WWE Armageddon 2005
WWE Armageddon 2005
| 08 December 2005 (USA)
WWE Armageddon 2005 Trailers

Armageddon (2005) was the sixth Armageddon PPV. It was presented by Microsoft's XBox 360, and took place on December 18, 2005 at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island and was a SmackDown! brand-exclusive event. The main event was a Hell in a Cell match between Randy Orton and The Undertaker. One of the predominant matches on the card was an Interpromotional tag team match between WWE Tag Team Champions Batista and Rey Mysterio and World Tag Team Champions Big Show and Kane. Another primary match on the undercard was Booker T versus Chris Benoit in the fourth match of their "Best of 7" series for the vacant WWE United States Championship.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
kliko400 Now I seriously do not understand, Armageddon PPV's just seem so boring & also a let down. This year's Armageddon, almost all the superstars that I was rooting to win have lost.FIRST MATCH- JBL W/ JILLIAN HALL VS. MATT HARDY Not bad this match was. Technically it was a bit of a brawl. JBL wins after a Clothesline From Hell. 4/10 SECOND MATCH- MNM W/ MELINA VS. SUPER CRAZY & PSICOSIS Okay tag team match, which of course the Tag Team Titles were supposed to be on the line, but it was not to be. MNM win after nailing a double team on Super Crazy called the Snapshot for the win. 4/10 THIRD MATCH- CHRIS BENOIT VS. BOOKER T W/ SHARMELL IN MATCH 4 OF THE BEST OF 7 SERIES FOR THE WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Finally a great match on the card, also this is probably the best match Benoit & Booker T pulled so far in the Series matches. Chris Benoit finally wins a point against Booker T after making him tap out to the Sharpshooter for the great hard win. 5/10 FOURTH MATCH- BOBBY LASHLEY VS. PAUL BURCHILL & WILLIAM REGAL IN A 1-2 HANDICAP MATCH Mostly just a squash, Bobby Lashley defeats both men after nailing the Dominator on Burchill for the win. 3/10 FIFTH MATCH- JUVENTUD VS. KID KASH FOR THE WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP I like Cruiserweight matches but this one did not reach my expectations. Kid Kash wins after Juventud missed a slam from the top rope, which led Kid Kash to nail the Dead Level for the win to become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. 3/10 SIXTH MATCH- BATISTA & REY MYSTERIO VS. KANE & BIG SHOW IN A CHAMPIONS VS. CHAMPIONS RAW VS. SMACKDOWN INTERPROMOTIONAL TAG TEAM MATCH Too slow & sloppy. To make it a good tag team match, it should of been a bit longer. Kane & Big Show win after Mysterio goes for the 619 on Kane only to be caught in mid-air with the Chokeslam for Kane & Big Show to get the win. 3/10 SEVENTH MATCH- RANDY ORTON W/ BOB ORTON VS. UNDERTAKER IN A HELL IN A CELL MATCH Good match, too bad Undertaker had to win as I was really rooting for Orton to win. Still it was a great HIAC match not the best of course. Both men were busted open in this dangerous match. At one point during the match, Orton cross-bodied Taker through a table but Taker broke out of the count. Later Orton tries to use the urn on Taker, but Taker nails gets the urn & slams it on Orton. Later Taker finishes Orton off with a Tombstone for the win. 6/10 This year's Armageddon PPV was a bit better than last year's but I still didn't like it very much. Why are Armageddon PPV's always like this boring.Overall: I'll give it 5/10 & a DPS: R.I.P Eddie Guerrero, you were an all-star entertainer
wrestlingsitewebmaster The best Armageddon for five years. That was the thought when I looked at the card on paper and when I watched it. Armageddon in 2001/2002/2003/2004 was a let down, but in 2005 something changed. Sure not everything on the card was perfect, but it was a decent effort by the WWE.Bobby Lashley defeated William Regal and Birchill in a passable match. Kane and Big Show defeated Rey Mysterio and Batista, Batty and Rey showed great chemistry together and the match was good. Kid Kash defeated Juventud to capture the Cruiserweight title in a poor match, sad to say that but Kash and Juvi were superb talent before WWE laid their hands onto them. MNM defeated Super Crazy and Psicosis in a very good match. JBL defeated Matt Hardy in a good match. Chris Benoit defeated Booker T in an enjoyable match. The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton in a good Hell in a Cell.Overall Grade - B+
liverpooldaly The first match was JBL v Matt Hardy. An obvious squash match but a good way match to start a PPV.JBL started with an immediate offence and Matt Hardy had his head caught up in the ropes as JBL started kicking Matt with straight kicks to the head.After getting out, JBL started hitting Matt Hardy repeatedly.Later on the referee was checking on Matt and JBL took off the pad on the turnbuckle, Irish whipped Matt there and finished it with the clothesline from Hell.The match showed how JBL can be very vicious in the ring with his hands and feet. The second match put MNM and The Mexicools in a very good match for a tag team match.MNM showed that they are tag team championship material and beat the Mexicools with a snap-shot on Super Crazy.During the match the Mexicools and MNM pulled off some great moves. A contender for match of the night was match number 4 in the best of seven series for the United States Championship.If Booker won he would be United States Champion by winning 4-0.If Benoit won he would pull it back to 3-1.A great match with suspense and even though Benoit won, and you knew he would because of how the story line was panning out, you sometimes felt that Booker would win.A very good match for WWE fans to watch. Lashley defeated Regal and Birchall in a squash match which was OK but obvious who would win.I believe this match was made because of how good Regal made Lashley look two weeks before-hand.Lashley won with a Dominator to Birchall after reversing many double team moves. The next match was Juventud against Kid Kash.Any ECW fan would know that Kid Kash's matches are quite fast paced, but this one was slowed down to a normal WWE paced match. Next saw the Raw vs. SmackDown match with World Tag Team Champions, Kane and the Big Show vs WWE Tag Team Champions Rey Mysterio and Batista, who was also the World Heavy-weight Champion.Rey Mysterio worked most of the match and ended up with Kane Chokeslamming Mysterio for the win. Finally the long-awaited Hell in a Cell match....which has to be seen to be believed.A fantastic match with many,many weapons used including chairs, stairs and a table.Bob Orton came in to help Randy but got Tombstoned, Randy received a Last Ride and a Tombstone Piledriver and Undertaker got the win.Also in the show The Boogeyman made an appearance beating up Nunzio and Vito and making Vito eat worms.The low-point of the night was when Josh Matthews was interviewing a former referee from the WWE and did the Triple H vs Chris Jericho match and after the interview he was supposed to have shot himself because of it.That was very low by the WWE.A very good PPV and I strongly recommend it. JBL DEF. MATT HARDY:8/10 MNM DEF. MEXICOOLS:9/10 CHRIS BENOIT DEF. BOOKER-T:9/10 LASHLEY DEF. REGAL & BIRCHILL:HANDICAP:7/10 KID KASH DEF. JUVENTUD:8/10 KANE & BIG SHOW DEF. MYSTERIO & BATISTA:9/10 UNDERTAKER DEF. RANDY ORTON:HELL IN A CELL:10/10
CrowKing35 This was a great PPV! I recommend it to all WWE fans. The Hell In A Cell was the best part. Randy Orton got hurt badly. It is one of the best PPVs in my book. I simply loved it! The other matches were also thrilling. Batista & Mysterio vs. Kane & Big Show was a classic. If you are a serious WWE fan, then I recommend this to you. You simply cannot pass this one up. I went to see this live, and was very impressed! I won a Batista shirt as well! I highly recommend this. This was one of my favorites. Everyone will love this. It's a bit gory, though. This a PPV to remember. You MUST watch this, if you are a hardcore WWE fan!! Armageddon 2005 was just....."UNFORGETTABLE!"