R | 25 December 1986 (USA)
Windrider Trailers

A rock star falls for a rich man's son who competitively board-sails the coast of Western Australia.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Robert J. Maxwell Maybe I shouldn't be writing this because I only watched the first half before realizing that it wasn't my kind of movie. However, it might be someone's else's, someone who enjoys beach party movies with plots, actions, some wit, and a teen-aged Nicole Kidman.Burlinson is a computer engineer or something at his dad's company. He comes up with a design for a theme park built around artificial waves. The surfers will go ape. They'll all try to do a "360," which I gather is flipping your sailboard around in a complete circle in the air above a breaking wave. That's a guess. Whatever it is, it has to be done on a sailboard and it's difficult.Burlinson manages to pull it off one afternoon but nobody is around to see him except the distant figure of Kidman. Burlinson's mates in the pub ridicule him so he sets out on a search for Kidman, who is a rock queen. She gets to sing an entire fast pop song, her voice almost buried in electronic percussion and guitars, all bathed in a blood-red light. You can see why it requires a certain taste to enjoy this past the point of no return.I wondered, while listening to the airy and up-tempo dialog, if American kids will get some of the allusions and jokes. Burlinson's nickname is "PC". It stands for "Police Car." Why is he called that? Because he's always chasing sirens. Sirens? Worse yet, somebody quotes Voltaire.However, I expect that the sensibilities of our teens will roughly discard these sorts of challenges because by the time they realize that they didn't understand it, they'll have already forgotten it.Besides, the dialog won't be as important as the many surfing scenes, the amiably reckless attitude of Burlinson, and the sassy, brassy Kidman, who was only eighteen when this was shot. She has a head of curly black hair that flops around with her, big enough to have its own weather system. She's a lot of fun. She hadn't been turned into the epitome of vacuous blond perfection that Hollywood would do it's best to achieve, but she can act and she embodies the role.There are amusing allusions to "Jaws" in the writing -- not just the dialog -- some often amusing. Just as often, it's not. I didn't get a kick out of watching Burlinson prepare a fast breakfast while the camera cuts back and forth from the frying egg to the countdown on the microwave. It wasn't offensive, just pointless.
Wizard-8 "Windrider" is a movie that's quite hard to find nowadays. It's never been released on DVD, and it didn't sell that many VHS copies when it was released on that format years ago. This is despite the fact that one of its stars is a pre-famous Nicole Kidman. There's extra interest for some fans of Kidman since in this movie she takes off her clothes a couple of times. But does the rest of the movie have anything good to offer? Well, it's nicely photographed, and the windsurfing sequences are energetic. There is also a nice musical score. But the movie is ultimately forgettable. It's never really BAD, but you will have seen the characters and the various plot turns in many other movies before, resulting in the movie having no surprises at all. Best watched as a background movie when you are busy with some activity at home.
SanDiego Now that Nicole Kidman is a full fledged international star her early films have become accessible to her fans. I love her early work; her brash and spunky Aussie attitude gives this tall perfect beauty an edge. Here she plays a music video queen who is courted by a business executive who's passion is windsurfing. The script has elements of "Flashdance," "Cocktail," and other films that could have only been made in the eighties. Though the action scenes are clumsy (and boring) and the comedy sometimes juvenile, as a romantic date movie it delivers. The relationship between Kidman and Burlinson (who look like Barbie and Ken) is cute and their romance innocent (Burlinson shows up to a late night music session courting Kidman with tuxedo and flowers). Both are perfectly cast and believable in their roles. Kidman gives a wonderful performance and looks as gorgeous as Australia itself. Brief nudity and mild language. If you like windsurfing, Nicole Kidman, and a wholesome romance you've found the right film.
MrCranky This film inspired me to windsurf, and for that I can only be eternally grateful. It also has some really nice shots of Nicole Kidman's butt. If you are not an Aussie the rest might not be of too much interest, but does that wind ever blow over in Perth!