Whatever Happened to Harold Smith?
Whatever Happened to Harold Smith?
R | 08 June 2001 (USA)
Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? Trailers

It's 1976, and Vinny is a confused teenager who can't decide whether he is a disco king or a proto punk rocker.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
jacksononthemoon This is a coming of age movie about a young man who is trying to find out who he is and how he wants to be in the world. Many of his early attempts at creating his own persona fail miserably but they are very funny nonetheless.His father, played by the great actor, Tom Courtenay is very enigmatic and he can do real magic tricks. I have watched this movie about three times and see different things in it every time.Especially watch for the character played by Stephen Fry. You will fall down laughing. All in all, a well done film with lots of depth and wonderful characters.
tantilion This movie is excellent. Utterly hilarious. While it pulls out many of the standard gags, it dose them in a superb way. It's also quite cheesy, but this makes it fun. Very fun.This happens to be one of those movies where you yell at the characters for being silly, but in a good way. Again, adding to the cheesy excellence of the whole piece.So many of the ideas executed in the film are so wonderfully silly. The best friend dating the mom, and the final confrontation between the dad and the bad punk boyfriend with flashy psychic powers...both excellent, along with so many other parts of it.Sometimes you can't hear what the characters are saying, but that's because they're British. That is my only gripe.
felix-sargent This is one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. The direction is excellent, the acting is great, although really weird, and the script is perfect.This film is a real masterpiece but I think many people just can't get past the accents. It's NOT a "accurate depiction of the 70s" - or at least, it's not trying to be. It's a movie in which really normal people deal with really WEIRD situations. I love it because everyone stays normal despite this strange phenomena of Howard Smith's.I've never seen a romantic comedy with such normal, and realistic people who, despite being idiots, were sweet, and honest.
astrida This film is absolutey delightful, a combination of a well-written and hilarious script, and some amazing art direction. Every scene in this movie presents its audience with an eyeful of imaginative staging. If you liked the movie The Royal Tennenbaums, see this... its more funny and even more visually rich.