he screwed DX to their first pay-per-view loss since their reunion back in June. The match was a good one; the crowd were solidly behind Triple H and Michaels. The match was slow to start of with; the best exchanges came towards the end of the contest. Edge went for the spear on Michaels but accidentally nailed Bishoff. This took him out the game for a few moments. When DX had the match won and the substitute referee came down Bishoff recovered to deck the new referee and break up the pin. HBK was then taken out by Edge and a steel chair this left the Game to be double teamed and eventually Orton picked up the pinfall after a RKO onto a steel chair. This little feud is just warming up.In other notable happenings of the night Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated the bickering Spirit Squad to capture the World Tag Team Championship. This was a surreal moment, my God; Rowdy Roddy Piper was like a pregnant Casper the Friendly Ghost out in the ring. Entertaining match but nothing more. Umaga and Kane had their best battle in the opener of the night. A hard hitting, physical battle which ended with The Samoan Bulldozer hitting the Samoan Spike to beat the Big Red Machine. Lita won the finals of the Woman's Championship in a Diva Lumberjack over Mickie James in a poor and messy match. Cryme Tyme won a Texas Tornado match against The Highlanders, Haas and Viscera and Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. The match had its moments and the fact that Cryme Tyme won was a surprise to no one. Jeff Hardy, like King Booker, managed to retain his gold despite the fans choosing the opponent. Carlito and Hardy should have had a much better contest. Don't get me wrong, it had its moments, but Carlito used a lot of rest holds and this slowed the match right down.So Cyber Sunday didn't give us the doubles champion we were all hoping for. In fact, it didn't give us very much at all apart from the worlds oldest Tag Team Champions with a combined age of over 100. Nothing to brag about really is it. The action was mediocre at best, and the only storyline that really developed was the DX/Orton and Edge feud. Poor, poor, poor.
jameslj-cannon For a good few months, RAW had produced some really entertaining ppvs. Unfortunately, this is not one of them. Cyber Sunday is well....quite dull. Most of the matches are too short, and the main event had one of the worst endings I have ever seen. That said there were a couple of good matches, however it couldn't save this event from being one of the worst ppvs of the year (The Great American Bash taking that title). Anyway here are the results from this rather forgettable interactive ppv:Match 1:Umaga vs. Kane, or Chris Benoit, or Sandman. Kane wins with 50% of the vote. Probably on par with their match at Unforgiven. A typical big man match, quite slow and hard hitting. I thought Kane might have been able to beat the Samoan bulldozer, however, he received two Samoan spikes and Umaga got the pin. Winner: UmagaMatch 2:Cryme Tyme vs. The Highlanders vs. Viscera and Charlie Hass vs. Cade and Murdoch. This was a Texas tornado tag match. It was pure chaos, which is probably why the fans voted for that stipulation. It was way too short though. Cryme Tyme won when the covered the Highlanders. Winners:Cryme TymeMatch 3:Intercontinental Title Match:Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito, or Shelton Benjamin, or Johnny Nitro. Carlito won with 60% of the vote. This was quite entertaining. Plenty of action towards the end of this one. The only reason to watch this match is because of the exciting finish. The beginning and the middle of this match is really quite boring because Carlito keeps putting Hardy in the same bear hug submission hold. Hardy wins to retain with the swanton bomb. Winner and still champion:Jeff HardyMatch 4:DX vs. Edge and Randy Orton. Special guest referee:Eric Bischoff, or Johnathon Coachman, or Vince McMahon. Bischoff won with 60% of the vote. Probably the best match of the night, but not a classic. Not being a fan of tag team matches, I was quite surprised that I enjoyed this. Bischoff had the same deliberate count for both teams, that soon changed after Edge accidentally speared him. Anyway a new referee came to the ring when the Game was covering Orton, after Orton received a huge Sweet Chin Music from Michaels, only to be pulled out of the ring by Bischoff. Bischoff then knocked the ref to the floor. Michaels chased Bischoff, only to be hit in the face with a chair by Edge. Orton hit a huge RKO on HHH on to the steel chair. Orton covered the Game for the win. Winners:Edge and Randy OrtonMatch 5:Womens Title Match:Lita vs. Mickie James.Match stipulation:No Holds Barred, or Diva Lumberjacks, or Submission. Diva Lumberjacks won with around 45% of the vote. This match was just plain bad and boring. Maybe if the match were longer, it might have gotten better....but it didn't. Lita won when Victoria interfered, and hit Mickie with an impaler ddt. Winner and new champion:LitaMatch 6:World Tag Team Title Match:The Sprit Squad vs. Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper, or Seargeant Slaughter, or Dusty Rhodes. Piper won with 60% of the vote. Well.....this was a dull, dull, dull tag team match. Piper looks like he should have lost some weight before the match. He has got the biggest gut I have ever seen. Anyway Flair and Piper won the titles, which was a bit of a shock. Really crap match though. Winners and new champions:Flair and PiperMatch 7:Champion of Champions Match:Big Show vs. King Booker vs. John Cena. Title on the line:World Heavyweight Championship won by 60% of the vote. This match could have been so much better than it was. It was over hyped in my opinion. Show dominated both men, until he got knocked out when his head smashed into the steel steps. I am not a Cena fan, but I was still hoping he'd win for RAW. He didn't. After giving Queen Sharmel an FU, Cena locked in the crappy STF-U on the King. It looked like the King would tap, until the unthinkable happened. Keven Federline (a.k.a Mr Britney Spears), yes you heard me right, K FED screwed Cena when he hit him over the kidneys with the World Championship. Cena chased K FED out of the ring, only for the King to nail Cena with the title belt, and get the pin for the win. Worst ending to a match I have ever seen. Winner and the champion of champions:King Booker.If you haven't seen Cyber Sunday then I suggest that you don't waste your time. This will be forgotten by this time next year. The matches were too short in some cases, in other cases, the matches were just really bad. The rubbish ending just capped this event off. They may have changed the name from Taboo Tuesday to Cyber Sunday, but that didn't help this event from becoming another forgetful ppv. Lets just hope they recover from this with a strong Survior Series.....hopefully.