Winnie Mandela
Winnie Mandela
R | 06 September 2013 (USA)
Winnie Mandela Trailers

A drama that chronicles the life of Winnie Mandela from her childhood through her marriage and her husband's incarceration.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Ghoulumbe Better than most people think
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
soilanisereka Basically the movie talks about South Africa which was one of the very last countries to get its independence in Africa .We get to understand how much South Africans suffered during the apartheid regime and what the leaders and other citizens went through before they finally became self ruled, the discrimination of Africans in their own country and not to mention the bloodshed during this times. This is a very touching movie full of sorrows and tears but not forgetting the comic part of it as seen in the early stages. It's very hilarious in its kind, full of romance and a lot of suspense especially in the middle .It is also very emotional, breathtaking and very educative. The movie talks about the life of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela (Jennifer Hudson), from her strict rural upbringing by a father disappointed she was not born a boy, to her giving up the chance to study in America in order to remain in South Africa where she felt more needed, through her husband Nelson Mandela's (Terrence Howard) imprisonment. She then faces continuous harassment by the security police, banishment to a small Free State town, betrayal by friends and allies, and more than a year in solitary confinement. Upon her release, she continues her husband's activism against apartheid and, after his release from prison, suffers divorce due to her infidelity and political pressure.The main character is Jennifer Hudson who is referred as Winnie Madikizela Mandela. I find her to be a very strong woman who will always fight for what she thinks is right. She is that woman who will go to that extend without fear of what people will think about her or what people say about her. She fought anyone she considered was a threat to her and what she has been fighting for. She did a very good job as she teaches women to be strong no matter the problems of day to day life and that no one should give up without a fight. She was very courageous and she took up the role very good. The second character is Terence Howard who plays the role of Nelson Mandela .His character was very well portrayed as that fighter who will sacrifice everything he had just for the freedom of his people .Even though he was very strong at the beginning I found him to be so down at the end of the movie since he did not become what everyone expected him to be, he brings out his soft part and that not how we expect those people fighting for us to be…even though his role came out quite well I think I would love to see the strong part of him. Hlomla Dandala also known as Oliver Tambo is the other character in the movie and he plays a role of a good friend to Mandela. He did a very good job since he tried so hard to stand by his friend and he also got himself in a boiling soup fighting against the white regime as he was also got imprisoned .He played his role very well. The most things I liked about the movie was the fact that it made me as a reader understand South Africa much better during the start and at the end of apartheid regime. It all made sure that it targeted both the age groups without discriminating any. I liked when Winnie decided she would continue with the struggle even after the arrest of her husband. I didn't like it when Mandela decided to divorce Winnie as seen in the last scene of the movies as I thought that woman really struggled during his absence and no matter what she did she was supposed to be forgiven since it was not easy for her for Mandela was arrested when she was still very young. I also didn't like it when Winnie decided to take laws in her hands and decided to kill anyone who was against ANC by that time and who could not follow what she wanted as seen in the last third scene of the movie. The movie teaches us that; 1. No matter how hard some things look if you continue to put more effort then you will surely succeed in one way or another. 2. It also shows the strength of a woman by explaining that what a man can do a woman can still do the same thing 3. It also states that you should fight for what you believe in no matter how hard it is to get what you want. 4. we should also not use violence for violence since dialogue is and will always be the way out Anyone can watch this movie since it has targeted all age groups from the young to the old and even the romance part of it does not hinder the children from watching and so I consider it as a family movie.In other hand I think this movie is much of a TV movie and no part of Winnie Mandela biography. According to my views someone biography should be written or said in a way that it becomes history even after that person is long gone as it should make that person be remembered in one way or the other. This movie has represented Winnie's bad side since it criticizes her too much which should not be part of biography.Even though I felt the movie was quite interesting to watch I also feel it could have done much better for its rating is not that good considering its main actors are two very well known people not to mention its producer TD JAKES who is a well known Christian evangelist and the Christian denomination would have loved to see better than what he produced .I will rate the movie at 2/5 since I expected better than this as the title really moved me to want to know what it was all about.
notekskils Great historical drama! When i first saw that Terrence Howard and Jennifer Hudson were playing the lead roles i was doubtful that they could pull off a creditable performance. Boy was i wrong! From what i know of the actual Mandela story, seeing how i have been following the real story since the apartheid protests began in the 60's, i would say that both Howard and Hudson channeled both Mandela and Winnie!! my only regret is the movie did not receive the acclaim that it deserved! I thought that Hudson did a great job in her acting debut in Dreamgirls. However, i thought that her performance in Winnie was far better! In Dreamgirls she(Hudson) was nominated for an academy award yet no mention for her excellent performance in Winnie!!
Tad Pole . . . the Lady Macbeth of South Africa. The trajectory for heroes is that they start out sinners like Saul of Tarsus and transform themselves into people such as Saint Paul. The Benedict Arnolds of infamy, on the other hand, begin lives of privilege and when the going gets a tad rough, they mutate into evil, self-centered cancers on humanity. This film, WINNIE MANDELA, perfectly captures her transformation from the one-time girl stick fighter champ into a chunky boozing adulteress with a lust for cheap sex and a penchant to enjoy sadistic "neck tie" parties involving her having trusting young orphan boys burned alive. No one can prove there actually is a Hell, or say whether Winnie deserves to be there forever, or just for 10,000 years. But as crispy critter Stompi Seipei's surviving sisters might point out, at least Hitler had the decency to kill his victims BEFORE burning them.
rps-2 I was surprised at the negative tone of other reviews. I thought this was an excellent piece of work --- acting --- production --- accuracy. I wondered whether it was going to glamourize Mandella with an unrealistically positive spin. But no, it does a good job of illustrating the unfortunate turn her life took in the later years of the South African struggle. She ended up as a vindictive,foul mouthed, autocratic drunk. But you understand how that came to be after her long ordeal, which was powerfully portrayed. I also was surprised to find that this was largely a Canadian production. It had none of the pretentious unoriginality that marks so many Canadian films, especially those done for Canadian cable television. It was believable, watchable and informative!
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