China Moon
China Moon
R | 04 March 1994 (USA)
China Moon Trailers

Detective Kyle Bodine falls for Rachel Munro who is trapped in a violent marriage. After shooting her husband, Kyle relucantly agrees to help hide the body, but Kyle's partner is showing an unusual flair for finding clues.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
dbdumonteil a time when thrillers have become pretentious ,with plots so complicated it's hard to decipher them,it is entertaining to watch again a film noir as Siodmak and others used to do formerly.Today's screenwriters' approach is sometimes somewhat too oblique to be easily accessible to the old film noir buff.Madeleine Stowe is ideally cast as the femme fatale,she has beauty and mystery going for her and that angel face which can win all men over (that's Del Toro's character's words);Ed Harris is equally efficient as a naive cop,although the way he discovers the truth (the compass) is not very subtle,unless it's a metaphor (he has lost his way after all).By and large ,this is an entertaining movie,you can watch again after all these years ,provided you like straightforward suspenseful stories.
evening1 Talk about plot twists! Just when you think you've got this movie figured out, it yanks the rug out from under you and it's a whole new storyline.This is an outrageously unlikely but entertaining thriller that pays homage to "Body Heat" in ways that kept me consistently suspicious of the Madeleine Stowe character. How wrong I turned out to be. And she keeps on surprising up to the film's final frame. Ed Harris does a great job of playing the fall guy; a kind of double agent -- criminally tampering police detective probing the murder to which he is an accomplice. Bravo, Ed, and I loved the red hair.Plaudits, too, to Benecio del Toro as a schemer of almost Shakespearean proportions. He's excellent as a Jekyll-Hyde-like wet-behind-the-ears rookie and criminal mastermind.If you like movies that keep you guessing, take a look this one at the next full moon...
sol1218 **SPOILERS** Going to the JJ Lounge to let off some steam after a hard day's work at his job Tampa police detective Kyle Bodine, Ed Harris, notices this sexy woman sitting at the bar by herself and decides to make his move before-knowing that she wound't be alone for too long-someone else does. The woman turns out to be Rachel Munro, Madeleine Stowe, wife of the president of the Munro Bank Rupert, Charles Dance.Kyle a Little too drunk for his own good ends up-against his better judgment- getting hooked by Rachel's looks and, even though he knows that she's married, starts up an extramarital affair with her. It's not long after that Rachel's tells the love-sick Kyle that her marriage with Rupert is on the rocks with her wanting to get out of it but can't. Rupert has all the dough, 12 million smackers, and she wont get a penny of it if he divorces her. As for Rupert he's having a little action on the side with his girlfriend Adele, Patricia Healy,which in fact his wife not only knows about but has very incriminating photos of Rupert & Adele, with their clothes off and in hot and heavy action, that she can use to blackmail him.With all this evidence of infidelity on Rupert's part it seemed to make no sense to me why Rachel would try to hook in the innocent Kyle in a plan to off her husband in the first place. It's later when we find out who's really behind this whole dirty rotten scheme it becomes very apparent that the very naive and innocent Kyle who was just looking for a good time-that fateful evening at JJ's Lounge-and nothing else was set up right from the start before he ever laid eyes on Rachel.Kyle despite his partners homicide detective Lamar Dickey, Benicio Del Toro, warnings gets deeply involved with Rachel's troubles with Rupert beyond his professionalism as a policeman. Kyle gets involved in a murder that was secretly staged and cold-bloodily executed to not only do in Rupert but end up framing him in having committed it! In not just the murder itself but the blotched, with all the evidence of the crime pointing to himself, cover-up that was to followed it!***SPOILERS*** With the noose tightly closing around Kyle's neck he soon comes to realize that the only way out for him is to come clean in admitting-to his immediate boss on the police force- what a sucker he was in falling for Rachel's trap that has him now the prime suspect in her husband's murder. It's then by studying the candid photographs of the late Rupert and Adeles secret affair that Kyle realizes just who besides Rachel was involved in Rupert's murder! Still with him now an accessory after the fact, in covering up the crime, Kyle's life is in shambles with even Rachel, if she decides to confess to the crime, not being able to save him.
blanche-2 Ed Harris and Madeleine Stowe are underneath the temperamental "China Moon" in this 1994 film also starring Benicio del Toro. Harris and del Toro are Kyle Bodine and Lamar Dickey partner detectives with a Florida police department. One night at a bar, Kyle meets Rachel Munro (Stowe) and falls for her immediately. She's unhappily married and has photos of her husband (Charles Dance) with another woman. He doesn't know this at the time, and tracks her down. They start seeing one another. When her husband winds up dead, Kyle helps her to cover it up.Though the plot is derivative, this is a classily done film with terrific acting, sensual love scenes between the two leads, an easy pace and beautiful photography. It reminded me a little of "Body Heat." The plot won't be hard to figure out, but be prepared for a couple of twists.Ed Harris gives a forceful performance as Kyle, and del Toro is understated as Lamar. When the camera rests on Stowe, she's flawlessly beautiful, and what clothes! She gives an effective performance and has a nice chemistry with Harris."China Moon" is a small, meticulously done movie with loads of talent behind it. The story has been told many times, but somehow, if it's done well, it's always good for another encore.