What Maisie Knew
What Maisie Knew
R | 02 May 2013 (USA)
What Maisie Knew Trailers

The story frames on 7-year-old Maisie, caught in a custody battle between her mother – a rock and roll icon – and her father. What Maisie Knew is an evocative portrayal of the chaos of adult life seen entirely from a child’s point of view.

Sexylocher Masterful Movie
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
lovaszi-peter I really think it's a 10 out of 10!What Maisie Knew is a hearth breaking story from a child's perspective of a divorce and the afterwards.WHAT A JOB FROM THE DIRECTORS!!!First of all, how can a little girl be a better actress then half of the Hollywood stars? Honestly, I fell for every single act and emotion she made. The 4 adult actors and actresses did what they had to do, but the movie was directed way better then they could actually act memorable.The parents, Susanna and Beale (Julianne Moore and Steve Coogan) had great characteristics, you hated hem whenever they shown up. After one hour, you just wanted them to go away and never come back! The "new" parents, Margo and Lincoln (Joanna Vanderham and Alexander Skarsgård) were extremely boring at the beginning, and their character was also built up really great.The story is extremely realistic! The parent are getting divorced, but they don't want to take care of Maisie. The only thing what the want more than not taking care of Maisie is to not allow the other taking care of Maisie. They divorce, get married to Margo and Lincoln (yes, Susanna with Lincoln and Beale with Margo) who are ACTUALLY love Maisie. While Beale is always away, Susanna has always something better to do, then being with Maisie, just like going on a tour with her band. Lincoln meets Margo, and they three gets to love each other.But it's much much more than that. How many children are in a similar situation? Their parents doesn't even realize what trauma do they cause to their children. How many bad parents are out their, who think they are such great ones, and when their children grow up and have difficulties in society they find excuses. But it's all because of them! The story itself make sense I think. There were no surprises. But the way how we get there is very touching, and that's where you see the difference between a movie and a brilliantly directed movie.Thank you Scott McGehee, thank you David Siegel, thank you Onata Aprile (Maisie)!
ematerso This was a very beautiful and powerful movie. If by beautiful and powerful I am understood to mean that the director, writer, actors and producers made the best representation of sadly, what is too often a common story.The child actress steals the movie. She is adorable, never overacts or is other than a real little girl with very understandable emotions.I thought all the other actors did a very good job too, with maybe the exception of Julianne Moore. I'm not sure how old Susanna was supposed to be, but Julianne seemed too old for this role. Her role though is the most thankless as Susanna is a thoroughly unpleasant person, manipulative, egocentric, demanding, heedless, and ever so selfish. Her one shining moment comes towards the end of the film.This was very upsetting for us to watch, but I think it is necessary because there are many little Maisies and Max's probably that most of us know.
Clarkdale45 This is exactly the kind of movie i like and adore the most. Adult cast should learn something from the child cast. Onata Aprile is performing better than the others. The emotions and the feelings on her face looks so real that i was almost about to cry (happy tears). Her acting is totally mind blowing, no doubt about that. Story on the other hand making this movie something unique. For the first few times i was avoiding it for quite some time, but then at the moment i thought that i should at least try it once. I rarely watch any movies categorized in "Drama". but after watching it, i can proudly say it was worth it. This movies teaches us a lesson about society. It tells us what happens to the kids after their parents separates. Also how much they love and care for their kids.9/10 (For outstanding casting by Onata Aprile and intense storyline)
TheBlueHairedLawyer Maisie is a young girl living in a fancy apartment with her rock star mom and art dealer father. When they get a divorce, things get messy. Maisie becomes a weapon and trophy for the parents to use against one another. Soon the father's new girl and the mom's new boyfriend meet each other and don't hit it off at first, but then reveal their feelings of sadness towards their meaningless marriages. They both fall in love and try to rescue Maisie from a lifetime of being just another object to fight over. Onata Aprile was very convincing and an amazing actress to choose; she played the role of Maisie very well. The soundtrack was sad, the plot was even more so. Maisie is only a film character; imagine the kids every day who aren't as lucky to escape? Maisie appears wise beyond her years and damaged by the divorce; she is shy, extremely reclusive and quiet until she starts hanging around with Margo and Linchon. This is such a depressing yet beautiful film. It was based very loosely off an 1800's novel by the same name. It's really worth watching, try it!