Wheels of Fire
Wheels of Fire
R | 01 September 1985 (USA)
Wheels of Fire Trailers

The Future is now. There are no rules and no place to hide from the deadly Highway Warriors who ravage the roads in machines of destruction.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Woodyanders Once again the world has degenerated into a barbarous state in the wake of a nuclear holocaust. Rugged road warrior Trace (eassyed with mucho macho panache by Gary Watkins) must rescue his sister Arlie (buxom and shapely blonde Lynda Wiesmeier, who frequently bares her beautifully bountiful breasts) from the evil Scourge (a nicely slimy portrayal by Joe Mari Avellana) and his gang of scummy bandits. Tough gal Stringer (a pleasingly scrappy portrayal by Laura Banks) helps Trace out.Filipino exploitation cinema maestro Cirio H. Santiago once again works his usual immensely enjoyable B-movie magic: The brisk pace never flags for a minute, a gritty take-no-prisoners tone pervades throughout, neat use of desolate desert locations, a generous serving of yummy gratuitous female nudity, hysterical profane dialogue, and even a vicious tribe of subterranean albino cannibals tossed in for extra campy measure. Naturally, Santiago certainly doesn't skimp on the thrilling low-rent action: We've got down'n'dirty fights, lively car chases, fierce shoot outs, and lots of stuff of stuff blows up real good. Moreover, there are solid supporting contributions from Linda Grovenor as sweet psychic Spike, Jack S. Daniels as skeevy lackey Scag, Joseph Zucchero as kooky inventor Whiz, Steve Parvin as sniveling wimp Bo, and Nigel Hogge as the opportunistic Ambassador. Christopher Young's robust full-bore score does the rousing trick. The fairly polished cinematography by Ricardo Remias boasts several snazzy stylistic flourishes. A spot-on schlocky blast.
Alex DeLarge Lynda Wiesmeier, July 1982 Playmate and cover girl has gone from girl next door knockout to an embarrassing, sadistic sleaze with this bomb of a film. Lynda has made what is considered the most humiliating, misogynistic film any Playmate has ever been in, which is the probably the very reason for its current popularity. This Road Warrior knockoff, that would be totally forgotten if not for our Playmate's role in this slime-fest of a film, has Leather-clad Lynda being captured by a gang of the dirtiest, creepiest bikers you've ever set your eyes on. They take her back to their leader, a tough looking Mexican who's equally dirty and creepy as his cohorts. Not surprisingly, he rapes her in front of his men. After he's done banging her, he ties her - topless of course! - to the hood of his hotrod and drives his new trophy gal around in the desert so everyone can see how lucky he is, and to emphasize what a great hood ornament a Playboy Playmate can make for any car!His scummy biker friends have a good laugh. They are a mixed bunch of jail house creeps; most with tattoos, dirty beards and beer-guts and soon they know they'll be having their way with Lynda as well. And they do. Their master eventually unties Lynda and the guy's gang rape her, each fella getting to screw her as she's reluctantly held down.The film was shot out of the country with Lynda's scene's being rewritten as she arrived for filming. The film shoot itself is best remembered for its notorious after parties involving an almost all male cast and crew and a certain July 1982 Playmate….Not a good film to watch with a girlfriend, but one the guy's will enjoy.
wildpeace10 They are shown not just once but often in a 30 minutes period so if that's not your cup of tea,avoid this film!This of course is a total MAD MAX/ROAD WARRIOR rip off featuring a little bit of underground action with monster rejects from THE TIME MACHINE!The other girls in the film are Laura Banks (stinger)a relatively flat chested action woman and Linda Grovenor(Spike), a girl who can read minds. Laura has a very brief topless scene,Linda doesn't.Gary Watkins(trace) is the mad max of this film. He does cruel things like burning people with a flame thrower but we're so caught up in this comic book adventure (even though it's not very good!) that we just don't want to analyze the cruelty of the act of burning people alive! That would slow the pleasure of the action and it would leave the film without a hero!Some might say that this is a cheap effort but you still must praise the works of the stunt people and effects people.There are many explosions and that flame thrower comes very close to the stuntmen who catch on fire.There is a sense of danger and you're asking yourself,how did they do it?(in a manner of keeping everybody safe.)So in conclusion,it's mostly the girls that makes this film watchable and we can only thank the filmmakers that it lasts under 90 minutes!
john_phelan911 First off I have to say that this film is awful. Seriously, its so bad that when I put the video next to Citizen Kane that movie started to suck as well.So why have I given it 10 stars? Because you'll never see a movie as deranged as this. Its the cinematic equivalent of a tramp, high on amphetamines, trying to beat a fairground ride to death with a birthday cake.Its a Mad Max rip off with dreadful actors, no real plot and no budget. Thrown into the mix a bizarre underground cameo from the Umpa Lumpas from Willy Wonka, the craziest sex scene ever which looks like it was taken from a daytime soap and full on battle sequence at the end and you have pure straight to video gold.Watch it with your critical faculties intact and you'll hate it. Watch it with some spicy food, Chivas Regal and a bag of Moroccan black and you're in for a hell of a ride.