R | 04 November 2010 (USA)

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Jared, Kate, Rick, and Jessica find themselves stranded in a wreckage yard after their car breaks down during a drag race. Meanwhile, the sheriff's office receives notice that a convict escaped from a local state prison. As the teenagers mysteriously disappear one by one, the killer grows hungry and the thriller continues to unravel.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
David Roggenkamp Take an old fashion Sheriff and deputy from a small town, thrown in an ambulance crew and for good measure, and then put them into a junkyard with a serial killer on the loose. Now throw in the main protagonists of the film – four college students, and you have a film. The college students are picked off one by one, as are the more capable adults. The film takes place in a junkyard so there are lots of hiding places and scene changes without changing location. The plot device is simple – one a car tuner, and one a rich boy, both drag and a belt in the car tuner's car snaps. It's off to the junkyard where things turn awry. As a twist one of the college students is actually an adrenaline junky and likes to shoot off a gun. The rest of the film is standard cinematography as horror movies go. It is what you can expect, and the movie is a letdown towards the end.Watch at your discretion, it helped me with my fix.Originally posted to Orion Age (http://www.orionphysics.com/?p=2914)
Theo Robertson After their car breaks down four youths go in to a junkyard ( They never learn ) to look for spare parts . After an accident one of the youths Jared rushes off to the local sheriff's office and returns to the junkyard . As the police and paramedics turn up they find the other three youths have disappeared . What could have happened to them ? As it becomes clear the youths might have disappeared but the danger hasn't How can you put a new spin on the teenagers in peril genre ? I mean this is a genre that has been going on for more than 35 years . Wes Craven who helped kick start the genre with LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT effectively killed it off with the post modernist SCREAM franchise and just about every teen horror since then has been straight to DVD fare , many of which are so bad to be almost unwatchable . Knowing this I sat down to watch WRECKAGE expecting grade Z rubbish but was surprised at what I got I don't want to overstate the case . I don't want to insinuate this is some hidden gem but an average user rating of 4.2 seems a bit stingy , especially to someone like myself who has seen far too many poor horror movies . Perhaps my enjoyment of WRECKAGE is down to thinking I knew how the story was going to turn out . As soon as the gang of four entered the junkyard I thought it'd be a simple of story of the youths splitting up and getting stalked by a mad murderer . To its credit the story moves in an entirely different direction where the back up in the shape of armed deputies and paramedics turn up but this might not be enough and everyone may be dead by the morning . There's a couple of twists at the end that might makes things divisive for audience opinion but I found WRECKAGE better than expected
TheRetardedVacuum This movie is about four friends, who I guess are supposed to be in their early 20s, and all of whom have the personality only slightly superior to that of your average slab of cardboard, who have to find some parts for their car in a junkyard while at the same time a killer just escaped from a prison nearby, see if you can guess what happens next. The friends are joined by some cops, a couple of EMTs and the idiot nephew of the guy who owns the junkyard who is the best part of the movie and pretty much steals every scene he's in. There's also a twist ending that a lot of people will probably see coming early on in the movie, and not a lot of gore, which was disappointing.Overall, this wasn't terrible, despite me not being able to care that much about any of the main characters. But there are better ways to spend your time.
fionaharnett Wreckage is one of these wannabe-slasher films that is ridden with the clichés of its more successful predecessors, and whilst its not ashamed to try and emulate films such as Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street etc., this is a worthy B-Movie effort that deserves more recognition. Frankly, it was utterly ridiculous but, at a mere 83 minutes, it was entertaining while it lasted.Without giving away any spoilers, the film follows a group of young people who compete in a local drag race. When their car breaks down, they make the decision to go to an old and decrepit scrapyard to get the parts they need to fix their car. However, all is not as it seems as a serial killer is on the loose, with intent to kill them one by one- will they survive? This movie was clearly made on a tiny budget, and it shows. The sound quality on the film is awful and the script could have been improved. One example of the poor script is when the group decide to make the one-mile trip to the scrapyard by foot; they set off in the afternoon sunlight but, when they arrive after the relatively short walk it is pitch black. This is a major blooper and the film continues in similar stead, with a contrived plot which gets more and more wild as the film continues. There's little in the way of character development and any slasher-movie-aficionado will find it hard to see past the corny clichés featured in the movie. However, if your able to leave your intelligence at home and enjoy the film for what it is, there are many positives. For instance Scoot Mcnairy (notable for his performance in the groundbreaking Monsters) who plays the hillbilly part-owner of the scrapyard shines and provides welcome comic relief. In addition to this, I was genuinely surprised by the finales twist and this wraps things up nicely.All the characters are likable and the film never stalls, with something always going on to keep the interest going. This film isn't perfect and is far below other slasher movies. But it does its job as an enjoyable B-Movie: its fun, entertaining and the twist will leave you shocked. Oh yes, and look out for Scoot McNairy; i'm sure he has a big career ahead of him.This film is definitely not the car crash its title suggests...