White on Rice
White on Rice
| 31 May 2009 (USA)
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40-year-old Jimmy is growing up, or at least he's getting older. While mooching the upper bunk of his ten-year-old nephew's bed, he enjoys the never-ending generosity of his sister Aiko, and dodges the wrath of his impatient brother-in-law Tak. He thinks that if only he could get married all his problems would be solved. But when he falls head over heels for Tak's niece things only go from bad to worse.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Allis Mild (MyFilmHabit) The basic story line in this film is pretty straightforward. But it contains enough crazy jokes and visual gags that it doesn't seem overly simple. I'm pretty sure this movie is about the universal theme of: that one creepy uncle that everyone seems to have. He's usually a little pervy. He's a burden on the rest of the family, asking for all kinds of special favors—mostly because he never seems to be very firmly employed. And, Hajime (or Jimmy, as he likes to be called now that he's living in America) is rocking all of these personality traits. He's currently living with big-sis (sharing a bunk bed in her little son's bedroom, to be exact). She took him in because she saw that after his divorce, her little brother couldn't quite manage to keep himself reliably fed and sheltered. To make matters even more complicated, now Jimmy has taken to ogling his brother-in-law's attractive college-aged niece, Ramona. And he's not subtle with his affections either—busting into her bedroom, reading her diary, and loitering outside her college classes. (Hey, it's not gross if they're not related by blood, right?) What a gem. But his little, genius nephew, Bob, is there to make sure Jimmy doesn't get into too much trouble.This crazy guy has been trying his luck on the dating scene, but has had little success. Somehow, the ladies seem able to resist the charms of this prize of a man. Although, as far as creepy uncles go, Jimmy's not actually all that threatening. He doesn't mean any harm. He's mostly just mind-blowingly dense. This isn't just your everyday, run-of-the-mill dysfunction. It's bang-your-head-against-the-wall, Jesus-face-palm level failure. You'd like to be able to write of Jimmy's antics as merely cultural misunderstanding (he's a new arrival from Japan). But, I think that'd be a little insulting to all the other recent immigrants out there. I mean, big-sis and brother-in-law are also relatively recent transplants, yet they manage to hold things together pretty well. The overall tone of this film is goofy. The synopsis may make the story sound a little creepy and stalkerish, but I assure you that it's a straight-up comedy. Just when you think Hajime has finally outdone himself, he goes and finds an even more outrageous way to make a fool of himself (and thoroughly embarrass everyone within ear-shot). That's a special talent. His family keeps trying to help him get back on his feet (and out of their home), but he keeps finding even more spectacular ways of screwing everything up. But it's not too painful or cringe-worthy to watch. Ultimately, Jimmy is lovable, so we can understand why everyone just wants to help him out. He's got to get it right one of these days, right?
copperncherrio I was fairly disappointed with this movie. I was so excited for a film centered around an Asian American family. However, I didn't really get attached to this movie as much as I hope for. The story line, although strong, doesn't hold my interest. I didn't really care for the main guy, or have much empathy for him or his story.He takes advantage of his family, whether he means to or not. The best character in this whole movie is BOB, the 10-ish year old kid. His character is the comedic relief and is quite charming.This movie has its moments, but I found the Uncle Jimmy to be the bane of my existence, in watching this. Although I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, I don't think it was that horrible of a story.
eshvartz A remarkable movie about yet another piece of the American mosaic yet it really reminds the viewer of himself and the people in his life."White on Rice" strikes a perfect balance between the interesting and attracting side of cinema and the honest and realistic one.Clean and esthetically made comedy that captures the simple thrills of ordinary peoples lives.Light and fun to watch but also makes you think afterward.It's these combinations that make this movie so worth watching, the current low score it has is unjustified.If you're open minded and unaffected by stereotypes you will really enjoy this movie. Warmly recommended, Eitan
biggins2 This movie is very funny. It started out a little slow, and the humor sometimes depends on awkwardness (which isn't my favorite type, but if you like the Office it will probably appeal to you more), but there were a lot of great one-liners that I'll probably remember and quote for a long time. The acting was very good, especially the nephew (I believe the character's name was Bob?) who was wonderfully deadpan. It's kind of like a Japanese Napoleon Dynamite, with a touch of The Office mixed in, but endearing in its own way. I would definitely recommend it to just about anyone. (Warning: there is a fair amount of comedic blood in two scenes, so if you're queasy about that look away during the obvious scenes)