World Traveler
World Traveler
R | 19 April 2002 (USA)
World Traveler Trailers

After hitting the road a man encounters characters that make him realize the importance of family.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lawbolisted Powerful
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
gsh999 I'm a big fan of the different genre of sci-fi but my imagination has its limits. This movie stretched it too far when the hero/zero finds Julianne Moore sleeping in a bar, homeless, and picks her up for part of his journey. Friends, I've seen women sleeping in bars, I will admit, but none looked a bit like Julianne Moore. When will directors start using actresses that might not look like movie stars? How often does a guy pick up a passed out drunk girl in a bar that looks like that? If the hero/zero was confronted with reality, and what he would really find passed out in a bar booth, he probably would have run home to his wife as fast as he could. If I could take a road trip and find hot Hollywood actresses sleeping in bars, I would run away too! Unbelievable and somewhat boring. But decent acting could make it a hit for some people.
pl-mattson During the part of Cal's trip (with Julianne Moore) where he stopped at a state fair in Montanna, the song "You were only fooling but I was falling in love" was sung by a female vocalist. Could the singer have been KAY STARR?? Portions of the tune did in fact sound a little like her and then there were a few notes that sounded more like Patsy Cline.So I am betting that the song was not sung by KAY STARR. Anyone that can remember music from the 50's and 60's might offer up their thoughts on this topic. I believe that this recording was of another Country and Western singer. Overall, the movie was quite interesting but had a few discontinuities and unanswered questions, e.g., what was going on with Cal getting handcuffed as He gets off of an airplane in the first minutes of the movie?
gordon_02140 The worst movie I've seen in a long time. This whole thing rings false, and the Billy Crudup character especially so. The potential for a good story is there, but this movie never comes close to delivering. Every plot element just drifts away.
George Parker After watching "World Traveler" I visited the film's page and read the plot outline. I'm glad I did because now I know what the hell the film was about.A sort of combo road trip and character study, "World Traveler" wraps a plodding nonstory meandering in a stylish shoot sprinkled with cameos by some good actors and backdrops of scenic middle America in Winter. For those who want to try to climb in the head of a not-very-interesting protag (Crudup), this flick may have value. For most, the story will probably not be sufficiently interesting to spend 1.5 hours with. (C+)Note - It will help you enjoy the film if you like Willie Nelson music.
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