Who Can Kill a Child?
Who Can Kill a Child?
R | 26 April 1976 (USA)
Who Can Kill a Child? Trailers

A couple of English tourists arrive at the island of Almanzora, off the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where they discover that there are no adults in a small fishing village, only some children who stare at them and smile mysteriously.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Executscan Expected more
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Rueiro A couple of British holidaymakers arrive in a small island off the Spanish coast, only to find the place totally empty of adults and the children acting in a sinister way. We soon find out that the children blew a fuse all of a sudden, and murdered all the grown-ups. Obviously, the little bastards are not going to let the visitors get away and spill the beans. Armed with clubs, knives, scythes and guns, they chase the hysterical pair all over the island, and the conclusion is quite predictable. This little film possesses a beautiful photography and an effective score to deliver the chills, but then there are a number of flaws in the script that weight against the story's credibility: who would want to live on an island too far away from the mainland when there is not a miserable telephone line or a radio to keep the islanders in touch with the rest of the world in the case of an emergency? What kind of a man would drag his heavily pregnant wife on a four-hour trip by boat in the blazing sun to stay for days in a place where there are not any medical facilities? And finally, dozens of bodies are lying all over the village in that sweltering heat, but still they don't decompose and stink but remain fresh and in pristine condition!!Nevertheless, it is a reasonably good horror film with an interesting story about kids from hell, and the children look quite sinister and evil. Nowadays we have seen so many movies about child psychopaths that this film may seem a bit lame to us, but we must think that when it first came out in 1976 it must have been quite shocking to audiences. I have recently seen the Mexican remake made two years ago, and it is virtually a carbon copy of this original almost shot by shot. If you want to remake something, at least try to make it better, use your imagination to improve the camera-work, take some time to revise the script so there will be not plot-holes the size of a bulldozer in it, and definitely get a bunch of kids who really look and act creepy and not like a kindergarten class!
Countorloc I rather liked Who Can Kill a Child. It relies a great deal on mood, suspense and strong, strangely frightening images. It is not a typical horror film, having a Picnic at Hanging Rock-vibe to its eery, daylight desertion. For especially the images are what makes the film with the excellent photography of surreal horror. That being said the mood is really what drives the film as little quality in the field of writing or acting shines through for the most part. Especially the writing suffers. The dialogue just doesn't flow naturally possibly because the scriptwriters were Spanish. Especially the wife character is given some truly cringe worthy lines besides not having to do much so as to advance the story. The husband, the protagonist for by far the most part, often acts eerily illogically. This occasionally results in unintentionally humorous moments because of both the writers' and actors' shortcomings. However this is mostly during the first half were the couple's banter is in focus. The other, being much more action oriented works much better and the couple is much more appealing leading to some truly distressing scenes. Perhaps this occurs because there is a better translation of themes (as fear is a universal feeling, whereas it is difficult to characterize the ordinary, but specific). As such it is a film the qualities of which surpass the anachronisms and general writing and acting problems. It is a very imperfect great film.
ThreeGuysOneMovie English tourists Tom and Evelyn are traveling in Spain. The town they want to stay in is overcrowded so they decided to go to an island that Tom knows of about 4 hours off the coast. When they get to the island they discover that there are no adults on the island, only children. They soon realize that they are trapped on the island and that the children have killed all the adults. Now they must fight and kill the angry mob of children before they are killed themselves.OK, so I was watching a video on youtube with Eli Roth where he talks about his five favorite films. He mentioned this film on his list and I was intrigued. I had never heard of it before so I started doing a little research. The film was made in 1976 and for a long time was almost impossible to find anywhere. Then in 2007 it was released on DVD by Dark Sky Films.The movie is extremely well done for its time and budget. It was a very risqué film at the time since it dealt with a taboo subject matter, killing children. This is 8 years before Children of the Corn and while I have no proof of it I have a hard time believing Stephen King didn't use this movie as inspiration. Unlike, COTC however, this movie doesn't have any religious undertones.I was pretty blown away by this film. It's truly creepy without being overly gory and it definitely sticks with you for a while afterwards. This is not a film for everyone. There are some scenes in the beginning of film that show documentary footage of children in concentration camps, starving in India, etc. This was done by the director to supposedly explain why the children decided to rise up against the adults but I found it a bit gratuitous and unnecessary.If you are horror fan, or someone who just looking for something different to watch, then I recommend checking this one out.On a side note I saw that they had planned on doing a remake of this film back in 2008. It was going to be called In the Playground and had a Director (David Alcade) and star (Diego Luna) all lined up. I even found a poster for the film. It doesn't look like this film was ever made though, and I can't find any record of it on IMDb.
muckrules Now this film is twisted. Two young tourists who are madly inlove and expecting a child go to a island to relax only to find that the town is adult free and over run by savage kids. Children who have murdered everyone of their elders and have overthrown athority. Leaving these tourists to fend for their forsaken lives.... The cinematography in this disturbing movie is amazing. Apearently this film is a favourite of Eli Roth's. This film is a great companion peace to The Children Of The Corn (2009). I found this film to be quite interesting and it does bring up a good question if you had to defend yourself in a life or death situation could you kill a child?