When Death Calls
When Death Calls
| 28 April 2012 (USA)
When Death Calls Trailers

It's Halloween, and an elementary school teacher is being stalked by a mysterious caller. Meanwhile, sexy DJ Roxy Richards is making her scariest broadcast yet - but she may not realize how scary things are going to get when an old friend calls in...

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Woodyanders Disc jockey Roxy Richards (vibrantly played with sassy spark by Suzi Lorraine) encourages her listeners to call in and share scary stories during a live broadcast on Halloween night: Brash elementary school teacher Stacey Quoor (the ever-scrumptious Tina Krause in fine feisty form) gets stalked by a creepy psycho, an adulterous one night stand goes horrifically awry, a young couple who decide to stay in find themselves in great danger, an engaged woman winds up being terrorized by a predatory monster that lives in the basement of her boyfriend's home, and cheerful murdered housewife Beth Dawson (a very funny and lively performance by Nathalie Bryant) returns from the dead to torment her unfaithful husband.Writer/director Jim Haggerty does a solid job of crafting a fun ooga-booga spooky atmosphere, keeps the pace moving along at a steady clip, and delivers a few nice'n'nasty twists along the way. Moreover, the individual segments get more novel and inspired with each successive tale, with the comedic last yarn in particular rating as the definite stand-out thanks to its wickedly amusing sense of spot-on twisted black humor. Better still, several luscious ladies doff their duds: Krause bares her deliciously voluptuous body so she can take a shower, slinky brunette Pooya Mohseni sleeps in the buff, and slim blonde Bryant shows her breasts and buttocks. Kevin MacLeod's spirited shivery score does the nerve-jangling trick. A neat little omnibus outing.
artpf It's Halloween, and sexy DJ Roxy Richards is making her scariest broadcast yet - but she may not realize how scary things are going to get when an old friend calls in... Running the gamut of horror, WHEN DEATH CALLS is like a two hour horror film festival, except it's only 90 minutes long and not so good! Starring legendary scream queens Suzi Lorraine and Tina Krause!For a 40-something chick, Tina doesn't look half bad and she strip naked in the first 2 minutes of the movie for no reason whatsoever. A bit plump but then aren't most MILFS?Cut to some other younger thinner brunette who can't act at all, excepts she's naked too. In her bed. Without covers. And she's cold. Does any of this make sense?And all these girls (most who for some reason are 20 pounds overweight making them uninteresting) seem to have dreams of a guy coming to kill them. Like the plump girl in a green dress who for some reason has a butchers knife upstairs when a guy in a tux comes to kill her. Who he is is your guess. And why he can walk slowly while she runs in the street but still be right behind her is never explained.It could be all these overweight girls can't get a guy and the knives are phallic in nature. Who cares? The exposition sucks a big wet one.Are you getting the picture? The movie unfolds as a bunch of 3 minute stories because there is no plot. The movie is stoopid. Poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed. There's even a meaningless cat fight at the end with a cow. A huge waste of time.
Peter Williams Tonight I was treated to a rare experience. A Double Feature. Even more rare was that they were both Horror movies and I was able to meet with the Director and some of the cast before and after the movies. AND EVEN MORE RARE THAN THAT I didn't spend $1000 just to get in the door. Movie prices are scarier than the most of the "Horror Flicks" I've seen. This film, "When Death Calls" by Yellow Ape Productions was very reminiscent of the old HBO series "Tales From The Crypt". It was a "Fun" horror movie experience. Similar to movies like "Planet Terror" (with an old style Cinematography)and or "Zombie Land" because it also refused to take itself "TOO" seriously. If you just want a good laugh and if you're "Jumpy" a good scream. I truly believe you would enjoy this movie.
rubbersoulll I recently had the privilege to attend a theatrical screening of this film. Right off it was obvious to me that Jim Haggerty loves what he is doing. He put great care into the making of When Death Calls. While there is some devious humor, it is never to the point where it distracts from the horror or destroys the viewer's suspension of disbelief.Characters are developed so that their individuality stands out. Of course no matter how well written a script may be, the characters cannot work without strong performances by the actors and actresses involved. Mr. Haggerty was wise to have cast Suzi Lorraine in a lead role, but everyone put in their best effort. Actress Nathalie Bryant had a role not everyone could pull off, yet she made it work wonderfully.Writing this as someone who grew up on Amicus anthology horror films I can recommend it to anyone else who is a fan of the genre. The film is full of surprises and beautiful women, well edited and well paced. I look forward to seeing more of Jim Haggerty's work.