Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary
Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary
| 03 March 2005 (USA)
Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary Trailers

Filmmaker Arturo Perez Torres follows in the footsteps of two friends traveling on an extraordinary and extremely dangerous journey from Central America to North America. On their journey they encounter gangs and vigilantes as well as border patrol. But these immigrants navigate real-life nightmares with uncanny calm, grace and even humor in their perilous pursuit of the a better life.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Micitype Pretty Good
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
zenbrush What a revealing documentary about the journey of 'undocumented' migrant workers through Central America and Mexico in hopes of reaching Canada or the United States to 'live the American Dream.' No one ever said the dream belonged solely to United States' Americans. A good look at the dangers and difficulties that these people face-just trying to feed their families. This film highlights the catholic safe houses throughout Central America, Mexico, the United States, and Canada, and their rise in popularity since the inception of the WTO. This film reveals the dangers migrants face long before they get to the vigilante minutemen who patrol the border along with US and Mexican Border Patrols. From catching 'death trains' to Mexican gangs which rob and murder migrants on their way to the US and Canada from central American countries, the filmmakers take the viewer on a ride with brave people simply seeking a better life. An excellent companion documentary for this film is "Crossing Arizona."
lastliberal Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary is an excellent film by Arturo Pereze Torres and Heather Haynes. It shows the issue of immigration into the US from the side of the undocumented worker. We all know the side of the vigilantes. All we have to do is watch anyone on Fox to get that side. But, what do we really know about the other side. The Smoking Gun's expose of A Million Little Pieces showed us that what we think is true often isn't. Wetback shows us the poverty that drives workers across our borders. Poverty that causes them to literally risk life and limb to get something for their family. It also shows the gains to the US and other American countries from the undocumented workers in this country.But, it is really all about survival. Survival is what drives them to travel thousands of miles, facing Mexican police and gangs that rob and rape them, and the Border Patrol and the vigilantes in the US. Survival - something many of us have never faced and, hopefully, will not face.It is helpful to know the other side of the coin. I think it makes us a better person.
halewood2 I was alarmed by Downey's comments. Part of the reason immigrants are coming to America is as a fallout to the policies of past US administrations. When Reagan invaded El Salvador and Honduras in the '80s, thousands were killed and displaced. They were trained by both the US armed forces and CIA to fight against their own people (taken from schools by force by the time they reached 12)and also offered green cards to become fighting machines against the Sandanistas. (This is happening now, with the US trying to recruit Mara Salvatruchas to fight in Iraq). Thanks to the rape of those two countries by the US, there is very little left to stay for. The beauty of these undocumented workers is that they come to the US to do just that: Work, hard. And - unlike Downey suggests - with no medical insurance. Not only do they prop up the US economy, they also pour millions into their own economies - something that the US should be doing to make up for the past. I really enjoyed this documentary. I hope it will remind all of those lucky enough not to be born in the barrio/ghetto/shanty-town, that unless we do something about it there will always be people willing to risk life and limb, just to be able to eat.
vincent-27 Very illuminating documentary on the truth behind immigrants smuggling themselves into the United States. Dispels a lot of the myths perpetuated by right wing racists who disguise their thinly veiled hatred of foreigners behind patriotism and vigilantism.Several people are followed from Honduras, Guatemala, Ecuador and the other central American countries as they make the extremely dangerous trek to what they somewhat naively perceive as the "American Dream". These people brave limb amputating trains, dangerous rivers, racist and sadistic police to try and make it to the promised land. These people are incredibly brave. Every commonly believed truth is turned on its head, that these people are "thieves and rapists" and that they are a burden to the American economy, collecting benefits (and even voting, according to one redneck) and contributing nothing. The truth is the exact opposite, these people are merely trying to better their lives for themselves and their families in countries that are kept in abject poverty mostly due to American economic policies. We see it from both perspectives, the immigrants and the vigilantes and law enforcement trying to keep them out. It is revealed later in the film that the truth is that the immigrants work hard once they get in the united states, doing work that many Americans would not want to do, paying into social security (billions) and never collecting. They pay taxes on everything and receive little benefit from it. Another fascinating fact is that many central American countries have a 20% to 40% of their GNP come from money sent back from immigrant workers.And finally, we see that "murderers and rapists" indeed do get in the country, yet these are psycho gangs given green cards by the U.S. in exchange for fighting the sandanistas! It's so fascinating that almost without fail, whatever the common perception about U.S. foreign policy (defenders of democracy, freedom) is almost invariably the exact opposite in reality.Check out this documentary is you are curious about the truth.