PG | 15 March 2008 (USA)
Wisegal Trailers

A drama centered around Patty Montanari, the widowed mother of two who went to work for her lover Frank Russo, a captain in a Brooklyn crime family.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Kong Ho Meng I will remember this movie as one of the most powerful movie portrayals of a strong mother. What sets this apart from all other movies about mothers is, this mother does not break down emotionally, but instead she continues to figure out a way through to support her family and that gives it the upper-hand of being inspirational! And i do believe that this is based on a true story because i believe there are people like her around and i am so glad to come across this testimony of life.Alyssa Milano really did a splendid job in her role, which i knew she could pull it off with such a standard considering her potential. The rest of the cast did really well and the script is strong, not too heavy (which it is not suppose to be heavy, after all this is a lifetime movie) but still weighs heavily on the heart. In fact this movie is good enough to be of a blockbuster standard. If u want a heart felt movie that does not rely on too much crying and carries substantial courage and maternal strength, this is a must-watch.
caulfieldland-1 'Made for TV' is not something that raises the expectations of the viewer. I did not recall seeing Alyssa Milano in anything other than 'Charmed' and frankly I wasn't that impressed with her. Which makes it all the more surprising how much I liked this film. The plot may not be that original: Girl from disadvantaged background makes good, suffers setback, pulls herself up through hard work, intelligence and (in this case) a mobster who fancies her. Alyssas' character isn't portrayed as the totally innocent victim of circumstance (so annoyingly common in these scenarios) but gives her a little more realism. The rest of the cast did well with less screen time: James Caan bought a little weight to the cast and the children played their roles convincingly, but the character I would have liked to see more of was the mother played by Janet Wright. What sets this film apart is the higher than average standard of acting, the non-cheesy script and the three dimensional characters.
Spookymindz THis Movie Wisegal was a made for TV movie shown on LifeTime, but please disregard that as it is far better then most if not many of the made for TV movie, you'll be totally surprised at how good this movie is, the acting the story the plot the editing etc. was excellent. This movie could have been a smash hit if it had appeared in movie theater's as it was just that good, I don't want to include any spoiler's so I"ll just say if you get a chance please see it and I'm pretty sure you'll agree that it is by far better then the average made for TV movie, I can't say enough about this flick as it surely was well made and well acted and had many stars in it which should be a hint that the accepted the change to take part in this well made well acted movie, I have to say I enjoyed it so much I actually viewed it two times, so you may want to make a copy of it for future viewing of it again at another time. I gave this movie Wisegal an A+ on all accounts you watch it and be the judge of how good a movie LifeTime showed.
andyhow Being a guy that grew up with an enormous crush on Alyssa Milano, i assume this was going to be yet nothing crap-tastic C movie from the television Diva. Yet, i was surprisely taken back by the dialogue and heart that was delivered.Great job to Alyssa, in the role that I think was written specifically for her brooklyn style. I say make a sequel...where does she go? does she quit the criminal life "cold turkey?" hopefully not.James Caan is in this too, which i think made it a little more believable. by the way how old am I to believe Alyssa is in this movie at the end? The makeup tried to make her look older I think, but she is still way to gorgeous for that.