What to Do in Case of Fire?
What to Do in Case of Fire?
| 19 July 2002 (USA)
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What To Do In Case of Fire? tells the humorous and touching story of six former creative anarchists who lived as house squatters in Berlin during its heyday in the 80s when Berlin was still an island in the middle of the former eastern Germany. At the end of the 80s they went their separate ways with the exception of Tim and Hotte, who have remained true to their ideals and continue to fight the issues they did as a group. In 2000, with Berlin as Germany's new capital, an event happens forcing the group out of existential reason to reunite and, ultimately, come to grips with the reason they separated 12 years ago.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Matthias Walser Just saw that movie for the first time and must admit it was excellent.Background: In the late 80's Berlin was not in the front line of two political systems, which divided the world, in fact it was an island far beyond that border. But also had it's "normal" social problems as a big city. There were a lot of houses empty because no one could say to whom they belonged. On the other side a lot of poor people, often runaways, drug addicted or just disappointed people with no money for housing. So looking back it's hard to say which were the real ambitions for someone to place a bomb in an empty house... the fact is, they did it.13 years later times changed, a whole country, even more a whole world changed. Berlin wasn't an island anymore it had become the capital of Germany once more. At this time the bomb, which former refused to explode, just did this in the moment this house was rent once again - wounding two people.And the six friends had to meet once again. But also their lives had changed. One lost his legs in "fighting the system" at a demo, his good friend stick with him to help him through his life as a cripple, still kind of "fighting the system". A girl just became a mother of two children. Another one a lawyer. The fifth one a CEO in his own very successful company. And last a woman, who started to travel the world instead of fighting it.It's just a selfish approach to defend their new lives against mistakes - really big and silly mistakes - they have done in the past as young wild idealists. It's not a political statement, it's even not about right or wrong, it's just about friendship and personal expectations from each other. They know society won't forgive them for their sins in the past neglecting at least 4 of them had become more or less successful members of society, so they end up fighting the system once again.Yes you have to like them, because they all like everyone of us selfish, friends, mother and father, successful, not successful. They just come out of it if they work together as a group of friends once more..
hasosch "Was Tun, Wenn's Brennt" (2001), directed by Gregor Schnitzler, is a German cult movie that has, strangely enough, never reached a greater popularity outside of Germany. It is true that the situation of the former anarchists in West Berlin is not depicted historically exact, but this is not the aim of the movie. The movie is about the ones who remained faithful to themselves and the other ones who have forgotten their origins.What makes this movie so special, besides it very high entertainment-value, are the performances of Martin Feifel as Hotte and of Sebstian Blomberg as Mike. Feifel reaches without doubt an Oscar-worthy accomplishment. Tim (Til Schweiger) and Hotte are the last ones from a former small group of a radical political film-club whose whole live was once determined by the conflicts between East and West Berlin, including street battles, during one which Hotte lost his legs. 11 years, after the group has separated, Tim and Hotte are still living in the house-ruin where the "Kommune" used to house, without any contacts to the former members. Suddenly, a bomb explodes in an empty villa, and the police find traces of the former film club. Unfortunately, the police investigator who used to fight against the radicals in the glorious times, is not yet retired, and so he spends considerable time to trace the bomb back. ("Police-dog" Manowksy is the last role of the great Klaus Löwitsch which makes this movie especially precious). Since immediate danger is waiting before the door, after the house-ruin has been stormed by the police, Tim and Hotte decide to try to find the other Kommune-members who meanwhile have become banker, lawyer, single mother and party-girl. When finally they are re-assembled together, they decide to fight one more time against the police force.
NekoKyo 'What to do in case of fire' is an amazingly honest movie dealing with the anarchy past in Berlin pre reunification. A group of six ex-anarchists have a 'little' problem when a 12 year old bomb suddenly explodes in Berlin and they have to get a hold on a self-made movie showing evidence that they're responsible. While two of them are still active in demos and such, one is trying to hold on to her ideals while being a mother to two little children, the other three have completely turned away from their old ways and become 'respectable citizens'. This is the entertaining part, seeing these very different persons to come back together again and try to get their hide out of the situation without going to jail. But if you look deeper, this is a movie about the difference of people still living in the past and on the other hand people trying to forget their past, showing us that neither way will work.It is simple to sympathize with the group, for their reluctance to hurt people, their very normal lives and their wish to change something in a world they don't feel they can accept.
slimschaffer Movies about the german history are very hard to find. "Was tun wenn's brennt?" shows in an excellent way that moments of the german history worth being filmed. Seeing this movie about friends and getting out of a capitalistic system is a great pleasure because of its great acting, directing and camera work.Director Georg Schnitzler gets cleverly around many stereotypes and shows in his deep characterization his figures as dreamers on their search for happiness. After 13 years they have to come together to reunite their former group and beware themselves of being arrested. That's the beginning of a wonderful written script. The story designs a complex world. Director Schnitzler brings this world perfectly in the reality we know.The great team of actors presents us after a long time real characters which you can easily identify yourself with and which you really like. On their search for happiness they finally find it here in a simple formula of friendship: "Real friends help each other consoling about the nastily of the capitalism." Was tun wenn's brennt? Brennen lassen! (What to do when it's burning? Let it burn!)10/10