What Doesn't Kill You
What Doesn't Kill You
R | 12 December 2008 (USA)
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Two childhood friends from South Boston turn to crime as a way to get by, ultimately causing a strain in their personal lives and their friendship.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
SnoopyStyle Life long friends Brian Reilly (Mark Ruffalo) and Paulie McDougan (Ethan Hawke) are from South Boston struggling in a life of crime. The movie starts with an armor truck robbery. Then it flashbacks to kids doing petty theft. As young men, they are thugs for the local boss. Times are tough and they're reduced to a job dognapping a poodle. Brian is a bad druggie husband to Stacy Reilly (Amanda Peet) and the kids. The duo starts robbing drug dealers which gets them into trouble. Brian gets shot badly and then they're arrested.It's another movie about the low life in South Boston. It has a couple of great actors doing good jobs. It has the sense of the place. However there are better movies of its kind elsewhere. Its main failing is the comparison. Nevertheless Ruffalo does an outstanding performance.
Tss5078 This was a pretty intense movie, but it felt as though as I watching it in fast forward. What Doesn't Kill You is the story of two brothers, who grow up in poverty and whom turned to organized crime to survive. For fifteen years, they did what they were told, but with the boss on his way to prison, they decide to go off on their own. Admittedly, it's a tremendous story that follows the paths of these brothers over the course of the next few years, the problem was that in this movie, years translate into about 10 minute intervals. Instead of giving us a complete and accurate portrayal, the director decided to cut the story into small fragments, usually no longer than a minute or two. Something is said, something happens, and then were on to another something, when? where? who knows!? The movie moved so fast and was so choppy, that it left my head spinning. Despite the confusion, it was pretty entertaining and Mark Ruffalo gives an unbelievable performance. Here's another example of a guy I've seen around, never thought much of, who randomly shows up in a B-movie and just makes the whole film worth watching. If you're able to keep up, and this movie doesn't confuse you into an absolute stupor, it's not bad. The story is solid, the cast is good, and it has it's moments, but again only if you can get passed the ridiculous pace the director has decided to set for us.
napierslogs Of the many ways to finish the sentence that begins with "What Doesn't Kill You", this film proves that none of them are particularly interesting. What one may conclude, is that, if it doesn't kill you, it is likely to be long, slow, painful, and dreary; like death, but without a resolution.Granted I can't claim that it doesn't have a resolution because I didn't suffer through to the end. Brian (Mark Ruffalo) and Paulie (Ethan Hawke) are life-long friends, and it took the film 20 minutes to establish that. They live a life full of crime, and especially for Brian, a life full of drugs too. That's the entire story. Life sucks and it gets even worse if you mess around with drugs.The film did set-up an atmosphere, but contrary to popular belief, not an accurate one. Apparently it's always winter in Boston, no matter what time of year it is. It's always dark and gloomy, no matter what time of day it is. I've been to Boston, probably not the neighbourhoods that Brian and Paulie lived in, but I did see the Sun, and not only snow but rain and flowers, and trees and grass too! "What Doesn't Kill You" isn't entirely bad. Ruffalo, Hawke and Amanda Peet are good actors, it had decent dialogue and I'm assuming the writer and director had a plan for these characters. But they couldn't present me with a world that I cared about and there needs to be something more than "Life sucks" especially if it doesn't kill you.
Krag why does IMDb require 10 lines, are they insane or just control freaks?All I have to say about this movie is WATCH IT. You will not be disappointed. It is a great film about a "class" or "group" of people, could be just about any group, Irish, Mexican, Italian, Puerto Rican, Iranian, Polish, Cuban... who live in a small community and have limited opportunities because of education and upbringing... not that everyone in such a situation will end up like these guys but this story is being played out day after day in each of America's ethnic communities. Bravo to the actors and director.MORE LINES ARE NEEDED SO....this story is being played out day after day in each of America's ethnic communities. Bravo to the actors and director.
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