| 26 August 2002 (USA)
Wolfhound Trailers

Colum Kennedy went with his family to an Irish village to visit the places of origin of their ancestors. Once he arrived in the village realizes that the community is populated by beastly shape-shifting beings able to transform into animals. Colum begins to feel an intense passion for a woman who can transform into a wolf and must make a choice: return to his family and bring her home or to give in to temptation.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Scarecrow-88 A successful author, Colum(Allen Scotti) returns to his ancestral home in an Irish village with wife, son and daughter in tow hoping to rekindle possible memories of slain parents he never knew. What he does discover is that inside him lying dormant is an animal desiring to get out. Threatening his well being is an imposing, gruff villager, Macroth(Brian Monahan)who may very well have been behind the death of his parents. Colum's wife, Stella(Jennifer Courtney), wishes to go home, quite a city gal longing for her hot coffee from Starbucks, having a great deal of trouble adjusting to her new environs. What's worse is that she feels a rift coming between her and Colum whose behavior is questionable. Colum realizes that an Irish wolfhound scouring about his cottage's grounds is in fact the animal form of a beautiful, voluptuous woman, Siobahn(Julie Cialini)who wishes to make passionate sexual contact with him. After succumbing to Siobahn's seductive allure, Colum finds the beast within starting to emerge, while Stella yearns to leave without him if necessary. Meanwhile Macroth eyes Stella causing quite a bit of friction between all involved. What Colum and Stella soon find is that the village folk are not all they appear to be.Ambitious but lackluster fantasy regarding a village of people who can actually transform into animals. Like Macroth who changes into a wolfhound like Siobahn. Another changes into a crow. The plot resembles the story of Cat People ever so slightly, but I had a problem with how the fantasy element of transformation is handled..it deserves more exposition as does how Colum's parents died. I think a great deal of the film is little more than getting Julie Cialini as naked as possible. Certainly her delicious naked flesh doesn't hurt, as long as she kept her mouth shut, but I didn't think she had that many sparks with Allen Scotti, for whom is her sexual partner during a few scenes. I never thought their love-making provided the right amount of erotic heat which is surprising since chains get thrown into the mix and blue light(..often quite an effective tool for erotica)within night scenes never quite elicits fireworks. The fight scenes between Macroth and Colum never catch fire either and have clumsily inserted dogs growling in the attempts to sell the beasts themselves attacking. The morphing sequences from human to beast leave much to be desired. Special effects in this film just are too cheap to effectively convey what the director so desires and he often has to resort to the use of objects to cloud humans before and during their transformation to, I guess, save on what little budget he obviously had. There's an unnecessary sex scene between Colum and two lesbian women(..Julie K & Regina Russell)that should also be erotic but comes off surprisingly empty because the director fails to establish whether or not they're actually even on top of him! I'd suggest seeing this merely to see Cialini naked, slapping Colum as he's chained to the bed while on top of him having the ride of her life. She also has a rather effective strip scene, removing her gown inviting pleasure. Maybe the problem is the lead actor, Scotti, who fails to generate fire with his new lover or a sense of love with his wife. The character of Stella spends most of the screen time upset with her husband's decision to leave home, feeling distant from Colum, or warding off Macroth's advances.
BeLyt I didn't fast forward through this movie like I do with many others. For me there just aren't enough supernatural movies out there, so I didn't find renting this one to be a waste of money or time. Folklore, shape shifting, and yes, sex. It wasn't a smooth movie but it was entertaining and intriguing in its own way. I think some of the actors deserve credit for playing a good part. One of the youngest actresses, who played the young daughter Sally, added depth to the movie with her believability as an open-minded, non-judgmental child. It wasn't a great effects movie like Underworld, but like reading a good Sci-Fi story, it can draw a person into a different world for awhile. I enjoyed the setting as well, rural Ireland, (though I'm not certain if it was shot there). It followed a man's quest to know himself, but the plot lacked a lot of depth in that regard. So for those who like the idea of shape shifting, you might find it a worthwhile movie, but due to the sex scenes I definitely recommend it only for adults.
ty4000 'Wolfhound' is not a werewolf movie, per se, but it's not so terribly bad otherwise. It is filmed rather well for it's budget, IMHO. Yes there are transformations, but not into wolves...into dogs, particularly Irish Wolfhounds, thus the title. I actually thought the acting was rather good for such a production, especially the various sorts of 'local' people and most certainly Jennifer Courtney, playing the wife of the man who brings his family to Ireland to where his familial roots are. So, yes there is mystery, but not really any horror, so to label this a horror movie is a just a bit of a stretch. More of a fantasy. And keep in mind that not everyone who is a shapeshifter turns into a dog, some are birds, some foxes, etc. I should note that the animals who are in the film actually are filmed well enough to convey that they ARE acting, which, for animals, can be a bit rare. However, a good portion of the film is spent showing the '95 Playmate Of The Year, Julie Cialini. She is the main shapeshifter who entices our leading man. Yes, her physique is what is obviously on display here. Was this created as a vehicle for her? Hope not. Poor thing, she really can't act. Especially for a character who's supposed to have lived in this Irish village all her life, she sounds like an cheerleader from the U.S., you know, somewhere in the mid-west. Overall, if you are interested in werewolf movies, this is not one. See only if you a) don't mind soft porn b) are interested in fantasy-mysteries involving concepts such as shapeshifting.
mizziah74 I try to be positive when watching a movie. I usually don't bring many expectations to the table. Generally, I can find something worthwhile in any movie I watch, even when the movie sucks ass. However, except for the ample cleavage, this movie totally sucks in every department.The acting is very amateurish all around, the writing is poverty-row (at best), the cinematography is quite poor in a lot of places (lots of out of focus shots), and the "special effects" are laughable. Plus, this movie has a couple of the worst child actors I've ever seen! Damn!!!! I wanted to smack them every time they appeared on screen.I walked into this with an open mind, but for all my efforts, I just ended up getting robbed of money and 80 minutes of my life that I'll never get back!