Wet Gold
Wet Gold
| 28 October 1984 (USA)
Wet Gold Trailers

Wet Gold is the story of a young woman (Laura), who works as a waitress in a cafe. Laura stumbles across a drunk elderly man (Sampson), who fills her with exciting stories of a boat that went down with millions in gold. Although Laura's boyfriend (Barnes), keeps telling her that Sampson's stories are all false, Sampson makes her believe that they are indeed true. Laura takes Sampson to a library, where she finds an old newspaper article which matches up with the events described to her by him. After becoming a true believer, Laura convinces Barnes, Sampson and a dive shop owner, Keating, to search for the treasure. Together they set off from Key West in the Baker's boat, which Barnes is supposed to be looking after. Keating shows a liking for Laura, and because of this, Barnes begins to feel uncomfortable towards him. After spending some time in the water, their dreams become reality, but the discovery of gold begins to show a change in their personalities...

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Matthew_Capitano Shrimp salad about a search for sunken treasure.Beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, hot - and wet - Brooke Shields quits her job as a waitress/good luck charm to hook up with perennial drunk Burgess Meredith so they can dive for gold bullion. Brooke's idiot boyfriend Tom Byrd will go, too. He'll bring his chest hair along. Diver Brian Kerwin packs his rags-for-clothes so he can join the fiasco-in-the-making. Not much acting quality in this beached tale of greed and deceit, just one of thousands of 'TV-movies' Hollywood cranked out in the 80's, though this one features foxy Brooke in a bikini.A film for me to watch when I want to feed my 30+ year love affair with Brooke.
reformationstiamw This limp,damp remake of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre could be left to its undead existence on weekday afternoon television schedules but for two factors.First(and least important)Burgess Meredith shows what an underused and underrated actor he was, even in the hackneyed role he has here(alcoholic old seadog who ultimately has better survival instincts than the younger beautiful landlubbers).Secondly The gorgeousness that is Ms.BROOKE SHIELDS! one of the most beautiful women ever to walk the planet and don't the filmmakers know it.She is in virtually every scene in ravishing closeup most of the time and her basic attire consists of daisyduke shorts,figure-hugging scuba diving gear and and a wonderful variety of tight-fitting swimwear. The hilarious thing is that she is supposed to be an impoverished waitress,but she has more beachwear than a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. This film could,therefore, be a major historical document as it will show future generations why she was such a major figure in 70's/80's popular culture though only if you play it with the sound turned down.
mischam76 for fans of Brooke Shields,you will love this film.it was a time in her career when she was just more famous for being the worlds greatest beauty as apposed to her actual movie achievements.she looks utterly gorgeous throughout the whole film spending it all in bikinis and scuba gear.i feel shes does a fair enough acting job with a dismal script.her performance toward the end when she has a violent struggle with her boyfriend,lends her credit.the movie itself is entertaining enough for a t.v film and portrays an accurate account of how greed can ultimately turn you into a different,less desirable person.the suspense of the film served its purpose but burgess Meredith did not as i feel his part,having had a lot more acting experience than the fellow cast,was acted terribly.definitely worth a look though,if only for the purpose of watching a tanned and wet Brooke..
stevelen This film is a bad acting fest especially Brooke Sheilds,her handsome dark haired boyfriend and the old coastguard who appears briefly at the end of the film. He was so lousy I can only assume he was the director's dad!!. But it was entertaining in it's own sweet way.Worth a look.